The Gun Parlor helping the antis..

This is simply appalling. You would think that shops would know better after previous news bits that you do not allow News crews in the shop.

Bunch of rats over there.
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How is it legal? Does it mean any FFL can sell all customer/transaction data? It's really disturbing.

Healey has people in EOPPS every day going through MIRCS records in real time. I've spoken to dealers who have received a phone call from the AG's office about a transaction within minutes (as in under 5) of a transaction being made and they are asking questions. It's 100% intimidation tactics from the gestapo in her office.
I watched the video, read this entire thread, and I honestly can't tell what the worst part is here.

Probably not the literal fake news about "illegal online ammo purchases," I've grown to expect the AG to make up "alternative interpretations" of the law, bully out of state manufacturers and stores, and the media to over dramatize it. Chainsaw AR attachment anyone?

Probably not the fact that my Prime Ammo membership is now worthless, after only two months. I felt I was taking a risk, knew what I was getting in to, knew that someone eventually wouldn't follow the first rule of online ammo shipping. The idea that we have to keep a secret about something that isn't ****ing illegal to begin with is shit, but we all followed the unwritten rule until now.

I think the worst part is probably the fact that it was a person who was on our side, a store that stood against AG tyranny through their very existence, was the one that betrayed our trust. Whether they ratted on Target Sports or not, they were complicit. Whether they were naive or malicious when the media came, they were complicit. And I don't doubt that their complicity will have more consequences in the days to come.

Such bullshit.
What Justin said in the story was fine, giving them the venue was the problem.

Clearly these FFL’s have learned nothing from previous incidents with the press experienced by MFS and others.

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Wasn't the gun parlor public enemy #1 with their annoying constant flood posts of the inventory here for a while? I won't miss them.

Screenshot-2017-11-10 The Gun Parlor - Home.png
Review page for The Gun Parlor on Facebook was removed. Range one is still up for now. Hope these guys go out of business.
Have been following this thread...I have never been. Has anyone called them to complain? Just curious...I know there have been reviews, etc., posted. Wondering what they might be saying.
Gun dealers do this intentionally to force you to buy from them but snuffing out online options. They don't like to compete.

I find with many of the local shops they have a sense of entitlement, it's like they are the hall monitors and we are the kids just trying to take a piss.

We on the cape are fortunate to have 3 very receptive and polite gun shops, can't say the same for any shop I've been to over the iron mountains unless you go to NH...
Healey has people in EOPPS every day going through MIRCS records in real time. I've spoken to dealers who have received a phone call from the AG's office about a transaction within minutes (as in under 5) of a transaction being made and they are asking questions. It's 100% intimidation tactics from the gestapo in her office.

This is 100% true. I've had the same conversations. They're going through dealer transactions with a fine-toothed comb.
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Healey has people in EOPPS every day going through MIRCS records in real time. I've spoken to dealers who have received a phone call from the AG's office about a transaction within minutes (as in under 5) of a transaction being made and they are asking questions. It's 100% intimidation tactics from the gestapo in her office.

Nice to see our ever increasing tax dollars at work. I wish her office and LE in general pursued the gang bangers in Murderpan and Roxbury with this level of vigor
They also added a ship to FFL page which is required for Mass residents to place an order. That is a no go for me since after the 7/20/16 mandate I decided to stop supporting gun dealers in Mass when it comes to everything other than registered items.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
IMHO a blanket boycott is a bit harsh.
There's places like Northeast Arms that closed shop so they could go to the statehouse rally.
There's the FLLs that joined the lawsuit.
I think rather than a blanket boycott, we could support those shops, since I think they support us, too.

But for those collaborators and/or traitors, it is a different story. Loyalty works both ways.
Nice to see our ever increasing tax dollars at work. I wish her office and LE in general pursued the gang bangers in Murderpan and Roxbury with this level of vigor

But going after gangbangers shooting each other with illegally possessed guns requires actual hard, old fashioned work. May even have to go into the field to investigate!

It's much easier to sit in a comfortable office, looking at a computer screen with FA-10 records of legal transfers, trying to find a way to harass legal gun owners that follow the law.
Don't know why people even went to TGP before with their high prices. I actually was somewhat annoyed by their occasional string of threads in the classifieds for overpriced products.

I didn't go either until the AG story a year ago. I made a trip down to support them and told them so. Felt good. Glad to be repaid so nicely with that 4473 going off to the AGs office and now his. Won't be going back again.

Since 4473s contain SSNs and other PII, how are they providing to the AG's office? Where is the AG keeping this information secure?
Blanket boycott? lol

Why don't you "patriots" pony up a couple of dollars to donate to fight against the real issue, the AG. Its hilarity in here watching everyone eat their own.

Everyone carrying on in this thread how this shop ****ed their rights etc is the same douchebag at the gun rally with the musket on their back. what exactly do you think that is doing other than make gun owners look like a bunch of halfwits that the liberals happily trample over in any sort of argument and continue to take away our rights.

In my eyes TGP was simply trying to inform the media of the laws that are already on the books as to prevent drafts of other draconian bs. shame on them for trying to convey a professional appearance for you all.

