What have you done recently to prepare? Please include How-To's also

Got my food saver vacuum sealer today. Sealed up a bunch of random stuff just because.

Ordered a number of #10 cans of freeze dried goods.

Realized that our 72hour kits should really contain no more than our ultralight backpacks do. I'll make a car bag that contains a bit more luxury/heavy items but the rest will be no more than ~30 lbs.
I Bought two "Downed operator Med Kits" from Tac med Solutions. I've been meaning to put together a couple of Ifaks and for 39 Bucks they're a great start. I now have one for my range bag and one for home. Since the Marathon bombing I've really been feeling a gap in my preps by not having some tourniquets.

SOF-T Wide tourniquet
Oleas Bandage
5.5 inch Shears
Face Shield

I added a few other things as well but these contain the basics
Toilet paper cannot be said enough. No such thing as too much. Barter item that is way better than having gold.

Campbells chunky soup is a $1 per can at Market Basket. I bought a few more flats.

Tracked TP usage for the month of November. 14 rolls, family of 3. Both adults work and teen goes to school and spends time at friends. Multiply by 3 and round up to 45 (we actually buy TP in packs of 45). This is my number for rolls/month if TSHTF in a serious way. (puns intended) We have 9 months stocked. Time to buy some more.

I couldn't take it anymore... just purchased a 6th month supply of food from the ready store. Followed the link right off of NES at the top. Three months for me and three months for my wife. It cost me quite a few bucks too but its super easy and convenient. If I ever need it, it will probably be the most convenient thing to use during a time of crisis.
I highly recommend checking out Engineer775's channel on YouTube. Very informative from off grid water systems to gasification systems.
A few things since last update. I bought an Oral airway kit for the med kit as well as some extra Mosqutio Forceps. Rotated out the canned goods and made adjustments on what we are eating in a 2 year period. Lots of wasted space in the can stroage, so I drew up a can holding shelf that fits my needs. Will build in the spring. Did research on reusing heirloom seeds of a couple different vegetables. Found a place to get some 9mm ammo to up the stock on (Only thing that's low) Broke down the sig226 (not my carry gun) and installed a Short Reset Trigger kit. (First time breakthing that down that far, trigger kit worked flawlessly) Got a few more frequencies for the ham radio to try out. Got the CB installed in my truck. (With connections to replace with the portable ham radio if needed in an emergency) Pulled out the older guns for the yearly cleaning. Watched a video on how poor man slugs work aka cut shotgun shells (Neat!, have to try it) Checked water supplies, I only have 5 cases of bottled water on hand, not including the 50+ gallons of emergency (Which are due to be checked first of january), so that's due to be restocked next week. I brewed up some poor mans wine to test a recipe. Sent for and got my Eddie Eagle items in the mail (Kids are only 1 and 2, but I have it on hand for when the time comes) I broke out the dehydrator and tested it. Made sure generator was full and tested starting and connecting to the generator transfer switch (2 of the breakers need to be changed as they are in the wrong place in the house) (also tested the snowblower) I usually test the generator/snowblower late fall every year, not really prepping for shtf as much as prepping for winter. Reloaded about 10 rounds of .45, will test next time I am at the range and see if my gun blows up..lol (First time with that, it's a new skill I',m learning...) I think that's about it for what I have done recently.
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A good one for storage is stuff to assemble a cloths line. Rope, pulleys and the center span supports. A "T" pole setup is nicer, but the pulley and tree method works in most yards.
I couldn't take it anymore... just purchased a 6th month supply of food from the ready store. Followed the link right off of NES at the top. Three months for me and three months for my wife. It cost me quite a few bucks too but its super easy and convenient. If I ever need it, it will probably be the most convenient thing to use during a time of crisis.

Just a heads up about the "ready store". If you call them and ask for an expert (cs) you can get better deals than whats online. They'll discount everything by just picking up the phone....
Bought a new CB antenna for the one I broke off backing into the garage.
Got some comms protected in a faraday cage at the homestead.
Bought muck boots for the entire family, Christmas presents
Bought more jerry cans for diesel and filled them/added to rotation. As soon as they hit 6 months old, they go to one of the home heating tanks.
Bought some Pri-D if the fuel needs to go longer term in storage
Bought 2 more chains for each chain saw, bought 4 gallons of bar and chain oil and 2 six-packs of 40:1 oil. (now have 4 spare chains per saw) Bought files so I can sharpen the chain saws if needed/necessary.
Bought a better set of jumper cables, because the ones I had were crap.
Just figured out how to make charcoal. Charcoal, you say? Well, charcoal is one of three (or 2 depending) ingredients for blackpowder. So this is an ongoing project to learn how to make it.

