Time for some changes at Ames

They did, but a lot of money has been put into the ranges over the past few years. I know that the indoor range upkeep has been approved, but I don't know what you wanted to be done.

You can PM me if you want to discuss that further since it's not part of this thread.

What money? On Plywood? The indoor range still has heating problems the past VP "Bob" was working on before the BOD tried to screw the contractor and it came close to going to court! Hence the VP was forced out, but I'm sure you already knew about that.
Wow. I thought about 6-7 years ago they had a big pile of $ in the bank. I left when they would not spend some of it to properly fix the indoor range.

Those CD's and " Rainy Day" money have dissappeared. Wonder where it went? The members need an Audit to explain this, this is Criminal!
I would recommend someone needs to try to find an honest guy on the BOD to find out what the club has for bank accounts now. Then the membership should demand to see a current statement for each one of those accounts. Without that, you don't know how deep the hole is. The club will likely have to hire an accountant to determine a rough guess of what should be there for cash and therefore how much, if any, is missing. The accountant can sort of do a rough guess for relatively cheaply or you can go the forensic accounting route which is very expensive but is something you could proceed with legal action should it come to that. I have seen a misappropriation of funds before at a club that I belong to, and I would have to imagine it actually happens at alot of clubs. I am the Treasurer at that club now and amazed at how much cash passes through us. We have very detailed reporting now and an accountant for the club too. It is not cheap but everyone knows where the money is and how much is taken in and how much is spent, to the penny. Good luck guys, you have a long road ahead.
It is too late for this club! Ira and Tim have embezzeled all the money and refuse an audit of the books. Simple math shows the money has been misappropriated for years. The members should have acted when this was brought to light a few years ago. Tax returns for non profits are public information and available on line. For instance insurance went from 27k to 8k in 1 year! Tim has been PAID for his "Legal" services for years! 12k to 18k a year in improvements and the members were assesed for the gate project?!! How about 8k for food, those are some expensive frozen meatballs and dy old bread!
This reminds me a lot of the Goal/Yacino situation..... Everything is hidden and there is no accounting of where the money has gone.....[thinking]
This reminds me a lot of the Goal/Yacino situation..... Everything is hidden and there is no accounting of where the money has gone.....[thinking]

It's far, far worse than that, at least GOAL wasn't so corrupt that the members weren't allowed to change things by voting.

This scenario here with Ames would be like if the pulse dial crew at the old GOAL said "Oh. we're not having a BOD election this year, it's postponed."

Can you please provide a link to these? Apparently my Google-Fu is weak, I searched in Mass and can only find the Annual Report which only lists officers. I can't find anything else.

It appears that the last reported IRS form 990 filed was for 2008.

You can find it here:


Further searching seem to indicate that the "non profit" status was revoked for failure to file for 3 years. (presumably 09', 10', 11')

FWIW - Not sure if the accuracy of this "on-line" information can be relied upon

There are other sites out there, some of which are fee based and may have better information.
+1 for posting a link. If their"non profit" status is indeed revoked that is teribble as your tax rates are different. So now you would owe penalties on that higher rate too.

I feel bad for the members of Ames that their leadership has let them down but it shows that you need to be involved with your club, to ask questions, and stick after it until you get an answer.
+1 for posting a link. If their"non profit" status is indeed revoked that is teribble as your tax rates are different. So now you would owe penalties on that higher rate too.

I feel bad for the members of Ames that their leadership has let them down but it shows that you need to be involved with your club, to ask questions, and stick after it until you get an answer.

The problem is if you asked to many questions they kicked you out
Can you please provide a link to these? Apparently my Google-Fu is weak, I searched in Mass and can only find the Annual Report which only lists officers. I can't find anything else.

The site he was reffering to is www.guidestar.com I found some real disturbing stuff on there and have shared this info with people through PM. I'm not a wizz on the computer.
The problem is if you asked to many questions they kicked you out

A few years ago this all was known and a lot of familiar faces dissapeared from the club. Some left, some were pressured. This was when I left I wished the membership was stronger to stand up for the club at that time. I bet a lot of people would rejoin under "New Management" I have joined my local club, but I'm saving up for Holbrook. Fencer I agree with you most of the people I knew that welcomed me as a new member were very active in the Club, that is why they left.
It appears that the last reported IRS form 990 filed was for 2008.

