The Common Decency of the American Soldier


NES Member
Jun 27, 2008
Boston Hahbah
Feedback: 14 / 1 / 0
It seems like every unit in the military today says they are "Elite." Elite: "a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities."

But the average soldier is just that: average. And in a day and age when so many think the country is going to hell in a handbasket, it's reassuring to know that these soldiers are clear about the democratic ideals we value. And one of those values is tolerance. In a way, it's surprising anyone thinks this soldier's response is anything but ordinary.

Some interesting comments prior but skip ahead to 4:40 if you just want to see what happens with him. Note that the "Muslim" clerk and the bigot are both actors.

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Commendable for sure. I'm not convinced, though, that our military folks are any more or less prejudicial than the rest of mainstream America.
What's too bad is that the enemy our soldiers are forced to fight are the scum of the earth, devoid of any humanity at all.
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