Virgina Tech on lockdown. Possible shots fired.

It doesn't seem like its been confirmed. They are reporting POSSIBLE shots fired. No solid details. They are looking for a certain person though.
Morons never learn.
Hopefully someone will have violated the rules and carried a piece in and cap the perp.
From the VT website,

Latest News

Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011

From VT Alerts: Suspect remains at large. A police officer has been shot. A potential second victim is reported at the Cage lot. Stay indoors. Secure in place.

From VT Alerts: Suspect described as white male, gray sweat pants, gray hat w/neon green brim, maroon hoodie and backpack. On foot towards McComas. Call 911

From VT Alerts: Gun shots reported- Coliseum Parking lot. Stay Inside. Secure doors. Emergency personnel responding. Call 911 for help.
I can hear the sheep bleating from here!!! Baaaaaaaa, Baaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaa
I wonder if this may be an arrest or stop gone awry. One officer shot, possibly a second person wounded also...

Maybe. I got this from a VT grad I know.

Interesting tidbits that may not be relevant:

The Coliseum lot, where the cop was shot is right next to the football stadium and many of the "pro" athlete's facilities.

The Cage lot is located in the direction he was reported to be heading and where there may be a second victim - this is where the on campus students keep their cars during the week - it's a rather isolated environment...perfect for a carjacking or getting a victim isolated for any other sort of attack.
It doesn't seem like its been confirmed. They are reporting POSSIBLE shots fired. No solid details. They are looking for a certain person though.

BLACKSBURG, Va. -- A police officer was shot at Virginia Tech on Thursday morning and campus officials warned everyone to seek shelter while an armed suspect was at large.

The campus newspaper and a local television station reported the officer was dead.

A possible second victim was reported at a campus parking lot, CBS television station WDBJ reported.

"We don’t know if the suspect fled or the extent of the injuries to the suspect or to the officer," NBC News’ Pete Williams told msnbc cable TV earlier.

"This was a traffic stop on campus," Williams said. "It was not someone walking around firing shots."
Not all crime that is committed on any college campus is related to the activities of the school. There is plenty of crime committed by non students/faculty/staff where the victims have no affiliation with the school. That's more true at colleges and universities in big cities, but it also happens in more suburban places.
"VaTech is on lockdown," wrote one poster on Twitter. "Hoping we don't have repeat of the past. What part of no guns at school is apparently hard to get."

What part of gun laws only affect the law-abiding is hard to get?

Sometimes history doesn't repeat itself; sometimes it screams out WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?!?!?! and lets fly with a club.
The police really go over board in these situations. Earlier I saw 10 cops standing around with M4's and a G-36 wearing full Level 4 body armor. And now I just saw an armored truck drive down the road.

I mean it's 1 guy with a pistol, not the Michigan Militia.[hmmm]
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