*UPDATE* See post 24 Can I use a 'dummy' round as a poker card protector?

So basically you went in looking to provoke a reaction and got one.

No, not really, I have used these as card protectors many times. I have a hat that says "Sig Arms" (thanks to an awesome karma) and get negative reactions all the time, should I not wear my hat because some people get offended? F them.
This is CT not MA. Ammo is not a controlled item. Nobody gets upset over ammo. Not even cops.


Here is the part I need help with. After I tell him I will put then away he says "keep in mind you could be arrested for transporting ammunition over state lines" I said are you kidding me, he says no! Even guys with bullet necklaces could be arrested for transporting over state lines? Someone please tell me this is wrong!
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