US Army's New Heavy M4 Barrel

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Have fun trying to connect with me on Facebook.

I don't have a FB account so I sadly can't connect with you. But what kind of moron posts the details of his personal life on a public facebook account? Do they teach that in military intelligence training? Or were you worried that they'd kill you if you didn't go public with your irrational hatred of people on the opposite end of the political spectrum? I mean, you have a shitload of crazy pictures up where you're ranting about teaparty people, trump, religious people, people who don't care enough about climate change, etc.
Alright. Is it time to shut this down?? Are we all done poking the bear???? The poor guy isn't well. Let's have some decency.
I agree. The deeper we go it seems the deeper his psychosis gets and we shouldn't feed into what is painfully obvious, he needs to get back on his meds.
Tell me the contents of Ranger pudding and I’ll believe everything you say from here on out. lol
My units version was instant cocao packet, instant coffee packet, creamer packet, about half the peanut butter packet....slice the cocoa packet open the long way.....add the other ingredients and a few drops of water at a time while stirring with long ass mre spoon till you had a good pudding consistency. That shit will fill you up.

I don't know what the former mi officers recipe was.....but that was ours. 😂
My units version was instant cocao packet, instant coffee packet, creamer packet, about half the peanut butter packet....slice the cocoa packet open the long way.....add the other ingredients and a few drops of water at a time while stirring with long ass mre spoon till you had a good pudding consistency. That shit will fill you up.

I don't know what the former mi officers recipe was.....but that was ours. 😂

It was the same only you replaced the instant coffee packet with mescaline.
My units version was instant cocao packet, instant coffee packet, creamer packet, about half the peanut butter packet....slice the cocoa packet open the long way.....add the other ingredients and a few drops of water at a time while stirring with long ass mre spoon till you had a good pudding consistency. That shit will fill you up.

I don't know what the former mi officers recipe was.....but that was ours. 😂
Bingo. We broke up crackers too and added them in, shit was actually pretty good.

Saved all our MRE spoons also because they were great conductors for our comm wire antennas if we needed to raise one up to defeat the triple canopy foliage.
Bingo. We broke up crackers too and added them in, shit was actually pretty good.

Saved all our MRE spoons also because they were great conductors for our comm wire antennas if we needed to raise one up to defeat the triple canopy foliage.
My favorite mre around the 2003 time frame was the BBQ cheeseburger. It wasn't called BBQ cheese burger just "burger patty". First time I opened one up I found two pieces if the shelf stable bread and laughed and said "quality control f***ed up and put 2 pieces of bread in this one" then upon inventoryimg the rest of the contents it was a burger patty....squeeze cheese.....BBQ sauce packet and 2 shelf stable bread slices. Holy shit.....this is a mother f***ing cheeseburger. 😂 on the side of msr Jackson in the middle of chiraq It honestly felt like I hit the f***ing lottery 🤣
My favorite mre around the 2003 time frame was the BBQ cheeseburger. It wasn't called BBQ cheese burger just "burger patty". First time I opened one up I found two pieces if the shelf stable bread and laughed and said "quality control f***ed up and put 2 pieces of bread in this one" then upon inventoryimg the rest of the contents it was a burger patty....squeeze cheese.....BBQ sauce packet and 2 shelf stable bread slices. Holy shit.....this is a mother f***ing cheeseburger. 😂 on the side of msr Jackson in the middle of chiraq It honestly felt like I hit the f***ing lottery 🤣
They changed quite a bit since my era. I think happily for you younger studs. We didn’t have breakfast MRE’s or anything fancy like that. It was still chicken catchatori (sp?), that weird block of wet beef drowned in BBQ sauce, hot dogs or beef patty for every meal.

My buddy Zipper and I took our meal and were kinda lazing around one morning, just past the tree line on a slopey grassy hill, tired, hot, sweaty with temps already hitting 100+ by morning light.

I opened mine up and was cutting open the dried beef patty package to put some water in it, we were always complaining about the food, some things never change no matter how many years apart there are between service.

