Why are 19 year olds in high school?

That is why I went to the Voke, there was no such thing as a do over there, you made the grade or you went back to WHS

And I was 17 when I graduated, same year as you

So any comment on the shooting in our home town the other night?

Kid was out on bail about to go on trial for being the driver of a car that fled after a passenger shot someone dead in a 7-11 parking lot in Malden in 2021, plus the fine young man from Somerville by way of Haiti who somehow ended up living in a a house along the lake also had an arrest in Medford last fall for Possession with intent to distribute Class B schedule drugs....

Me thinks he was being offered a deal by the D.A. for testifying against the trigger man, and the other guy wanted to make sure he didn't get a chance to do so.... but he is still alive for the moment. Lots of bullet holes in the side of his car. Never get trapped at the end of a cul de sac with no way out.
Shockingly, very little information was on the news when it happened.
I wonder why???

Looking back, I wish I went to the Voke instead of WHS
And here I am going through the paperwork to get my daughter able to get her HISET degree (like a GED) at 16 so she can be done with high school. I wish I knew of that option when I was her age.
My high school just plain graduated me at 16 - I had to pick up an extra English credit (summer school), and double-up on theology classes my last year there (cuz Catholic school). The summer school English class was a lit class (Eng102 IIRC) at Post College. I was only fifteen at the time, so I was the only "college" student there being dropped off by his parents.
I graduated at 17 and 6 months. My wife had enough credits to graduate at 16 but her older sister threw a fit because she didn't want to share "her" graduation so my wife had her own senior year.
Me too . I was in college at 17
I was still seventeen when I moved out of the freshman dorm into our apartment - it was a nice, informal arrangement, which was probably a Good Thing since I don't know how legal my signature would have been. [grin]

Finished my BS about two years later, so I was the only grad student and TA in our department who couldn't legally drink. [wink]
In 2001 my son was a Freshman at Mass Maritime Academy. The day we moved him into his dorm the Dean (not the Admiral) of the college had an orientation for parents. He told us that the two biggest problems they had were math and alcohol on campus. He said a lot of Freshman showed up with inadequate math skills to succeed there.

My son was one of them and we ended up paying for math tutor. It worked and halfway through his Sophomore year it all came together for him. His work involves a lot of math and he usually does it in his head. He and my Lovely Daughter in Law push the grandkids to to well in math. My grandson in particular is good and has got all As since he started school.

All of which is to say that this is not uncommon.

It probably was uncommon for most students at Harvard, but there are reasons that we can all figure out why it's changed.

Harvard is now offering remedial Math classes

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In 2001 my son was a Freshman at Mass Maritime Academy. The day we moved him into his dorm the Dean (not the Admiral) of the college had an orientation for parents. He told us that the two biggest problems they had were math and alcohol on campus. He said a lot of Freshman showed up with inadequate math skills to succeed there.

My son was one of them and we ended up paying for math tutor. It worked and halfway through his Sophomore year it all came together for him. His work involves a lot of math and he usually does it in his head. He and my Lovely Daughter in Law push the grandkids to to well in math. My grandson in particular is good and has got all As since he started school.

All of which is to say that this is not uncommon.

It probably was uncommon for most students at Harvard, but there are reasons that we can all figure out why it's changed.
But we are talking Algebra, A squared times B squared = C squared..... basic math type of stuff.

that is Jr High school level math, we are not talking Calculus, derivatives, doing regression, etc, effn Algebra

these kids are so tied to their calculators and apps they can't do basic math on paper.

I want to put a ring of pavers around a tree, the pavers are 8" long, I want the ring to be 44" off the tree

r=44 2pi X radius= circumference, which is 276 inches, divide by 8 to get the number of bricks. 35 bricks

Ask some HS kid to do that and watch his/her head explode
i get older matthew mcconaughey GIF
Years ago they would hold kids back a grade, unlike today where some kids graduate who can barely read or do simple math.
When my parents moved to a new town in 1969 I started 8th grade. There was a kid who sat in front of me who looked way to old to be in
8th grade. Come to fine out he had been kept back several times. So many times that when he stopped showing up for class I asked my
classmates what was going on with him I was told he quit school to join the Army. That means he must have been held back maybe 4 times
in school. Yea he was definitely dumber than the proverbial box of rocks.
He was probably a senior NCO in my chain of command.
Federal law requires public schools to keep "kids" in school until they are 22.

My wife taught in Brockton and Woonsocket and it was not unusual to have 21 year old men in 9th Grade with 14-15 year old girls. Many of whom ended up pregnant. Also she knew of a few "students" who had been in prison who were back in school.

She had a few girls in her classes that had two cell phones. One personal and one for business.

I'll leave to y'all to figure out what kind of business.
We waz kangs n shiet.
But we are talking Algebra, A squared times B squared = C squared..... basic math type of stuff.

that is Jr High school level math, we are not talking Calculus, derivatives, doing regression, etc, effn Algebra

these kids are so tied to their calculators and apps they can't do basic math on paper.

