U.S. show of force in Persian Gulf

I was going to say not too many would know how to do that.[wink] [laugh]

In case someone needs a conversion:

Tehran's time is UTC/GMT +3:30 hours, or 0520, Wednesday the 28th when it is Tuesday 2150 EDT here; UTC/GMT -4 hours.
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The last thing we need to do is revert back to the 1930s under FDR when US policy was protectionist...leave everyone alone as long as they leave us alone. Thats like me telling my kids years ago to ignore the bully and he'll loose interest in bothering you. Not these guys. We can't just sit back, build up our "defenses" and wait because the soon to be totally democratically controlled government will direct those defense funds to projects "the citizens" need in their opinion, like free medical, dental, eye care, state college tuition and a chicken in every illegal immigrant's pot for sunday dinner.

Just an aside, wasn't the current president of Iran identiified as one of those "students: that broke the soveignty of our Embassy in 1979? Is there a statute of limitations on something like that???

We need more black ops, go get him and send him to meet Sadaham. Then we need to fund the citizens that agree with us and "help" them to take over and fix their own government without continuing to send in the Armed Forces to occupy.

Bottomline if it comes to it...leave a big hole where Iran used to be. Ican live with the moral outrage if we can avoid more of the same.

Yeah that's what I totally do not get about our foreign policy. Why spend $100 billion to invade Iraq, when they could have assassinated Saddam for one percent of that? Why the refusal to assassinate foreign leaders like the Iranians? I think it's just because our own politcians are afraid of the reprisal against them. If we can solve our problems by just killing the dictators, that is much more expedient.
(...)Why the refusal to assassinate foreign leaders like the Iranians? (...)

IIRC, Congress made it illegal to assassinate foreign leaders back in the 60s. Something to do with improving our relationship with Central America?

I have a tee shirt that says "The 2nd Amendment - America's Original Homeland Security." I agree Gabe.

You might well be wrong on this one, Lynne, and I seriously hope so. The Iranian government has had a very shaky hold on the country for quite some time. There are a lot of well educated younger people who are opposed to the theocracy running the country, and they've been willing to vote that way in their elections. Unfortunately for them, elections don't carry a lot of weight there, since the real power is tightly held by the Ayatollahs and the . A lot of our policy towards Iran has been based on turning up the heat on the government, while expressing support for the people. I honestly believe that a lot of what their government does, including grabbing the British ships, is more focused on maintaining control over their own people than it is on the US, Israel and the rest of the Satans.

Ken, no one would be more happy about me being wrong than me. I sincerely hope you're right.

I never want to kill innocents... Sometimes you have to. Just like the hundreds of thousands we killed in Japan with the two bombs. It ended it.


For those of you whose Farsi is rusty. Just read the pictures.

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I don't think so, but we certainly give them plenty of reasons.

Hatred begets hatred. If we slap them, they'll slap us because we slapped them. Then we'll slap them back because they slapped us ... and on and on and on .. sort of like Israel and Palestine. Basically, adding another slap will not solve anything.

Could you name those reasons? When you do, keep in mind that some of their "grievances" include being pushed out of Spain in the 1400s, the Crusades, and lots of events that happened before the founding of Israel.

Islam teaches it's adherents that at best non believers are second class citizens. It's not a long leap from that to killing non believers. Which has happened and will continue to happen as long as we let it.

BTW, what is their grievance with the Buddhists? Or Hindus? Those must be George Bush's fault too.

Am I the only one here who thinks we are continuously targeted by islamic terrorists and theocracists BECAUSE WE KEEP RUNNING FROM THE GOD DAMNED FIGHT?

The only thing these animals understand is extreme violence, and I for one, am ready to oblige.

I agree 100%

ENOUGH politically correctness.

When learning to fight, the most important things I learned was this;

1- there is no such thing as "fighting dirty"
2- when in a fight, every fight is a fight to win/to the death
3- do not hasitate
4- end it fast
5- be the last one standing
First to clear up our Zulu time conversion (because every time someone says plus this or minus that, I get all screwed up and wind up multiplying something wrong) for all of us here on the East Coast of the US (basing this on "Northeastshooters") - if it is 1:00PM (1300 to us military types) here in the US - it is now 5:00PM Zulu (1700).

I've thought all along that Iran was on the menu, and it will go nicely with everyone saying we should pull the troops out of Iraq - the order goes like this: "Everyone in Iraq, turn East and start moving. Everyone in Afghanistan, turn West and start moving." We've got two forces perfectly deployed already.
Could you name those reasons? When you do, keep in mind that some of their "grievances" include being pushed out of Spain in the 1400s, the Crusades, and lots of events that happened before the founding of Israel.

