I've been wanting to get a rifle in .308, and have been looking at M14 SOCOM, but the price is much more than I really want to pay for a rifle I won't really use unless the SHTF.
I have been waiting for the ACR to be released, but it looks like it won't have .308 as an option, so I guess that is out too.
Anyway, I just noticed the .308 ORC http://www.bushmaster.com/catalog-308ORC-Rifle-BD200200.asp and think it might be what I am looking for. Does anyone have one? What are the thoughts? .308 Win is the round I want, but is this the rifle to have?
I have been waiting for the ACR to be released, but it looks like it won't have .308 as an option, so I guess that is out too.
Anyway, I just noticed the .308 ORC http://www.bushmaster.com/catalog-308ORC-Rifle-BD200200.asp and think it might be what I am looking for. Does anyone have one? What are the thoughts? .308 Win is the round I want, but is this the rifle to have?