Congratulations on the sale and the escape. It sounds like you have the moving truck part sewn up. Yes, it's complicated.
A few things to know about moving companies. First, there are some that aren't really companies at all, they are brokers. You sign up with them, then they sell the contract to someone else. "Someone else" may be a fly by night company that will load up your proprerty and then hold you up. I am not saying that whoever you did sign up with is that way, but be sure to check them out.
We used Mayflower because they are reliable and nationwide. The crew that loaded the truck in MA was not the crew that unloaded in TX. It just doesn't work that way. The driver is responsible for loss or damage, which helps to ensure that they and the people who do the unloading are careful.
The hardest part for us was deciding what was and wasn't being moved. By hard, I mean physically more than emotionally. My wife decided early on that we were getting rid of most our furniture since it was ready for replacement anyway. That saved us a lot of money in the moving which we put towards new stuff when we got to TX. We didn't move appliances either. We moved a couple of TVs, but mostly sold those with the house in MA and bought new when we got to TX.
You may want to talk to your homeowners insurance about the contents during the move. We also made sure that we could use the same company in the new house, but that's a different topic.
I don't know if you got to the point where the estimator does a walk through of the house, but the guy we used was able to calculate the a pretty accurate cost in his head, which is confirmed with the software.
In our case, the truck had three different houses to deliver to. The driver was from somewhere in the south and went north to pick up the loaded truck and drive down to Texas. He arrived at our house on the dot the morning of the move in.
I don't know how your planning to move your guns or how many, so this may not apply. They will ship your guns, but they will not ship ammunition. The driver told me that's because they don't know shit about ammunition and are afraid of it. Oh, the other thing they won't ship is aerosol cans of any kind.
Probably more information than you need.
Got an 8:00 call last nite. The realtor….we have an offer ! !!!! Awesome !! Sold !!!! I’m headed south in a month have you priced a moving truck ? Holy smokes 3100 dollars one way. Plymouth to Georgia. My wife called a veterans owned moving co for a price. When they found out 4out of 6 of kids are marine Corp vets, they really hooked us up!! Nicest guy on the phone talked us through it. Who knew how involved it gets ?? Anyway no more Massachusetts ! P. S. They said truck costs are so high because of the amount of people leaving New England !! Nobody’s driving the trucks back up here !