Virginia police say 6-year-old student shot teacher at Newport News elementary school

it’s not a skin color thing. It’s a kid with horrible parents thing. White, black, Latinex and Asian.
From now on, every time some hood rat or scumbag kid shoots someone, they should prosecute the hood rat and the parents (or parent, given most of the time, it’s a single parent household because the dead beat dad is either already in jail or nowhere to be found). If your kid shoots someone, you should be held liable as well.
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From now on, every time some hood rat or scumbag kid shoots someone, they should prosecute the hood rat and the parents (or parent, given most of the time, it’s a single parent household because the dead beat dad is either already in jail or nowhere to be found). If your kid shoots someone, you should be held liable as well.
You're only held liable if you're white.
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