Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

Speaking of trail cams...

I use Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA batteries in my cameras. Their availability has diminished recently (Am@zon). Covid related supply chain issue maybe? But I ordered 3x the number I might need in the near future. There are plenty available in smaller quantities but the price per cell is significantly greater.
Recently, a fox has been seen on surveillance video following our cat on our property. So... I used a bit of fox lure/bait (canned cat food), and the fox was trapped the following day. I figured he'd get the hint and leave the area after his brief detention & release. False. After I released him, he ran towards a site I have another camera setup, and a few minutes later he was captured again on camera near the trap, eyeballing me as I made my way back.



My 4th foothold porcupine on this set, I've taken 6 out of the woods so far this year. There were 2 more that walked by this one last night.

How'd they taste? My dogs are not fond of them. Season (hunting) is open all year in MA.

How'd they taste? My dogs are not fond of them. Season (hunting) is open all year in MA.

Not bad, we've eaten 3 and left the others for the predator bait pile. My kids love them, we made stew and a couple pan fried, they are chewy if you pan fry but the flavor is pretty decent.

That picture is from a blind-set foothold trap on their trail, they are decimating my trees on the woodlot.
Quills are sought-after by a bunch of different crafters from fishermen to clothesmakers. Old boars dump a lot of them just from being trapped. "Ask me how I know."
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