I got a little inspired to run some more tests with the free MFJ 9:1 unun I got when I bought something one time. I cut a perfectly random 35.5000000' length of wire and ran some tests with counterpoises, no counterpoises, different lengths of coax. My best combination is the 30' coax with a choke at the radio end, or the same setup with the 12' coax. Counterpoises made the SWR significantly worse. I'll have to get some shots of the SWR traces, but 40-6m is pretty tunable. I think 17 and 15 could be used without a tuner.
I'm sure if I had moved the choke to the 9:1 unun end the counterpoises would have helped. But this random wire setup isn't for home use, so there's less concern about "RF in the shack". Having the bulky choke on a table instead of wherever the unun ends up seems like the most convenient setup.
* Those were the two lengths of coax I had handy and would likely bring with me in the field.
Yeah, it's a compromise but for field use a 35' wire seems much handier than the 67' wire I use on my EFHW, and I get more bands (with a tuner). And something else to play with. If it works out I might pick up the MFJ 1:1 inline choke to save on the bulkiness of the setup.
Here's a comparison of the 12ft and 30ft coax setups. 30ft is better pretty much in every band, but 12ft picks up 60m if I ever wanted to use that.
Update again: 30' is purple trace, 12' is the orange trace.
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