You can find it here:


Further searching seem to indicate that the "non profit" status was revoked for failure to file for 3 years. (presumably 09', 10', 11')

FWIW - Not sure if the accuracy of this "on-line" information can be relied upon

There are other sites out there, some of which are fee based and may have better information.

Legitimacy Information

  • This organization is registered with the IRS.
  • This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.
This organization's exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years. Further investigation and due diligence are warranted.

Hi all I am new to the NES and I am a member at Ames. Maybe I missed it in the previous post but whatever happened with the election? The news letter doesn't mention the President being up for replacement
Hi all I am new to the NES and I am a member at Ames. Maybe I missed it in the previous post but whatever happened with the election? The news letter doesn't mention the President being up for replacement

He's "postponing" it indefinitely because he knows he will get the boot if there ever was an election taking place.
Hi all I am new to the NES and I am a member at Ames. Maybe I missed it in the previous post but whatever happened with the election? The news letter doesn't mention the President being up for replacement

I'm not a member of Ames, but I had looked into it in the past when looking for a club to join in the area (Braintree and Taunton are now on my short list... just waiting to find an SR9c in stock someplace to force me to make up my mind), so I don't have a dog in this fight, but I did find the following in the September 2012 Newsletter on the Ames Rifle and Pistol Club website:

As this is our annual meeting we will be electing a Secretary and three directors at this time.Offices are held for 3 years.

Upcoming elections will be held as follows; 2013 – Treasurer and three directors, 2014 – President,
Vice-President and three directors then repeating in that order every three years. If anyone would
like to be considered for these positions please contact Ken Goldblat, chairman of the election

This is at the top of the second page of this link: http://www.amesriflepistolclub.com/site/docs/2012- 09 Newsletter.pdf

I wish the membership the best of luck with sorting all this stuff out. It's a shame that all this is going on... I hear that the facilities are quite nice, and I'm sure that the current state of affairs is having an effect on the ability to attract new membership. Good luck.

Yup I saw that I was referring to the past meeting on Sept 10th I believe and the fact that Jim had said he was running but there was no info on Ira or Jim being the President
The BOD re-wrote history in the above mentioned news letter. People have previous news letters and minutes to the contrary. This is just smoke and mirrors about elections, they NEVER happen. The BOD was apponted by the president, ask they will tell you. Ask how often or even when they have been up for election. Follow the money. Follow the money. Follow the money. That is where you will find corruption. Unless something can be done to get those 2 Crooks out of there the Club is fukt.
Hi all I am new to the NES and I am a member at Ames. Maybe I missed it in the previous post but whatever happened with the election? The news letter doesn't mention the President being up for replacement

There was no election for President scheduled. The election was for Secretary and three members of the BOD. The problem is larger than that because it's unclear, at least to me, when the current officers were elected. It's unclear if any of them, other than the President and Treasurer have served full terms.

I think there is a lot more that will come to light. What I would suggest is that you and every other member of Ames come to next Monday's meeting. There is no way that this is going to get settled at one meeting, it will take continuous pressure to get the entire story out.
There was no election for President scheduled. The election was for Secretary and three members of the BOD. The problem is larger than that because it's unclear, at least to me, when the current officers were elected. It's unclear if any of them, other than the President and Treasurer have served full terms.

I think there is a lot more that will come to light. What I would suggest is that you and every other member of Ames come to next Monday's meeting. There is no way that this is going to get settled at one meeting, it will take continuous pressure to get the entire story out.

Bring your old newsletters and long standing knowledge of Club activity to the meeting and speak up! You have to save your club and have your voice heard. The "membership" have been "mushrooms" too long. Kept in the dark and feed bullsh!t, for too long! Face the facts and save your club.

- - - Updated - - -

The election NEVER took place. Who are the New BOD members? Who ran? Who was opposed?
The election NEVER took place. Who are the New BOD members? Who ran? Who was opposed?

If you're talking about the election on Sept. 10, it absolutely took place, although it was poorly run. I don't think that they expected that it would HAVE to be held, but it was. Sadly, there was no opposition to the slate of candidates presented by the "election committee".
If you're talking about the election on Sept. 10, it absolutely took place, although it was poorly run. I don't think that they expected that it would HAVE to be held, but it was. Sadly, there was no opposition to the slate of candidates presented by the "election committee".

You were there? Where and when did it take place?

Also, do you know if they took minutes of the meeting?
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