The Chosin Reservoir Nov. 26 - Dec. 13, 1950 . . . Rememberance

Oct 2, 2015
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To the all but forgotten veterans , ( U.S. Marines Corps/ Army/ British Marines and ROK personnel and any Services I have missed) my humble Thanks and Enduring Respect for the grit , bravery and tenacious Will they showed in the face of overpowering odds . . . Thank You from the bottom of my Heart . . . Semper Fi
Thanks. Notice my avatar. December 2nd 1950...Also. go to my link for the Korean War project if you know anyone lost in that war and search their name to add to their page. It is sad that a lot of guys are just plumb forgotten with no remembrance entries. No photos, nothing. Some times I search names and add something to their blank page. My brother still has a bunch of nieces and nephews that contribute to his page...As well as myself....
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My uncle got overrun there but didn't get captured ( or killed). Never heard any details because he absolutely refused to talk about his experiences at the Chosin.
Every time I think about Chosin, I think of two things. 1.) fighting in the extreme cold sucks. 2.) how the USMC shit all over an Army RCT which fought itself to the death supporting them.
If you haven't watched Chosin, you are missing out. Best documentary I've ever seen. Its a handful of veterans telling their story of what happened. I tear up everytime I watch it
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