Too absolute


NES Member
Mar 9, 2005
Litchfield, NH
Feedback: 2 / 0 / 0
Byron Williams had a predictably stupid piece over at Huffington's blog, titled "The World Must Wonder How the US can Tolerate Guns".

I never would have noticed it (not wasting my time reading the screeds that typically appear there), except that Bitter had a great comment on it:
I’m trying some statements on for size. Let’s see how they fit:
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the clergy believe the First Amendment is absolute, thus, all religions should be legal to practice.
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the media believe the First Amendment is absolute, thus, all newspapers should be legal to print.
  • Unfortunately, too many members of believe the First Amendment is absolute, thus, all peaceful protests and rallies should be legal.
  • Unfortunately, too many lawyers believe the Fourth Amendment is absolute, thus, all warrants should have probable cause.
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the ACLU believe the Fifth Amendment is absolute, thus, all persons should be granted due process of law.
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the Institute for Justice believe the Fifth Amendment is absolute, thus, all takings should be for true public use.
  • Unfortunately, too many defendents believe the Sixth Amendment is absolute, thus, all trials should be speedy and public with and impartial jury.
  • Unfortunately, too many citizens believe the Eighth Amendment is absolute, thus, all punishment should not be cruel or unusual.
Yet, I didn’t read any of those sentences. Instead, I read this one:
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the National Rifle Association believe the Second Amendment is absolute, thus, all arms should be legal.

How about
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the NAACP believe the Thirteenth Amendment is absolute, thus, all slavery should be illegal, or
  • Unfortunately, too many members of NOW believe the Nineteenth Amendment is absolute, thus, all adult women should be allowed to vote.

I, too, tend to view the Constitution in a fairly absolute way, one which some would probably call extreme. But as the first political candidate for whose campaign I worked once said, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." Or as Thomas Paine stated it somewhat more abstractly, "Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice."

How about
  • Unfortunately, too many members of the NAACP believe the Thirteenth Amendment is absolute, thus, all slavery should be illegal, or
  • Unfortunately, too many members of NOW believe the Nineteenth Amendment is absolute, thus, all adult women should be allowed to vote.

LOVE it![devil]
Did you read the comments by the supposed gun owner from the Midwest that claimed?

"I don't know of any Democrat that wants to take away the right to bear arms."


All I could think of was what a dishonest post. I know plenty of Democrats & Republicans and others that want to take them away or better yet legislate such obscure and fruitless legalities that manufacture; transportation; transfer; ownership or usage are so much of a hassle that people give it up.

Membership in 'aggressive' political or activist groups disqualifies an applicant.

I wonder what groups Byron Williams would classify "agressive". What a typical elitist putz. Japan also has a monarchy does he want that too?
Unfortunetly too many americans belive the....uhhh what amendment was it that garonteed me the right to a car and a drivers licence (no mater my citizenship status)????

But yeah, meaning all cars should be legal [smile]


-Weer'd Beard
Yes, the Man Show did it, but I found this video first, and thought a change would be nice, too.

Did the manshow do it at an all-girls school? Maybe I'm wrong but I would think that a student at an all-girls school confusing "Suffrage" with "Suffering" is like a student at Gunsite (or any of the other big-time gun schools) confusing "Semi-auto" with "Full-auto".


-Weer'd Beard
While I respect the NRA's right to defend their position, I am quite certain that the Founding Fathers never intended for the Second Amendment to mean that urban families should live in fear.

The right of docile, balding, slightly overweight armed sub-urban men who terrorize urban families shall not be infringed.
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