Traveling with SBR through RI


NES Member
Dec 9, 2007
Attleboro, MA
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Not sure to post here or in RI law forum.

Due to where I live (Attleboro MA) it is convenient to travel through RI via 295, and 146 to get to points in central and western MA. Where can I read about the legalities of doing so with my SBR?

Secondly, what are the legalities of me driving to TF Green to fly to NFA friendly states? (Assuming I have approved 5320.20)
Had a place in RI for a year, traveled with a firearm twice -- move in & move out.

Depends, do you want to be a test case? Because this is how you get to be a test case.

FOPA includes NFA firearms, and you'd prevail (eventually) against state/local prosecution by claiming FOPA, but I wouldn't plan on Rhode Islanders knowing what a SBR is and why traveling with it is legal.
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Print out the FOPA law and keep it with you, wether you decide to travel through RI or not is your decision but if you get pulled over for whatever reason it can't hurt to have the printed law stating why your legal.
Also print out the opinion letter that FOPA applies to airports. Otherwise someone familiar with FOPA could conclude that it shouldn't apply because your journey by vehicle ends in RI and leaves you in possession of an illegal SBR.
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