The Coming War With China Part 3

That’d work great… if EVERYONE was posting after your Part 3. They’re not. And the “order” you posted in doesn’t matter: once people reply, the order of the threads gets screwed up. Which doesn’t happen if you‘d made three POSTS within the same THREAD. As it is, nobody is really discussing your article. We’re all discussing how stupidly you posted it.
Do you talk your students this way?
No offense, but you’re being very stubborn about this and nobody can figure out why
AGAIN! I DID! You guys spend more time bitching about my lack of etiquette(say you) than you do discussing one of the most important issues/threats of our time. I tried to help educate the readers here about the immediate threat to their lives/livelihoods from the CCP but certain members would rather bust my balls. So be it. New Flash, China launched missiles OVER Taiwan and into Japanese territorial waters and just Halted High-Level Military Dialogue with the US Military. Have any of you fellow members read the articles alerting us to the CCP's buying up Millions of acres of American farmland, much of it near sensitive Military bases? How about all the real estate they're buying? How about all the University Professors who are on their payroll? Trumps DOJ went after them but Beijing Joe stopped the investigation out of fear of insulting China. HMMM! Do you think they're seeing the light and becoming capitalists? NOT!
Moderators, Please align all 3 chapters in order to stop the angst from my fellow NES members. See that was easy instead of floods of negative replies👍
1. You can summarize using your own words and can post key quotes.

2. You can post in the OP, then immediately reply to your own thread and continue it that way.

It is the internet, if you need more than 10K, no one will read whatever you posted. I didnt make it past the first 20 words.

You split it into three THREADS.

As everyone else is trying to tell you, if you’re going to be active, learn how. Right now, you’re just like a politician who doesn’t know (or care) about the difference between semiauto and full auto.

A thread and a post are two different things, like a semiauto and a full auto.
Lol. Yes. Yes, he did.
1 thread in 3 parts, get it? You mean girls are worse than the DUPE Fairies who expect you to search back 10 pages to make sure someone didn't POST a SIMILAR THREAD 6 months ago and then gang up on you and scold you like a 2nd grader. If my POSTING a THREAD in 3 parts upsets the Forum so much I suggest the Mods create a button/tab to click on to allow a POSTER to POST a THREAD longer then 10,000 words for the reading pleasure of the members of this forum. See, I'm a problem solver, not a bitcher and moaner. As I stated I wasn't aware I could reply to myself 3 times to put the whole article in one post/thread but I don't see the big deal. All 3 parts are on the same page so scrolling down or up to get all 3 parts seems pretty easy to me. It sure as hell would have been easier then all you members whining and bitching to me about my lack of forum etiquette and refusing to discuss the facts of the article.

"Did you start 3 threads."

Yes I did, sue me. [rockon]
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Is it a 10K word limit per thread? Why couldn't OP just posted in ONE thread and split it up into three posts to start out the thread?
Is it a 10K word limit per thread? Why couldn't OP just posted in ONE thread and split it up into three posts to start out the thread?

You're about the 14th member who's asked that same question. OP still doesn't seem to understand the concept.
See, I'm a problem solver, not a bitcher and moaner.
Look, I don't mean to keep piling on, but you don't get it.

You caused a problem. @PappyM3 solved it by consolidating your article, thus showing you how it ought to be done. Now, people are over there, commenting about China instead of about you. Like it's supposed to work.

I can never understand people who are proud when they don't know how to do something, especially when they double down so that they can feel even prouder when they refuse to learn. Or even acknowledge that they might have been wrong.

We really are trying to help you get more out of this forum, and contribute better.
Look, I don't mean to keep piling on, but you don't get it.

You caused a problem. @PappyM3 solved it by consolidating your article, thus showing you how it ought to be done. Now, people are over there, commenting about China instead of about you. Like it's supposed to work.

I can never understand people who are proud when they don't know how to do something, especially when they double down so that they can feel even prouder when they refuse to learn. Or even acknowledge that they might have been wrong.

We really are trying to help you get more out of this forum, and contribute better.
Ignorant and dumb, fine line it is.
here is part 4, of course its in a new thread....

so look at it this way, when we take a header with china and they activate the draft, just don't go. When they come to your house for you, say no again. They'll just cry and stomp their feet, "but, but, but... you have to'. Still no. Instead of arresting you they'll have to take a mental-health day and go to counseling and do water colors in safe spaces because feelings were hurt.
China's Mysterious Stealthy Warship Has Headed Out To Sea
A new stealthy Chinese corvette or light frigate has ostensibly made its maiden voyage. The ship's design has some broad similarities to Sweden's radar-evading Visby class corvettes, including a main gun that sits concealed inside low observable cupola when not in use, but is larger by all indications. How fast work on this vessel seems to be progressing also speaks to the scale and scope of China's shipbuilding capacity, something that presents huge challenges for even the country's most well-equipped competitors, principally the United States. Just two weeks ago, China's first indigenously-designed carrier, which features catapults and other major enhancements, also set out on its inaugural sea trials....

The only problem we have with China is that they have more amphibious vehicles that we have missiles and they have more troops than bullets we have. Think the rich cousin of Russia… we will run out of stuff before they run out of stuff…. For all I care the Chinese will build a natural bridge made of the sunk ships… like atolls form…

It will be ugly but China will prevail. I hope it doesn’t get to that but if it does…

Oh, and as much as I don’t like communism and socialism a quick read shows that Taiwan does belong technically to China…

Let the flames begin… :(

Oh, and as much as I don’t like communism and socialism a quick read shows that Taiwan does belong technically to China…


If Taiwan belongs to China, then South Sudan still belongs to Sudan.
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