NES Member
I don’t have a Boston offer on the table and I would feel foolish if I walked away from the Philly offer and nothing materialized. I was interviewing and talking to 4 other companies in the Boston area I sent them all emails saying that I had a serious offer and this would be there last chance before I relocated, waiting for a response from 2. And yes I would stay if any of them came through, she is only in her 3rd year (9th grade) and just 14 so to young to be on her own. Kills me because she is working hard and doing great getting Approbation (Honors) every term.If my kid was the caliber to be able to handle and garner admission to Boston Latin, I’d find a way to leave her there until she graduates. Even though woke nonsense has diminished the quality of all k-16 education, Latin is still an amazing place. Moving your daughter out of there should be a last resort.

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