So I’m bitching about this dried hockey puck that has to soak in water for 20mins before I can eat it, and here walks by this old shaggy wild dog with somebody’s forearm in his mouth, arm, hand, the whole deal, he’s just kinda happily trotting by like f*** ya look what I found.

We starting laughing and shit of course, and I took my beef patty and zinged it at the dog. He drops the arm and gives the beef patty a couple sniffs, picks up the arm and takes off again.

I just looked at Zip and was like “Really? The f***ing dogs won’t even eat this shit bro.” We burst out laughing and just went back to our holes after that, digging around for some pogey bait or something I’m sure. Long time ago but still funny as hell.
I’m sure things have improved, but you should be fortunate that you avoided the breakfast veggie omelette MRE.
I can only imagine, doesn’t sound all that great by MRE standards, which is saying something.
They changed quite a bit since my era. I think happily for you younger studs. We didn’t have breakfast MRE’s or anything fancy like that. It was still chicken catchatori (sp?), that weird block of wet beef drowned in BBQ sauce, hot dogs or beef patty for every meal.

My buddy Zipper and I took our meal and were kinda lazing around one morning, just past the tree line on a slopey grassy hill, tired, hot, sweaty with temps already hitting 100+ by morning light.

I opened mine up and was cutting open the dried beef patty package to put some water in it, we were always complaining about the food, some things never change no matter how many years apart there are between service.

So I’m bitching about this dried hockey puck that has to soak in water for 20mins before I can eat it, and here walks by this old shaggy wild dog with somebody’s forearm in his mouth, arm, hand, the whole deal, he’s just kinda happily trotting by like f*** ya look what I found.

We starting laughing and shit of course, and I took my beef patty and zinged it at the dog. He drops the arm and gives the beef patty a couple sniffs, picks up the arm and takes off again.

I just looked at Zip and was like “Really? The f***ing dogs won’t even eat this shit bro.” We burst out laughing and just went back to our holes after that, digging around for some pogey bait or something I’m sure. Long time ago but still funny as hell.
They definitely have improved from 1990 when I enlisted.

Milk shake packets
Pop tarts
Bacon squeeze cheese
Jalapeño squeeze cheese

Only think that pissed me off is they got rid of the tiny tobacco bottles. Tobacco was giving those away on the mre and some other vendors cried foul.....said it was free advertising or some shit and now they put all kinds of different brands on them......f***in Frank's red hot sucks. 😂
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The trolling is getting good.

Resign 6 years after it started.

Allegedly desing a barrel that can help the armed forces kill the people you dont want them to kill.

Pure gold.
The United States has real enemies in the world, unlike the manufactured ones in Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11. Here's the gold: Maybe one day my barrel will kill Vladimir Putin, Trump's favorite buttboy.
Makes perfect sense.
Leave the military on moral grounds.
Develop weapons system for said immoral military to continue their war crimes with higher efficiency.
Be surprised when immoral military steals your design.
Bad presidential administrations often abuse the U.S. Military. It's boy-Bush that has to stand before God and explain himself.
Actually this is an excellent point like the people that would actually buy this IP are people that are supposedly killing babies for oil or whatever the OP didn't like... so by proxy, why would he be interested in doing something that would benefit them... unless his intent was to camp on the IP so they couldn't use it. Maybe ViRtuE siGnaLLing ? (TM).
You keep getting better at the conspiracy theories. Is QAnon your teacher?
I don't know how to read this, or if it's even OP involved (maybe OP is Tim Green?):

Smyrna Gun
Smyrna Gun: Wayne Moore - confidential informant for RCSO criminals. I believe he ran off to Virginia when the new FBI investigation started. Richard Boone - new manager. He banned me from the store because he doesn't like to hear the truth and clearly doesn't want to sale firearms.
of all the latest threads this one truly delivers.
the #### is strong with this one.
It's going to be even more entertaining when the feds take these criminals down. The heat is on, the defamation and false narratives the criminals have been hiding behind are coming out of the woodwork. I've had to survive their crap for years but still find it entertaining myself. I'm always waiting to here which mental illness I have this week!
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