Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?

He's been getting torn apart on facebook, I don't think he ever personally uses FB but he's been getting slammed by gun owners.

And turn out is predicted to be pretty low. Which means if every gun owner who can votes against him I don't see how he could win.

My problem with predictions is if too many people think Healey is a shoe in and stay home and Toleman supporters decide to give it one last try, he could still win.
There is a famous saying "the only poll that counts is the one on election day!!"

NEVER trust the polls. President Dewey will agree with me!
I hardly ever vote in primary elections but I am going tomorrow and taking a democratic ballot SPECIFICALLY to vote against Warren Tolman. I find him to be worst kind of political leech who would spin facts 180 degrees to fit his agenda. He is a reprehensible drama queen and an opportunistic rat.
My problem with predictions is if too many people think Healey is a shoe in and stay home and Tolman supporters decide to give it one last try, he could still win.
Anything can happen in a Dem primary. Take nothing for granted. That insane leftist gun-grabbing megalomaniac must be stopped now.
There is a famous saying "the only poll that counts is the one on election day!!"

NEVER trust the polls. President Dewey will agree with me!

And in low turnout elections, the polls are even less accurate.
Get on twitter and tweet logic and facts to ALL of Warrens snake oil sales tweets, ie: fingerprint gun locks, "smart gun" tech, selling fear and lies that these tech's actually work. CALL HIM OUT, in public, on twit and FB about his bullshit! It IS having an effect. Hairless cat looking guy CANNOT win.
I hardly ever vote in primary elections but I am going tomorrow and taking a democratic ballot SPECIFICALLY to vote against Warren Tolman. I find him to be worst kind of political leech who would spin facts 180 degrees to fit his agenda. He is a reprehensible drama queen and an opportunistic rat.

+1 (except I always VOTE)
I'm taking a dem ballot today, any prefs for LT Governor? I know nothing about them other than a quick look at a masslive questionnaire. Leaning towards Stephen Kerrigan because of his answer.


What, if any, additional gun laws would you support and how would you balance the need to lower gun violence with Second Amendment rights?


I supported the recent gun control legislation signed into law by Governor Patrick. The additional measures signed into law including giving more authority to police chiefs, a new online background check portal for the secondary market, and the mental health provisions are crucial to reducing gun violence in the Commonwealth. I believe the bill could have gone further. A ban on high capacity conversion kits is one example of an additional measure I would have supported.


The new gun law signed by Gov. Patrick this year is a major step in the right direction: it helps ensure guns are in the right hands and boosts the State Police’s capacity to halt the flow of illegal guns into Massachusetts. We should examine closely how this new law works and make changes or improvements where necessary to enhance background checks, punish those who commit gun crimes or who traffic in illegal firearms, and keep the public safe from violence while not infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.


I support common sense gun laws. I support taking guns out of the hands of people with a history of mental illness and other documented reasons not to give weapons to people with violent pasts. As Lt. Governor, I would work across the aisle to develop solutions that protect individual rights while also protecting communities from those who would do harm to innocent lives.
believe that we also need measures for gun safety. There is an opportunity to create safer communities and protect children more through gun safety measures.
I'm taking a dem ballot today, any prefs for LT Governor? I know nothing about them other than a quick look at a masslive questionnaire. Leaning towards Stephen Kerrigan because of his answer.


What, if any, additional gun laws would you support and how would you balance the need to lower gun violence with Second Amendment rights?


I supported the recent gun control legislation signed into law by Governor Patrick. The additional measures signed into law including giving more authority to police chiefs, a new online background check portal for the secondary market, and the mental health provisions are crucial to reducing gun violence in the Commonwealth. I believe the bill could have gone further. A ban on high capacity conversion kits is one example of an additional measure I would have supported.


The new gun law signed by Gov. Patrick this year is a major step in the right direction: it helps ensure guns are in the right hands and boosts the State Police’s capacity to halt the flow of illegal guns into Massachusetts. We should examine closely how this new law works and make changes or improvements where necessary to enhance background checks, punish those who commit gun crimes or who traffic in illegal firearms, and keep the public safe from violence while not infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.


I support common sense gun laws. I support taking guns out of the hands of people with a history of mental illness and other documented reasons not to give weapons to people with violent pasts. As Lt. Governor, I would work across the aisle to develop solutions that protect individual rights while also protecting communities from those who would do harm to innocent lives.
believe that we also need measures for gun safety. There is an opportunity to create safer communities and protect children more through gun safety measures.

Pretty damn poor choices. [thinking] Which one is supposedly the least worse?
I hardly ever vote in primary elections but I am going tomorrow and taking a democratic ballot SPECIFICALLY to vote against Warren Tolman. I find him to be worst kind of political leech who would spin facts 180 degrees to fit his agenda. He is a reprehensible drama queen and an opportunistic rat.

I will be doing this as well.
" I watched as my first born child was eaten by aliens here on this street corner."
"My parents died of some alien disease in this house".
I plan to hold the world ransom for............one million dollars.

Yes Virginia, he is nuts.


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Took a dem ballot today. Voted Healey for ag, and Finegold for treasurer. Gov and Lt gov I didn't vote because they all suck. Although Healey and Finegold probably aren't too much better for their roles. The only reason I voted for Healey was because how much disgust I have for Tolman. Finegold I voted for because at least he supported us somewhat during the whole gun legislation debacle. Either way, I feel like we'll end up getting screwed somehow.
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