TOP SHOT SEASON 3 Megathread

Him and Jake are the two next people i wanna see get eliminated

Agreed. It's funny to watch the whole blue team follow Jake like little sheeple though. Practicing firearm drills that they were doing w/out at least handling something remotely close to a firearm is pointless, however it is a great way to pick up bad habits. But dude, get a life, it's not Dev Group.

Caveat:Granted you would want to get familiar with the competition, and drill (repetition) practice is a good way to do that.
Agreed. It's funny to watch the whole blue team follow Jake like little sheeple though. Practicing firearm drills that they were doing w/out at least handling something remotely close to a firearm is pointless, however it is a great way to pick up bad habits. But dude, get a life, it's not Dev Group.

Caveat:Granted you would want to get familiar with the competition, and drill (repetition) practice is a good way to do that.

I think they are scared of him, he did have an RPG in the opening credits
WTF is wrong with you people?

Do you honestly think Christian = pussy that can't shoot? If so you got another thing coming.

What do you mean "you people"?

As far as I can tell never once did anyone even hint at the correlation of religion and being proficient in firearm marksmenship. I've known some ace shooters, and their Christian religion has never been a topic for discussion. As for Dustin, he does well in competitions.

There was however an allusion to the tarnished record of the Catholic church pedophiles, that were subsequently covered up, relocated, and free to diddle again. But that is just conjecture based upon physical appearance. Personally I'm not a huge fan of religion, most of it is a crock.

So lighten up, because I'm positive you, as well as every other person has said in one point in your life, hey that person looks like a diddler.

But this thread is about Top Shot. So let's bring other discussions elsewhere.
So lighten up, because I'm positive you, as well as every other person has said in one point in your life, hey that person looks like a diddler.

But this thread is about Top Shot. So let's bring other discussions elsewhere.

Back when I used to work at the State Identification Section (AFIS) in Sudbury we prepared mugshots of sex offenders. Please tell me what a pedophile looks like? Please tell me what any criminal looks like? I'm glad that you have some kind of hidden and arcane knowledge so that you can tell. I suppose if they swish around like the late Fred Rogers, that's how you can "tell." (Rogers by all accounts a straight guy and certainly not a pedolphile [most pedos are hetero), although not a war hero as some have claimed, check that out on Snopes)[thinking].

The fact is that most people who work with youth aren't "diddlers" as you so quaintly described them. I'm less sure that on some level if you weren't really taking an underhanded jibe at religion which is sort of a no-no around here. Your comments were fine until you said: "I'm not a big fan of religion (neither am I BTW), most of it is crock."
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Back when I used to work at the State Identification Section (AFIS) in Sudbury we prepared mugshots of sex offenders. Please tell me what a pedophile looks like? Please tell me what any criminal looks like? I'm glad that you have some kind of hidden and arcane knowledge so that you can tell. I suppose if they swish around like the late Fred Rogers, that's how you can "tell." (Rogers by all accounts a straight guy and certainly not a pedolphile [most pedos are hetero), although not a war hero as some have claimed, check that out on Snopes)[thinking].

The fact is that most people who work with youth aren't "diddlers" as you so quaintly described them. I'm less sure that on some level if you weren't really taking an underhanded jibe at religion which is sort of a no-no around here. Your comments were fine until you said: "I'm not a big fan of religion (neither am I BTW), most of it is crock."

I can tell a guilty person just like that, the past three times I was called to jury duty the defense was so afraid of my ability to tell if someone was a criminal they let had me removed from the jury immediately.

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WTF is wrong with you people?

It's cool to make fun of Christian's now, until one speaks up, then it's time to get all defensive and get the thread locked.

There was however an allusion to the tarnished record of the Catholic church pedophiles, that were subsequently covered up, relocated, and free to diddle again. But that is just conjecture based upon physical appearance. Personally I'm not a huge fan of religion, most of it is a crock.

I'm a Catholic, went to church last Sunday I was in port, does that make me a "diddler"?

So let's bring other discussions elsewhere.

Won't happen, the theophobe's (thanks Boghog1) will take it down a disrespectful road and get it locked once a Christian calls them out on it.
I'm a Catholic, went to church last Sunday I was in port, does that make me a "diddler"?4

No, diddling kids makes a person a diddler.

Personally, I have no problems with Christians, it's actions that people should be accounted for. The comment was made on the assumptions from the media coverage of priests that molested kids. And unfortunate that it was only Catholic priests that got all the media coverage and were made out as all molesters.
It's sad, but every religion has diddlers.
Personally, I have no problems with Christians, it's actions that people should be accounted for. The comment was made on the assumptions from the media coverage of priests that molested kids. And unfortunate that it was only Catholic priests that got all the media coverage and were made out as all molesters.
It's sad, but every religion has diddlers.

I really think this thread is going Probably best that we all get back to the competitors on Top Shot [thumbsup]
The general population has a higher precentage of pedophiles than clergy members of any religion.

Please let this be the last word off-topic

Back on topic. I think the red-head guy is a real tool. That's based on the way he acted as he sat on the bench during the last team challenge.
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Personally, I have no problems with Christians, it's actions that people should be accounted for. The comment was made on the assumptions from the media coverage of priests that molested kids. And unfortunate that it was only Catholic priests that got all the media coverage and were made out as all molesters.
It's sad, but every religion has diddlers.

Kind of like gun crime and how the media coverage slanders gun owners, right?

I really think this thread is going Probably best that we all get back to the competitors on Top Shot [thumbsup]

Sorry. I do have a question for the guy in the know, is it a stupid for TV fight, or is there actual bad blood there?
I really think this thread is going Probably best that we all get back to the competitors on Top Shot [thumbsup]
Quite Right![grin]

Please let this be the last word off-topic

Back on topic. I think the red-head guy is a real tool. That's based on the way he acted as he sat on the bench during the last team challenge.
Quite Right![grin]
Kind of like gun crime and how the media coverage slanders gun owners, right?

Sorry. I do have a question for the guy in the know, is it a stupid for TV fight, or is there actual bad blood there?

From what I've seen there have been a couple "head to head" arguments involving Jake and some other person. He is dbag I think, the last challenge his performance was sub-par as he sat back and let other people go to the individual challenge.
Black rifles again tomorrow night, it's got that going for it.

Wonder if indeed it's blue v blue, if they'll show them both to the door? That'll be interesting.

As to the camp counselor, I grew up in CO, knew a bunch of kids with that same personality/faith, most could shoot the wings off a fly with most anything.

I think some of you East Coast guys are easily freaked out by western conservatives of faith, probably have spent too much time being around ultra liberal, sheep and chicks that don't shave their legs.
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That's what I'm saying.
Ya what the heck? I waited all week, would have been a good topper after wakefields win. On the other hand, out of principle they should vote jake out next week. My girl even pointed out he has Napoleon syndrome and tries to bully other team mates.

P.s. did that look like a G17 at the first look? I did not see a selector switch. My eyesight is nerfed anyway.
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