We need a fence


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NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Fencing the border, originally proposed in the debate over how to stop illegal immigration, is controversial. The Bush administration argues that a Berlin Wall-style barrier would be a huge waste of money — costing up to $8 billion.

It is currently costing us 10 billion a year to process the illegals and send them back to Mexico. [roll] I think we can eat the 8 billion.

On this we agree, a fence properly manned would be a deterrent, it worked along the East-German, West-German border, but to reiterate it would have to be manned and maintained.

I think the Border Patrol should develop a civilian auxiliary unit like the Civil Air Patrol, Coast Guard Auxiliary or in my very early youth the Ground Observer Corps. This unit would be responsible for observing and reporting illegal immigrants.

The other thing that should be considered is the guest worker program. We had it once in the 50's and 60's but the Johnson adminstration s**t canned it in '64 or '65. It was the Bracero Program and it allowed workers to come to the US for up to six months, then they had to return to Mexico. The families stayed back in the old country and for the most part the Braceros went back at the end of the six months because they knew that they would be coming back next year. I worked with them as a general laborer for the Bruce Church Ranch down in Yuma, Arizona, I chopped cotton and picked melons for the grand wage of 90 cents per hour in 1964...it was a great life experience as I was 15 at the time, and I really learned to appreciate the fact that I was an American.

The other thing is decidedly controversial: let's just grant amnesty to everyone that is here, but after the fence is up...no amnesty.

Let's lower the quota for legal admission to pre-1965 levels.

But first and foremost, let's build that fence.


mark056 said:
I think the Border Patrol should develop a civilian auxiliary unit like the Civil Air Patrol, Coast Guard Auxiliary or in my very early youth the Ground Observer Corps. This unit would be responsible for observing and reporting illegal immigrants.

You mean like the Minuteman Project? :D
Yep...ya know it is really amazing what the ICE people tell me off the record about the Minutemen...a lot different than what is put out officially. Of course, I have only talked to several regarding this subject.

mark056 said:
Yep...ya know it is really amazing what the ICE people tell me off the record about the Minutemen...a lot different than what is put out officially. Of course, I have only talked to several regarding this subject.


By ICE do you mean La Migra?
The angry dudes in the Green and white vans. [wink]

You should see a block scatter in east L.A. when one of those baby's pulls up, I almost started running! [lol]
Now if we are making that wall like the east germans are we mining it too?Not all the guard towers had guards. It was a crap shoot,they would also use cut outs. They probably figured they wouldn't survive the mine field anyways. Having lived right near the wall it was an eerie feeling wondering if they made it over or not. Loved hearing those gun shots in the middle of the night. [roll]
Well, I might not go so far as landmines, also too we are the good guys so I don't think we should use deadly force unless of course the illegals make a life threatening move to our border guards. I would have no problem with an electrified fence except the maintenance and once in awhile livestock would get fried, but it would be like paying manuever damage in Germany, it is a lot cheaper to pay for a dead cow than maintain a bunch of illegals in this country.

I certainly think that the full gamut of non-lethal weapons should be utilized: tasers, pepper-fog and Monodonock batons or whatever and lethal force if justified.


I don't know on your cow theory. If there are open range laws like Idaho,that cow gets very, very, expensive. Read you pay for every cow that cow could have had. You never wanted to hit one when I lived there. Go the concret like the east germans and concertina wire on top. Might slow them down a little,but then some east germans would find a way over,so it wouldn't be an end all solution either.
JonJ said:
I'll say it again, machine gun towers and mine fields. It's cheaper and helps feed the wildlife.

SEE????? And they say that conservatives don't care about nature and those that dwell in it.

[lol] [lol]

(btw - +1, Jon)
What I find interesting is the use of a perjorative phrase like "Berlin Wall Style". Somebody should clue the author of the article in on the fact that the Berlin Wall was designed to keep people IN, not keep people from invading a foreign country. Then again maybe he or she thinks that the Berlin Wall was there to keep the West Germans from escaping the capitalist prison and migrating into the People's paradise of East Germany.

It's hard to know what they teach kids in history class these days.

GaryS made, I think an interesting point. A fence would be more analagous to the Great wall of China or Hadrian's Wall, in that it would be an barrier to keep people out, not in.


Ask the Israilis if their wall works. It's working so well that Amnesty International is pissed off. If they hate it, it's a good thing!
Gary, FYI.. I was stationed in Berlin and know what the wall was built for. I lived on the german economy 1 mile from it. Part of what I said was in sarcasm,since I got to listen to the gun shots on a frequent basis and wonder if that person made it over, or died trying. I also saw the guards in the towers,etc. So if you think I know nothing about it think again. I lived near it.
Where my brother once lived Del Rio TX,it literally is right on the mexican border. Now it is the only place I have been in the US where either direction you leave the town you go through a Border Patrol checkpoint. Not the entering or leaving the Mexico border. Also the other place where english is the second language. It was different.
How about a fence down the middle instead? All the liberal socialists can live on one side and everyone else can live on the other. Let them have their rules and laws and we can have ours. Good bye, have a nice life, good luck and don't come looking for any help when you finish screwing your side up.
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