And of course, Spain really belonged to them since they stole it first (as long as you ignore the Romans before them). It's the same sort of whining that you always get from professional losers. I suppose that the Germans should be pissed at everybody because they lost a lot of territory after the two world wars, and the English will be brooding over the American colonies three hundred years from now. (Of course that's what the ungrateful bastards get for deposing and murdering their rightful soverigns, the decendants of King James VI /I.) The Palestinians decided to go to war with Israel in 1948 rather than coexist, they lost, and have been whining about it non-stop for almost 60 years now. 95% of them weren't even born when their parents and/or grand-parents became refugees, and rather than make any attempt to succeed in life have been doing nothing more than crying about it ever since, with the occassional suicide bombing thrown in whenever people start to get tired listening to the crying. And woe betide the Palestinian or Iraqi who tries to get an education and succeed in life, since that tends to ruin the helpless victim image. </rant>

First to clear up our Zulu time conversion (because every time someone says plus this or minus that, I get all screwed up and wind up multiplying something wrong) for all of us here on the East Coast of the US (basing this on "Northeastshooters") - if it is 1:00PM (1300 to us military types) here in the US - it is now 5:00PM Zulu (1700)...

Correct! At 1300 EDT (here), we are -4 from GMT (ZULU). That makes London time 4 hours ahead of the US east coast; 1700 (5PM).

Tehran is (GMT +3.5) 3-1/2 hours ahead of London, making Tehran's time (1700 + 3.5 =2030) 8:30PM when it is 1PM here on the eastern seaboard.

Note that we are GMT-4 now only because of daylight savings time. Typically, we are GMT -5.

Imagine if you will, an entire gaggle of Seabee regimental Chiefs & Os (3 Batt's & the COMO's staff) playing Command/Control/Communication games in the Camp Leguene computer wargames building. Our AT was the first weekend after daylight savings time took effect, and it took us almost the first week to finally agree on the ZULU time for messages. Our Marine mentors were laughing their.. uh, they thought we had our heads...hmmm. Gunny wasn't amused.
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All my messages I had to type and send back to the states had to be done in zulu time. When I was in. I didn't find it that hard.[grin]
I've been a little out of the news loop... did the Brits get their navy/marines back? Maybe that is the cause.

Personally I think we are already spread a little thin. They need to finnish Afganistan and Iraq before getting into another fight...

Same fight. We have but ONE war going, it has many different FRONTS. The War is on TERRORISM and not on any one country. go to Google and type
North Korea Gulags then sit back and do some reading and then tell me if you think Kim Jong is a terrorist or not. He is the same as Saddam, Bin Laden or this Iranian jerk. There are four fronts, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. Two of these Fronts have Nuclear Power and if we are not alert and on our toes, you may be adding a fifth front and that would be China. We are a country that because of our prosperity and resources and attitudes will be a target of many terrorists countries. Keep the guns clean and the sights clear.
So you used the same date/time groups all of NATO is supposed to, such as 291347Z MAR07 right ?

That is the standard. I still occasionally check the ALNAVs & NAVADMINs while at work; and they all still follow that format.

Mrs.WildWeasel: The silly part was that each BATT "CP/CIC" conex box had a clock properly set to ZULU before the games began. One Duty Officer or Comm-O figured it (the ZULU clock!) needed to be adjusted for DST (ZULU doesn't change [rolleyes]).
It quickly became a zoo as each watch rotation tried to synch-up. Some moved ZULU ahead, some dropped it back; but there was always at least one CP an hour out of synch.

It was much better the second week when we got down to the business of building SEA-huts*, setting up ROPACS & bladder farms, building towers, bunkering in AMTRACs, and the other fun things Seabees do for fun.

*I hear the name has changed now to incorporate the current theater; no longer "South East Asia" Huts.
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Its only a matter of time before the SHTF with Iran and North Korea. Dust off the warheads, shine up those keys, and send a few over before one of them does us first. Its kinda like when you know you're gonna get into a fight with someone and there's no doubt about it. If you wait to get hit before you throw a punch, you may get rocked and wind up losing.

I for one feel zero remorse for the idea of wiping out a country full of a**h***s that chant death to America in large masses.

On a related note: Might be time to start boning up on all those threads in the Survival Section and get some gear together just in case.
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