Carry on neckbeards!!
Why? This is proves that Ch5 hit piece was wrong. TS has always checked for IDs..

You don't get it! AG does NOT want anything gun-related shipped into MA, not to legal gun owners and really not even to FFLs. You're giving them ammo to continue and a Cease & Desist Order whereby TS will be forced to agree never to ship anything to MA. Check out Sportsman's Guide if you doubt me . . . people have tried to order empty gun cases from them and been denied and that was ~10 yrs ago.

I didn't go either until the AG story a year ago. I made a trip down to support them and told them so. Felt good. Glad to be repaid so nicely with that 4473 going off to the AGs office and now his. Won't be going back again.

Since 4473s contain SSNs and other PII, how are they providing to the AG's office? Where is the AG keeping this information secure?

Gov't has no mandate to secure our personal info. They make laws for everyone else to follow and exempt themselves. I once met with some attorneys at the RMV and employees were yelling SSNs across the room while I was there (usually wrt HP applications, etc.).
IMHO a blanket boycott is a bit harsh.
There's places like Northeast Arms that closed shop so they could go to the statehouse rally.
There's the FLLs that joined the lawsuit.
I think rather than a blanket boycott, we could support those shops, since I think they support us, too.

But for those collaborators and/or traitors, it is a different story. Loyalty works both ways.

The 7/20 Mandate was a chance for many FFLs to group together and become a united front against Maura and defy her "interpretation" but the majority of FFLs in this state bent over for her because they knew it would affect their bottom line if they didn't. Plus - without online competition - marking up their ammo/gear prices 20% to 40% because they are the only game in town, along with not carrying niche cartridges is another major reason why I don't frequent FFLs in Massachusetts.
Blanket boycott? lol

Why don't you "patriots" pony up a couple of dollars to donate to fight against the real issue, the AG. Its hilarity in here watching everyone eat their own.

Everyone carrying on in this thread how this shop ****ed their rights etc is the same douchebag at the gun rally with the musket on their back. what exactly do you think that is doing other than make gun owners look like a bunch of halfwits that the liberals happily trample over in any sort of argument and continue to take away our rights.

In my eyes TGP was simply trying to inform the media of the laws that are already on the books as to prevent drafts of other draconian bs. shame on them for trying to convey a professional appearance for you all.

Carry on neckbeards!!

Actions speak louder than myopic whines. I don't have thousands to give but I do donate to organisations which fight for these issues, so not sure what your point was.

The shop screwed up by abetting a news hit piece on online ammo shipments. They didn't educate anyone, and they haven't prevented draconian BS.

If you know better and know how their actions will bring any good please educate me.
Why don't you "patriots" pony up a couple of dollars to donate to fight against the real issue, the AG. Its hilarity in here watching everyone eat their own.


At this point everyone should be supporting whoever is running against Healey and means donating $$$ and time.
Blanket boycott? lol

Why don't you "patriots" pony up a couple of dollars to donate to fight against the real issue, the AG. Its hilarity in here watching everyone eat their own.

Everyone carrying on in this thread how this shop ****ed their rights etc is the same douchebag at the gun rally with the musket on their back. what exactly do you think that is doing other than make gun owners look like a bunch of halfwits that the liberals happily trample over in any sort of argument and continue to take away our rights.

In my eyes TGP was simply trying to inform the media of the laws that are already on the books as to prevent drafts of other draconian bs. shame on them for trying to convey a professional appearance for you all.

Carry on neckbeards!!

Looks like someone missed keys bit of information in this thread which would point to TGP being fully vested in backstabbing its fellow 2A supporters because they were losing $ to an online competitor.
Having never ordered from this particular place, is there a possibility that they already had the buyer's info on file, which is why they did not ask?

Suppose this is the case, would anyone put it past WCVB to conveniently leave this bit of information out of their story since it would not cause the hysteria they want?
I find with many of the local shops they have a sense of entitlement, it's like they are the hall monitors and we are the kids just trying to take a piss.

We on the cape are fortunate to have 3 very receptive and polite gun shops, can't say the same for any shop I've been to over the iron mountains unless you go to NH...

They get this sense of entitlement because they understand the typical MA gun shop customer base. Most of the buyers are rubber lipper/nipplehead types that won't even know about what happened. Most people are not as informed- or even care to be informed. I bet I can call 2 random gun owners I know this morning that aren't on NES, and neither one of them will know about this, nor will they have seen the thing on the news...

Even if they know that GP send their doxx down the river to the AGs office, the response will be "What does it matter I have nothing to hide." etc.

The best part about all this is that it is perfectly legal to purchase ammo on line in MA. Providing you have an LTC or FID. It is the Communist AG that abuses people with threats and intimidation trying to stop it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
The best part about all this is that it is perfectly legal to purchase ammo on line in MA. Providing you have an LTC or FID. It is the Communist AG that abuses people with threats and intimidation trying to stop it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

To add on to that, since it is an interstate transaction regarding ammo, only federal law matters. The purchaser is exclusively on the hook for any state legalities he/she might be violating. The out of state seller has no liability in the transaction.
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