US Army's New Heavy M4 Barrel

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I feel bad for the librarians, having to put up with the strange, likely smelly guy using their computer, and having to sanitize it afterwards, etc.
damn, don`t you say! i had my oldest kid to participate in 3d printing program in our library and their class was right behind that zoo with free computer.
i saw a guy jerking off there at least twice while watching lingerie models in swimsuits. it is something else.

librarians - i know those women as they both are neighbors are simply afraid to engage those, as they have to come to work every day same way and those schizoids are always around.
true, so true. the enemies are all around, they are swarming, plotting their enemy shit here and there. the only hope now is for FBI to come to help, speed up their gulag making plans and start exterminating population. death to the enemies! time came for the great purge. just like in 1937. not a single insurrectioning grandma will escape their watchful eyes, while antifa will finish up all the others.
Insurrectionists beware! America and the FBI are coming for you.
It's a little different in the TN Nasty Guard. I was being groomed for the XO slot in my intelligence company when I resigned in protest to the Iraq War.
Wouldn’t it have been more prudent as the alleged up and coming XO, to actually deploy with your unit and enforce a high standard of conduct, regular enforcement of the ROE, and the commanders intent? I’d think that would be right in your wheelhouse as the XO.

My unit committed war crimes without me.
How do you know if you weren’t there? Cites? Unit designation and names of those charged or accused?

Why was your “M16A2 Class 3” and short barreled shotgun not secured in the armory? They obv weren’t yours, why would a half assed leg intel officer go thru the trouble of all that paperwork and $$$$$ just to have one select fire rifle and shotgun that saves only 4”? Why if they were yours didn’t you then sell them to a legal buyer and pocket about $15K to house and feed yourself?

They either never existed or they were stolen .gov property, in which case you’d be locked up for several years.
Just call ‘em like I see ‘em pal. Common sense rules, and common sense tells me, and sounds like every other person you talk to, that your cheese has slipped entirely off the cracker my friend.
This. Absolutely fact.
Are you hungry Ranger? Sounds like you need cheese and crackers to go with that whine.

You know the rules bubba, eat when you can, sleep when you can. Cheese in a bag and crackers that could choke a horse aren’t all that bad when you’re hungry, cold and wet. lol
This thread delivers
damn, don`t you say! i had my oldest kid to participate in 3d printing program in our library and their class was right behind that zoo with free computer.
i saw a guy jerking off there at least twice while watching lingerie models in swimsuits. it is something else.

librarians - i know those women as they both are neighbors are simply afraid to engage those, as they have to come to work every day same way and those schizoids are always around.
Sounds nasty. Much cleaner environment in my library.
Wouldn’t it have been more prudent as the alleged up and coming XO, to actually deploy with your unit and enforce a high standard of conduct, regular enforcement of the ROE, and the commanders intent? I’d think that would be right in your wheelhouse as the XO.

How do you know if you weren’t there? Cites? Unit designation and names of those charged or accused?

Why was your “M16A2 Class 3” and short barreled shotgun not secured in the armory? They obv weren’t yours, why would a half assed leg intel officer go thru the trouble of all that paperwork and $$$$$ just to have one select fire rifle and shotgun that saves only 4”? Why if they were yours didn’t you then sell them to a legal buyer and pocket about $15K to house and feed yourself?

They either never existed or they were stolen .gov property, in which case you’d be locked up for several years.
Wow! You're getting good with the conspiracy theories. I didn't deploy because I don't kill Muslims for oil.
Sounds nasty. Much cleaner environment in my library.
it`s the republican enemies in your library, of course, who scared all the good people away. it only appears to be clean, but it is your enemies deceiving you. do not believe it.
keep doing the great job, you and FBI deserve each other.


Tons of pics.
it`s the republican enemies in your library, of course, who scared all the good people away. it only appears to be clean, but it is your enemies deceiving you. do not believe it.
keep doing the great job, you and FBI deserve each other.
I sense that the FBI makes you nervous. Where were you Jan. 6, 2021?
Have fun trying to connect with me on Facebook. The Rutherford County criminals have locked me out of 4 Facebook accounts while trying to cover-up their crimes. I've been locked out of two Yahoo email accounts as well. When I said my communications are being blocked, I wasn't joking. The criminals changed the passwords to all my accounts. The accounts are still active, I simply can't access them. The criminals can, they know the passwords. Worse yet. The criminals can pretend to be me on any of those accounts. I've made the FBI aware of the cybercrimes.
I sense that the FBI makes you nervous. Where were you Jan. 6, 2021?
it may be covid - it is known to affect senses. or your enemies had finally poisoned you - i am afraid it can be the latter.

"please explain if you were a subject to the prosecution during the cult of stalin persona and subjected to incarceration in the gulag"
"if you were not a subject to the incarceration in the gulag - please provide an written explanation, why so"
Alright. Is it time to shut this down?? Are we all done poking the bear???? The poor guy isn't well. Let's have some decency.
I was actually thinking he’d fit right in here with our other Biden voters. Surprised they haven’t had a “community collection” to turn him green yet.
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