I want to put a ring of pavers around a tree, the pavers are 8" long, I want the ring to be 44" off the tree

r=44 2pi X radius= circumference, which is 276 inches, divide by 8 to get the number of bricks. 35 bricks

Ask some HS kid to do that and watch his/her head explode
As a TA I got myself into trouble one time by giving my students a quiz that assumed they could handle a distance,rate,time problem, i.e. that miles per hour = miles / hours

"Knowledge of math isn't required."


And these were college kids, keep in mind.
In 2001 my son was a Freshman at Mass Maritime Academy. The day we moved him into his dorm the Dean (not the Admiral) of the college had an orientation for parents. He told us that the two biggest problems they had were math and alcohol on campus. He said a lot of Freshman showed up with inadequate math skills to succeed there.

My son was one of them and we ended up paying for math tutor. It worked and halfway through his Sophomore year it all came together for him. His work involves a lot of math and he usually does it in his head. He and my Lovely Daughter in Law push the grandkids to to well in math. My grandson in particular is good and has got all As since he started school.

All of which is to say that this is not uncommon.

It probably was uncommon for most students at Harvard, but there are reasons that we can all figure out why it's changed.

Did your son get his Coast Guard license and work on ships? Our son just got into Mass Maritime—we’re super excited! He’s still waiting on US Merchant Marine, Kings Point Long Island
You misunderstand. That's what I was talking about. He needed tutoring in the basics. By the middle of his Sophomore years he was up to speed and doing fine. He told me that it was just a matter of understanding the formulas and plugging numbers in. It helped that he has a read once and remember it memory. Junior year he told me that Differential Equations wasn't all that tough, but Fluid Dynamics was a bitch.

But we are talking Algebra, A squared times B squared = C squared..... basic math type of stuff.

that is Jr High school level math, we are not talking Calculus, derivatives, doing regression, etc, effn Algebra

these kids are so tied to their calculators and apps they can't do basic math on paper.

I want to put a ring of pavers around a tree, the pavers are 8" long, I want the ring to be 44" off the tree

r=44 2pi X radius= circumference, which is 276 inches, divide by 8 to get the number of bricks. 35 bricks

Ask some HS kid to do that and watch his/her head explode
the easiest way to teach algebra, calculus, and trig, among other things is to show real world applications of what the formulas do.

Net present value of money and net future value are easy calculations, show someone what $1000 invested today will be worth in 20 years, or how adding $200 to your mortgage payment to be applied to principle cuts years off the mortgage and they will get it.

Who remembers (X-H) (Y-K) the equation of Circles?

Nobody ever used it in real life did they?

Well before 5 axis CMM machines came along and did all the math for us, if you a young QA Engineer in a plastic factory trying to figure out if the 120" radius on a CRT monitor cabinet was really 120" when the part was nowhere near that big, that was the formula you used once you took measurements
I graduated with a guy who was 19 when he graduated. His Birthday was in October so during kindergarten he turned 6, and was held back after missing a bunch of school due to his parents getting divorced and him missing the mandatory minimum "educational days" in 3rd grade.

He turned 19 in October of 1996, graduated in 1997. Smart kid, good worker, still works for the same company he started working for in HS.
Meh. I graduated in 1976 from a fairly affluent community HS. Plenty of 19 year olds. Kids get sick, get held back a year, learning disabilities, start school late.
lots if reasons.

Now 22 years old? That's effed up

"If you walk your kids to school because you're in the same grade. . . . ya might be a redneck!"
As a TA I got myself into trouble one time by giving my students a quiz that assumed they could handle a distance,rate,time problem, i.e. that miles per hour = miles / hours

"Knowledge of math isn't required."


And these were college kids, keep in mind.
Couple of weeks ago I had to handle a complaint from an RN/BSN who insisted that the pharmacy floor stock order system didn't have strengths listed for a particular medication. I showed her a screenshot of the med in question showing the strength for each item expressed as mg/mL. She doubled down saying there was no way to tell which was the 0.5% and which was the 0.75%. 😣
No, he didn't want to ship out even though the money is very good. He did Sea Term his Freshman year and opted for facilities management. Ironically, he got hired out of college by APM Marine Terminals and worked on the docks in Newark. Which was a whole different education. He's still with them 20 years after graduating, but it at corporate in NC.

It was the school he loved to hate. He made some great friends and goes to alumni events when he can.

Mass Maritime is reputedly better than Kings Point. At least that's what the MMA grads say. ;) MMA grads take care of each other and that includes jobs. I like to joke that he's a "made man" at Mass Maritime, but it's only partially a joke.

Did your son get his Coast Guard license and work on ships? Our son just got into Mass Maritime—we’re super excited! He’s still waiting on US Merchant Marine, Kings Point Long Island
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