Typical Crapachusetts article in the Boston Globe

I like how all of these people are so distressed with the fact that someone might want to kill themselves and exert their own control over their bodies but they are likely all for a woman killing her child in the womb at any point. "Keep you laws off my body!" They hypocrisy exposes the canard for what it is, another "argument" on banning guns.
I did a little bit of crude research if you can call it that. The narrative we're often fed is that the US has 90 guns for every 100 people. We also have the highest gun related suicide. Therefore guns increase the likelihood of suicide. Not true. The following is a list of 29 countries that have a far higher suicide rate per capita than the USA and their most common method of suicide.

Greenland- hanging
Lithuania- hanging
S. Korea- pesticides
Guyana- hanging
Kazakhstan- hanging
Slovenia- hanging
Japan- hanging/ jumping
Slovakia- hanging/ car fumes
Hungary- hanging
Latvia- hanging/ jumping
Belarus- hanging/ jumping
Ukraine- hanging
Croatia- hanging
Russia- hanging/ poison
Moldova- hanging
Poland- hanging
Sri Lanka- hanging/poison
Belgium- hanging
Uraguay- firearms/ hanging
Bhutan- hanging
Finland- hanging
S. Africa- hanging
Austria- hanging
Taiwan- poison
Estonia- hanging
France- hanging
Suriname- pesticides
Bosnia- hanging
Czech Republic- hahanging

Interestingly, when certain Asian countries tried regulating pesticides, the method of suicide changed but the rate did not drop. As I was skimming for this information I also noticed that in the countries where hanging was the prefered method, I saw no discussion about evil ropes or belts. Instead they were discussing serious issues such as depression, parenting, economic disaster, job opportunity, academic pressure, etc. You know...the underlying causes.
The last time I checked, MD equals MEDICAL doctor, not SAFETY doctor. Everything else is none of their business.
If they are so concerned about gun safety, they should give lessons while evaluating the medical needs of their patients. It will only take them a couple of hours, if they don't shoot themselves or their patients first, and I'm sure the insurance companies will reimburse them for their valuable teaching / training time.
Yeah, cause that dumb bitch would look at this proposed legislation in Iowa and suddenly say "hey, maybe they are right about this and I am wrong. I need to rethink my position on this antigun thing".

I am sure that will happen.

I don't want to change her mind. I want to give her a heart attack.

The suicide rate in Greenland is 24 times that of the United States per capita. The number one method is by rope. I therefore conclude that Greenland owns 24 times more rope than the US. Something must be done.

But I thought they banned 30 thread ropes and other evil features! How can it not be working?
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