Thanks guys

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
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There were a couple of you who emailed me off the forum, so, to kill a few birds (so to speak)...

I went into Leahy Clinic yesterday for a Cardiac Catherization and they wound up putting another stent in (I already have three). There was a partial block and they found another smaller one that isn't big enough for a stent - I have to take some meds for that one so we'll see what happens.

I'm still "under the influence" and feeling a bit tipsey, so pardon any typos. Happy drugs are a wonderful thing. :D

later (and thanks again for checking on me)
I had no idea! I had been wondering why you haven't been around. Anyway, glad to hear you're doing okay from something Ididn't know you had.

Always the last to know. :?
Good grief! I had no idea!

Sorry to hear about the problems. Hope you'll be on the mend soon.

I almost called you yesterday as I drove by Borderland State Park and saw a sign for an encampment and re-enactment this Sat & Sun at 1PM. I was wondering if you had planned on attending . . . it was the first I knew of it, as I drove to a client's office. [If my earphone jack in the cell phone worked, I would have called but it doesn't and I can't stand driving and holding the damn phone to my ear. Sprint will be replacing the phone sometime next week.]

I'm off to Tyngsboro Friday thru Sunday for the Randy Cain defensive handgun course, so I'll be very scarce around here or anywhere else for the next 3 days.

Get better soon!
Thanks everyone. It's nice to be loved. [lol]

Yes Len - there's a reenactment at Borderlands this weekend. Trooper Ed and I will be there, although I'm relegated to the camp this weekend...I can't take the field with my men (which will be difficult for me), but I'll be a good trooper and tend the fire. :D
Lynne, please do NOT overdo it? Take it easy and let your body heal.

Very sorry that I won't be around either day, would have loved to see you and Ed.
masochusetts said:
Good luck and best wishes for speedy recovery. Don't read the Boston Globe or watch CBS News until you're sure you are on the mend.

[lol] [lol] That could prove dangerous to my health. :D

I promise I won't over do - I don't have enough energy to do much except to sit and be waited on. Ya know...there ARE some advantages to this. :D Besides, my unit won't let me do anything - my Captain has already given me my orders and I don't want to do anything to lose my stripes. :D

My wife was in FL on business and picked up something for a friend of ours who's getting a new Chevy Avalanche - when I saw it I thought you might like to see it...


I'm sure you are! But Nettie - a friend of ours with the most unbelievable luck! - isn't. This is a girl who can walk into a GM dealer, hit the little OnStar button and win a new Avalanche in their give-away!

Anyway, we don't want her to get a swelled head, which is why we got that. We figure that she can't possibly NOT put it on her new truck, because it's Disney. And she's crazy about all things Disney.
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