They can't be that stupid, so what's the plan?

I generally subscribe to the school that believes:


But, the shit show that's our current life has me seriously wondering.

Fcking Merrick Garland said the other day that five Capitol Police Officers were killed in the January 6th "violent insurrection".
Chucky Schumer went on the floor of the Senate stating that Tucker Carlson's airing of unedited video is a threat to our democracy and asking Fox to cancel Carlson.
We've known for several years that Covid 19 came out of that lab;
we've known that masks are ineffective;
we went from being told that the vaccine would keep us from being infected
to being told that it would keep us from transmitting
to being told that it would mitigate the effects of the virus.

I've got a buddy up north, probably one of my best friends, and I've laughed at him over the years, told him to put his tinfoil hat on, told him to calm down as he ranted -
beginning to look at him more like:

I'm not copy/pastaing that link soooooo

There is a difference between

“There’s a train on the tracks!!! We’re gonna die!!!!!!”


“Um. Hey guys. I think that’s a stopped train ahead. Think we should slow this one down and check it out?”
Yuri was right.
bezmenov, you mean? sure, of course. but, if you think it all comes from ussr only - where from did it get INTO russia first, you think?
this vermin is now quite world wide, with their prayer for universal equality and redistribution of wealth disregarding of your factual contribution to the society.
for the hungry young folk it is a holy mana from heaven - an idea for somebody to be providing them with all the 'necessities of life' without demanding anything back.

stupid f***s are just too dumb and illiterate to understand that the idea is only to TAKE from those who have it now, but never to GIVE it to no one after that. well.
what can you do, socialists do know very well how to sell their crack to masses.
There is a difference between

“There’s a train on the tracks!!! We’re gonna die!!!!!!”


“Um. Hey guys. I think that’s a stopped train ahead. Think we should slow this one down and check it out?”
If there’s any train in this .gov it’s upside down, leaking chemicals and they’re setting it on fire.
That or it’s being run on us all.
We’re in this mess for a lot of nefarious reasons and greed, power, and laziness are but only three.
It’s been a good run.
From the late, great John Taylor Gatto --
The Underground History of American Education
ISBN: 0945700040 / ISBN13: 9780945700043

"One of the finest academic studies of the origins of our time and its economic antecedents is Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation. Published in 1944, it has been kept in print ever since.
Polanyi’s explosive conclusion states unflinchingly that we must now become "resigned to the reality of the end of our liberty." How did he figure this out in 1944? By extrapolation from the track of modern history which he regarded as unidirectional and which teaches us that the end of liberty is "a necessary evil." At the end of his book, Polanyi offers a perfect public relations solution to the anguish of losing freedom. By cleverly redefining the word to mean "a collective thing," the loss of liberty will not hurt so much, he says. This kind of therapeutic Newspeak has been a dominant element in national life for most of the twentieth century ... "
Doesn't seem like news. I mean, someone in the club finally admitted it, so that is news, but it's always made sense to me. China is a country that believes the ends justify the means while simultaneously not caring about justification. The truth is whatever the CCP says it is.

The idea that a country that doesn't shy away from killing its own people, directly or indirectly, would create a virus that is heavily skewed towards lethality in the elderly, while suffering from an aging population the younger generations cannot support alongside declining birth rates is not only is "not a stretch", it's the logical course of action given their track record.
Doesn't seem like news. I mean, someone in the club finally admitted it, so that is news, but it's always made sense to me. China is a country that believes the ends justify the means while simultaneously not caring about justification. The truth is whatever the CCP says it is.

The idea that a country that doesn't shy away from killing its own people, directly or indirectly, would create a virus that is heavily skewed towards lethality in the elderly, while suffering from an aging population the younger generations cannot support alongside declining birth rates is not only is "not a stretch", it's the logical course of action given their track record.
So just like the US.
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