TOP SHOT SEASON 3 Megathread

That thing looked really fun to shoot. Interesting challenge; if you get ahead of it, it's pretty straightforward, but fall behind and you can loose a bunch of balls fast.
New IDPA stage?! That would be fuuuuuun. I'm not sure what the "scenario" would be though [smile]
wow only 70 people in the world have the triple nickle. I feel bad for the one guy that didn't make it

Triple nickle is an award issued by the Tripel Nickle society (www,, and the 70 only counts those people who have done it under the test conditions defined by the society, and who meet the requirement of being "gun carrier in law enforcement of military training".

So, in other words, the number 70 is a measure that contains no information about how rare or hard this skill is to attain.

I do find somethng oxymoronic about this statement:

On the front of the Coin is the slogan that defines what it means to carry the Triple Nickel Coin: “Performance on Demand“. Getting your Triple Nickel Coin is a great moment for all of our Coinholders, whether it takes you three attempts or three hundred.
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I don't like that ginger guy

"oooo shotgun... i sleep with this shotgun every night, i lube it up and do non-christian things with it, i LOOOVEEEE this shotgun...."

then he goes 2 for 10, and lies and says he got 5/10....

the only thing i like about him is he doesn't like the seal, who i also can't stand....
That Ginger kid is an ass clown. He should have been the first one to volunteer for elimination. He's probably a jets fan too

I gotta say the Jesus guy can really hold his own. I like him
I' ve got to admit it..Michael's gotta go DOWN! lol

I don't have a favorite, and really didn't care who won. Until now. How you are the expert, and should carry your team, and then CHOKE in the team challenge...then not man up come elimination time is beyond me. Also lie about how many you hit. He had the second worse performance of the team. He was supposed to be the best. Karma time.
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Being a champ at shooting flying clays has as much relevance to shooting slugs as being a billiards champ has to do with barfighting.
he aced the practice. So he was obviously able to transition his skills to the challenge. What went wrong?
That elimination challenge rig was pretty interesting, but the rest of the show felt kind of flat and uninteresting. Maybe it's too early in the season but I am not getting excited about it. They went a little over board on the slow motion exploding jar shots too. [laugh]
I've never touched a shotgun.....
I bet i could get at least 4 jars in 15 tries with 100 jars on shelves..... Soon as i learn how to teach golf i'm trying out for the show....

From my HTC EVO via Tapatalk
I watched this abortion of a show for the first time tonight on Netflix.

They had people shooting a Springfield '03 THAT THEY SPENT THE AFTERNOON ZEROING And they were struggling with iron sights at 50 and 100 yards with 8-inch Tannerite targets.

Guys, I'm not a very good rifle shot. And on a bad day with my very bad eyesight I could outshoot any of those clowns effortlessly. -I give up on this one.
I watched this abortion of a show for the first time tonight on Netflix.

They had people shooting a Springfield '03 THAT THEY SPENT THE AFTERNOON ZEROING And they were struggling with iron sights at 50 and 100 yards with 8-inch Tannerite targets.

Guys, I'm not a very good rifle shot. And on a bad day with my very bad eyesight I could outshoot any of those clowns effortlessly. -I give up on this one.


The first time I ever shot an M1903 was at the 2004 Camp Perry Garand/Springfield Games Match and I came in 12/ 200 yards
Being a champ at shooting flying clays has as much relevance to shooting slugs as being a billiards champ has to do with barfighting.


I shoot shotguns and rifles and guess what you call a shotgun shooting slugs at stationary targets? A RIFLE, still need to focus on the front sight and squeeze the trigger.
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