Trump looking at getting rid of regulations for supressors..

Nothing will happen and if it did it would fall back on the state. They have no problem giving their own troops hearing damage.
Well, it depends on the legislation that got passed, if ever. The obvious skid-greased solution is to move cans into being Title-1 devices*, which presumably then they would have most of the
same regs. It wouldn't be any different than posession of a title 1 firearm. Which means that you could presumably still homebrew them if you are not a prohibited person.

*before anyone jumps my shit, It's not that I WANT this outcome. I'd rather have them completely unregulated, like a flash suppressor or brake or something. But I live in the real world. And the real world generally means that there are going to be concessions demanded by faggots, and if I was going to make an educated guess, you could get enough half-shitty pols to suck for moving them from retarded regulation to regulating them like regular guns are, but not total deregulation.

Completely removing from NFA is the best solution. Agreed.

But there could be end arounds.. maybe the DIY angle, maybe the in state only angle (failed but they could try again) rearguing the non interstate traffic, commerce class does NOT apply. Or integral supressors are part of the title 1 gun and not a separate NFA item. Or maybe a 22 carve out, under target exemption,or training for kids and children’s health.

Or maybe another angle might be to make “black powder” or “CO2” only. Is a suppressor NFA when it is used on a “non firearm” still an NFA item?. flood the market and argue, common use.

Also do away with the “constructive possession” crap.
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Obligatory Steve Wright observation: “If you were going to shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?”

That alone justifies repealing suppressor bans, taxes and regulations.
The President can't do that by executive order. That requires legislation and no controversial legislation will pass Congress when both houses are basically evenly split between two parties. It's a nice pipe dream, but that's all this is -- a pipe dream. It can't happen with the current makeup of Congress.

I get really frustrated when people breathlessly post this kind of nonsense. So please explain this to me. Do you not realize that Congress is currently almost evenly split between parties? The House has 218 R to 215 D. The Senate has 53 R to 47 D. But in the Senate, you have the filibuster -- any senator can prevent a vote on a bill and it requires 60 votes to end the filibuster. There is no way that the Republicans can get 7 Democrats to cross party lines to end a filibuster.

Do you folks not realize this? Did you not take Civics back in school? Do you not realize that these sorts of announcements are just PR for congresscritters who submit bills that they know have no chance to pass, but they file them because it makes their base happy?

Why do you guys buy into this?
People buy into it because they want a strongman/dictator/king/messiah. They have given up all pretenses about caring what's constitutional or not. They want the ends and don't care about the means, even if it empowers their political enemies with the next swing of the pendulum.

People are idiots.

” As counsel commented in the brief: "Paradoxically, the government now argues that the device for which the defendant received and possessed is not a firearm to deny the constitutional rights of the defendant as provided for by the Second Amendment."

Indeed, why would the National Firearms Act regulate items that are not firearms? But when a stupid law is passed, the government will enforce it. No matter that there are benefits to firearms users’ hearing safety. No matter that use of suppressors rarely, if ever, facilitates the commission of a crime.
OK - I'll jump into the fantasy world.

Trump finds some way to almost legitimately take silencers off the NFA list and is immediately sued to stop by someone (Maura) - for the children, of course. While saying Trump's halfassed EO won't work against actual legislation, the Supreme Court realizes that the NFA is unconstitutional from the get go, and all decisions that let is pass are wrong.
Sotomayer has a heart attack writing the dissenting opion.
MGs and silencers are unregulated.
Trump appoints another USSC judge.

You know, for all the harping we do about how great the people in the early 1900s were, they were pretty f**king stupid, too. Bullshit like the NFA, switchblades and brass knuckles all because people watched bad movies. You think the war on drugs would have happened without "Reefer Madness?"

Greatest generation my ass.
You know, for all the harping we do about how great the people in the early 1900s were, they were pretty f**king stupid, too. Bullshit like the NFA, switchblades and brass knuckles all because people watched bad movies. You think the war on drugs would have happened without "Reefer Madness?"

Greatest generation my ass.

I’d just argue we have had the same hysterical knee jerk “do something” reaction people for well over a hundred years.
We just call them Karen today and back then they were probably Agnes..

People buy into it because they want a strongman/dictator/king/messiah. They have given up all pretenses about caring what's constitutional or not. They want the ends and don't care about the means, even if it empowers their political enemies with the next swing of the pendulum.

People are idiots.
The US has been extra-constitutional for awhile if you haven't been paying attention.
I hate to tell ya, MAGA won the elections not the RINO Party. I hope the RINO Party, Neocon Party and the Globalist Party is permanently dead.
It's been 5 days. . . . Time to post it again.

People buy into it because they want a strongman/dictator/king/messiah. They have given up all pretenses about caring what's constitutional or not. They want the ends and don't care about the means, even if it empowers their political enemies with the next swing of the pendulum.

People are idiots.

I've said it for years. Everyone wants a fascist dictatorship. . . . as long as they agree with the dictator. Very very few really want freedom in this country.
The President can't do that by executive order. That requires legislation and no controversial legislation will pass Congress when both houses are basically evenly split between two parties. It's a nice pipe dream, but that's all this is -- a pipe dream. It can't happen with the current makeup of Congress.

I get really frustrated when people breathlessly post this kind of nonsense. So please explain this to me. Do you not realize that Congress is currently almost evenly split between parties? The House has 218 R to 215 D. The Senate has 53 R to 47 D. But in the Senate, you have the filibuster -- any senator can prevent a vote on a bill and it requires 60 votes to end the filibuster. There is no way that the Republicans can get 7 Democrats to cross party lines to end a filibuster.

Do you folks not realize this? Did you not take Civics back in school? Do you not realize that these sorts of announcements are just PR for congresscritters who submit bills that they know have no chance to pass, but they file them because it makes their base happy?

Why do you guys buy into this?
We might be looking at a time when the president orders it, atf goes along with it, dotj doesn't prosecute it, scotus ignores it, and congress can't do shit about it, but, fundamentally, I agree- this is out of the president's power as the ban is law not regulation.
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