At this point I'm leaning towards the time when a new shipment of Yugo's arrive in the States. Right now only Romanians seem to be available.
Nothing wrong with the Romanians, but I get a sense the Yugos may be in slightly better condition.
And I'd like to see an Auto-Ordnance 1911 first hand. I like the old-school look, and modern 1911 clones that depart dramatically from the WWII "look" do not appeal to me.
I think Four Seasons had them a year or so ago for $500.
Yugoslavia had a very good arms refurbishment/maintenance program. This may bother collectors since they made sure to reblue/maintain some older guns in ways that a collector may not appreciate. For shooters though, it works out quite nicely.
Romania on the other hand seems to have used holes in the ground for arsenals and for refurbishment program, who knows!
The above points come only from my experience with SKS, no idea about Tokarevs