TOP SHOT SEASON 3 Megathread

That mag change up in front of your face was probably the one thing I have learned from the show (all 3 seasons) that has some value.
11 years army
15 year PD...

she never did a live fire exercise or shot on a line near anyone else?

i call bullshit....

While I did like her and hoped shed last, I can't stand when people make experience statements like she did. 11 + 15 = 26...and she is 38. So, either she joined the Arny when she was 12, or 6 of those 11 years were done in the reserves. I would not consider 6 years in the reserves as "6 years of military experience".
Somebody PLEASE tell me how a "walk through" of your previous team performance (which you will not have the opportunity to repeat) has any value at all. That guy is an ass. Can't wait for the fireworks when he finally gnaws through the last nerve of his overly patient teammates.

Sarah badly deserved to go home on that performance. She choked something awful.
While I did like her and hoped shed last, I can't stand when people make experience statements like she did. 11 + 15 = 26...and she is 38. So, either she joined the Arny when she was 12, or 6 of those 11 years were done in the reserves. I would not consider 6 years in the reserves as "6 years of military experience".

Tell that to the reservists who have done multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Just watched it on the DVR. Sarah really did choke at the challenge, you could see her panicking during reloading, and Dustin was a red bulb assassination machine.

"Seal team of 1" really has some poor leadership qualities, I have a hard time imagining he was well liked "on the teams". I think that the comment of the Seal trainer says it all. They are really doing a fine job editing in stupid pre-challenge smack talk when they don't do well. At the end of the day it is just entertainment anyway.

On the positive side, this is the best season yet as far as the challenges go. I like that they are physical, team oriented challenges and they are using great hardware. Next show they are using the Benelli M4. I hope the tempo stays the same throughout the season.
I want to know how it takes more than one shot to hit a pie-plate size target at 50yds from a supported prone position.
I thought so too until I looked through an AK's sights at a gunshop yesterday.

Between the incredibly small rear notch and my presbyopia, I can see myself missing shit that I could nail with an AR/M1/M1A in my sleep
Please tell us how you would calculate it. [rolleyes]

I sure as hell wouldn't add it up as experience like it was active duty.

Tell that to the reservists who have done multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So if a person did 12 years in the reserves while working a normal full time job and spent 6 months in the desert you would consider that "12 years military experience"? There's nothing wrong with being in the reserves, and I appreciate all they do, but the fact that they go to shitholes like active duty people doesn't just fill in the rest of the year of "experience". Anyone who has been both active and a reservist will tell you that the two are very different.
I sure as hell wouldn't add it up as experience like it was active duty.

So if a person did 12 years in the reserves while working a normal full time job and spent 6 months in the desert you would consider that "12 years military experience"? There's nothing wrong with being in the reserves, and I appreciate all they do, but the fact that they go to shitholes like active duty people doesn't just fill in the rest of the year of "experience". Anyone who has been both active and a reservist will tell you that the two are very different.

Except that they aren't doing six month tours. Even if they did just six months in a combat zone, that counts for something. Many have completed multiple one year tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the record I did a stint in the National Guard between active duty stints (1980-1982) and that was one reason why I returned to active duty in 1982. Yes, there are marked differences but, but I would not be dismissive of the Guard and Reserves today or even back in the day. I totally disagree, it might be apples and oranges, but you IMO are giving the Reserve Components what I call the patronizing dustoff. (BTW I retired from active duty "R-A...all the way").

So I have been both, have you ?
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I want Dustin to win because I'm tired of the mil/LEO cliques and because him being openly Christian pisses off at least one person here.
I want Dustin to win because I'm tired of the mil/LEO cliques and because him being openly Christian pisses off at least one person here.

I want Dustin to win solely based on the awesomeness of his hair.

Also, I was amazed how much the frame of the M&P45 seemed to flex when firing.
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Except that they aren't doing six month tours. Even if they did just six months in a combat zone, that counts for something. Many have completed multiple one year tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the record I did a stint in the National Guard between active duty stints (1980-1982) and that was one reason why I returned to active duty in 1982. Yes, there are marked differences but, but I would not be dismissive of the Guard and Reserves today or even back in the day. I totally disagree, it might be apples and oranges, but you IMO are giving the Reserve Components what I call the patronizing dustoff. (BTW I retired from active duty "R-A...all the way").

So I have been both, have you ?

No need to get all defensive to my comment and not read what I'm saying. I never once said you should dismiss any time that a reservist serves and I never once said their duty was any less honorable than an active duty person's service. What I did say, and what you seem to be failing to grasp, is that 6 years in the reserves does not equal 6 years of "Military experience". Maybe I'm crazy, but If I had her exact credentials, I would say "I have 4 years of active duty Army experience as well as 7 years of Army reserve experience." This is just a peeve of mine that goes along the same lines as companies adding up all their employees time in the field up and claiming "We have 234 years of combined experience". I know plenty of reservists that spent more time in the sandbox than I did so don't take what I'm saying as a dig at reservists.
Also, I was amazed how much the frame of the M&P45 seemed to flex when firing.
Pretty much all guns do that to some degree. Take slow motion video of a rifle being fired and you will see the barrel do that as well as most of the rest of the gun.

.40 S&W Glocks, particularly the G22, had an issue with weapon mounted lights affecting the frame's vibration to the point that cycling was affected. Glock had to stiffen the front of the frame, IIRC, on the G22 Gen4 and maybe even as a running change on the Gen3s.
I had no idea the 3rd season had already started. A buddy told me late last night that there's already been two episodes? I'm not going to spoil it for myself by reading any of the last few pages of posts here, I assume I can OnDemand it?

I hope they weeded out any whiney bitches. (male or female, that is.)
I had no idea the 3rd season had already started. A buddy told me late last night that there's already been two episodes? I'm not going to spoil it for myself by reading any of the last few pages of posts here, I assume I can OnDemand it?

I hope they weeded out any whiney bitches. (male or female, that is.)

Comcrap only has the first episode ondemand so far. [thinking]
Do you guys reallize you can go to History Channel's website and watch the episode there? They usually have it available the next day.
Do you guys reallize you can go to History Channel's website and watch the episode there? They usually have it available the next day.
Thanks. There's only 1 full episode there and I assumed it was still the first episode but it's actually the second one.
She had been a SWAT team member, yet in the elimination round she was somewhat distracted by having a shooter firing next to her. She appeared to be more qualified than she performed...but anyone can have a bad day.

scary thought. she did look horrified though. bad day on SWAT means a lot of dogs in harms way.
RE: Reserves

please..... NG and Reserves go through the SAME exact training side-by side with RA, no difference what-so-ever.
who joins the RA? mostly people with no other choice/nothing else going for them...
who is in the Guard? Cops, Firefighters, College Students...
people who already HAVE full time jobs AND can fulfill a military commitment and go through military training....

what do new boots on active duty do?? oh, they do some training here and there, a lot of the time you're driving some Officer around.

my unit went to Benning and Stewart for qualifications before going overseas.... had an RA unit "training" us, we were showing THEM shit they didn't know about, or had forgotten about
because they hadn't touched the equipment in months, whereas that's ALL we do when we drill...

whatever her qualifications may be, 10 years and 9 months as a linguist (russian and spanish) AND being a woman....
yeh, she got BRM like the rest of us, but i'm sure she's not sporting an expert infantry badge...

one would figure being a swat team supervisor and range master, she wouldn't be spooked by pressure situations or by having someone shooting NEXT to her....
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