No love for the taurus micro gun? Mine is ok. Biggest gripes are hitting the mag release with my thumb if I try to shoot quickly from the holster and that the sights might as well not be there. I've put a few boxes through it. The GF loves shooting it. Only issues I've had are miss feeds from the mag popping out slightly because I thumbed the mag release a bit but not enough to fully drop it. I wish these micro guns had heel style mag releases, its not like you're going to be doing a tacticool reload with one anyways.
I like to carry it with the Blazer aluminum case ammo because it makes a full mag noticeably lighter, but its had no problems shooing some mega cheap unplated reloads, PMC, winchester white box, or walmart remington. Strangely the remington was by far the dirtiest. This gun does get really dirty when you shoot it anyways, the chamber fit isnt very tight and theres a lot of play on the slide to frame connection.
I like to carry it with the Blazer aluminum case ammo because it makes a full mag noticeably lighter, but its had no problems shooing some mega cheap unplated reloads, PMC, winchester white box, or walmart remington. Strangely the remington was by far the dirtiest. This gun does get really dirty when you shoot it anyways, the chamber fit isnt very tight and theres a lot of play on the slide to frame connection.