Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?

The Dem AG primary race is very close. Right now it's a toss up. If NES does it's job, like it usually does, we can defeat Warren Tolman on Tuesday. I kid you not. NES may be the difference in this election. We need a good turn out.

Maybe need a separate thread started, "Vote for Maura Healey for AG."
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O really go Healey?

From http://www.maurahealey.com/issues

Gun Violence
Maura is committed to eliminating the scourge of gun violence and addressing the deep public health and public safety crisis created by the proliferation and misuse of guns in our homes, on our streets and in our communities.

I would rather see Pro 2A pepople vote for a a Pro 2A person, Mark Fisher, than waste time voting for the lesser of two antis.
Mike, in Utopia Mark Fisher might win. In MA, he stands as much chance as my winning the lottery that I don't even play! Even if everyone on NES were to vote for him, it still won't come close to changing the outcome.

So you'd prefer Tolman . . . who will certainly shut down all transfers of conventional guns by edict. MA courts will agree with him Comm2A files a case in USDC and it gets dicked around for 3-5 years before we get a win . . . but all those guns are now gone, dealers have closed up, etc.

Enjoy your Utopia, I'll live in the real world.
Apparently Deval just endorsed Warren Tolman.

"I am endorsing Warren because I know from his campaign and from a deep personal relationship with him that he will be an activist AG, and I am excited about that," Patrick said in the email. "From gun safety to health care costs to consumer protection and civil rights, I want an AG who will not only enforce the law effectively, but also use the influence of the office strategically to improve the lives and prospects of Massachusetts people and small businesses. Warren Tolman will be that kind of leader."

This Tolman guy is a ****ing screwball. I just saw his commercial on TV. Jesus ****ing Christ! God help us.
Independent vote for Healey here as well. Got my wife on board and a couple of guys at work will vote for Healey. Warren Tolman is a menace to society.
When he looses it'd be nice if he knew that gun owners at least contributed to his defeat. We may not be a majority in this state but we are still a pretty significantly sized voting block if we want to be. These gun grabbers need to know that and I think this is a decent opportunity to illustrate it.
Convinced a few more people to vote in primary. Talking at lunch today with several people who had not intended to vote in primary. Gave them a quick rundown and they were intent on voting.
I see if you're registered unenrolled you can vote Democrat, but what if you're registered Republican? I think I'm registered independent but can't remember.

Edit: I looked it up, I'm unenrolled. Will go vote for Healey, you guys convinced me.

Is there a list who we should vote for?
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I see if you're registered unenrolled you can vote Democrat, but what if you're registered Republican? I think I'm registered independent but can't remember.

Edit: I looked it up, I'm unenrolled. Will go vote for Healey, you guys convinced me.

Is there a list who we should vote for?

I would like to know this as well.
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