Cooking a paint can full of birch wood


Next spring I'll make a bigger (55 gallon drum) batch. This will provide charcoal for BBQ'ing, but also for blackpowder and the fuel for a black smithing forge I am thinking about setting up.
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Refilled all gas cans, LP is topped off, Fuel oil is topped off, just got back from the liquor store. If the SHTF right now I'd be in good shape for quite a while.
Made basic first aid kits for family's 72-hour kits carried in backpacks. These are just enough to get to a secondary location or to endure a short-term disaster until help arrives:

44x4 sterile pads1razor blade in cardboard sleeve
2small roll 1" gauze2Pair latex gloves
1sheet moleskin6Immodium tabs
2XXL bandage12Benadryl tabs
6Lg cloth bandages20Ibuprofen
6Sm cloth bandages20Acetominophen
4Xsm cloth bandages1tweezers
86" stripes leukotape1safety pin
4'roll base layer stretch6S!Caps electrolytes
1Package wound closure strips4Katadyn water purification tabs
8ftMedical tape rolled tightly13.5"/.8oz Quick clot
6Alcohol prep pads individually pkg1Albuterol puffer
11/8" or 1/4" irrigation syringe1Surgical mask

[TD="colspan: 2"]Neo to Go or Bacitracin single-use[/TD]

The car kit will have more supplies to cover broader range of injuries.

- - - Updated - - -

If only I could have spent $29 on a ham radio when I was buying mine about 20 years ago!
Made basic first aid kits for family's 72-hour kits carried in backpacks. These are just enough to get to a secondary location or to endure a short-term disaster until help arrives:

44x4 sterile pads1razor blade in cardboard sleeve
2small roll 1" gauze2Pair latex gloves
1sheet moleskin6Immodium tabs
2XXL bandage12Benadryl tabs
6Lg cloth bandages20Ibuprofen
6Sm cloth bandages20Acetominophen
4Xsm cloth bandages1tweezers
86" stripes leukotape1safety pin
4'roll base layer stretch6S!Caps electrolytes
1Package wound closure strips4Katadyn water purification tabs
8ftMedical tape rolled tightly13.5"/.8oz Quick clot
6Alcohol prep pads individually pkg1Albuterol puffer
11/8" or 1/4" irrigation syringe1Surgical mask

[TD="colspan: 2"]Neo to Go or Bacitracin single-use[/TD]

The car kit will have more supplies to cover broader range of injuries.

- - - Updated - - -

If only I could have spent $29 on a ham radio when I was buying mine about 20 years ago!

You need to add a tourniquet.

Every single first aid kit in existence should have a tourniquet in it.
What is the big deal with tourniquets?

Don't people have belts or handkerchiefs any more?

Yes. I also have a 10lb sledge hammer that can be used to put finishing nails in.

A real tourniquet actually works on all size limbs, stays secure, stops all blood flow not just some of it, and has a panel to write down the time on.
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Making up 2 identical "Get Home Bags" for my niece and her boyfriend for Christmas - I'm going with the USEFUL gifts this year.

Backpack (~$9 from Walmart) - not fancy but it will live in the trunk until needed, so it's fine.
Stainless Steel 'pot' with handle and lid (includes 2 cups inside) made by Stanley
Water Purification Tabs
LED Flashlight
Fishing Kit (went through my stuff and made up a kit with line remnants/bobbers/lead weights (can't use in VT anymore))
MRE from APACK w/heater
First Aid Kit
Hand Warmers
30' Para Cord
6 Zip Ties
Chemical Light Stick
Pen & Notepad
Wool Blanket
Space Blanket
Emergency Poncho
Filter Straw
2 Bottles of Water
Large Trashbag (44gal)

Also, everything is Ziplock bagged.

Pic as promised, wool blanket not in the pic it's 60x80 surplus.


I'm also thinking about 90% silver quarters, but they are teens; not sure they would leave them alone until needed.

On a personal note: Still down 40lbs to about 230lb @ 6'3", did 1.25 miles on the treadmill and some weights this afternoon. Next week I start my rotation 1 mile on the treadmill, 1 mile on the elliptical and some weights after. I do have to get back to my diet, my goal is 200lbs.
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Making up 2 identical "Get Home Bags" for my niece and her boyfriend for Christmas - I'm going with the USEFUL gifts this year.

Backpack (~$9 from Walmart) - not fancy but it will live in the trunk until needed, so it's fine.
Stainless Steel 'pot' with handle and lid (includes 2 cups inside) made by Stanley
Water Purification Tabs
LED Flashlight
Fishing Kit (went through my stuff and made up a kit with line remnants/bobbers/lead weights (can't use in VT anymore))
MRE from APACK w/heater
First Aid Kit
Hand Warmers
30' Para Cord
6 Zip Ties
Chemical Light Stick
Pen & Notepad
Wool Blanket
Space Blanket
Emergency Poncho
Filter Straw
2 Bottles of Water
Large Trashbag (44gal)

Also, everything is Ziplock bagged.

Pic as promised, wool blanket not in the pic it's 60x80 surplus.

View attachment 88324

I'm also thinking about 90% silver quarters, but they are teens; not sure they would leave them alone until needed.

On a personal note: Still down 40lbs to about 230lb @ 6'3", did 1.25 miles on the treadmill and some weights this afternoon. Next week I start my rotation 1 mile on the treadmill, 1 mile on the elliptical and some weights after. I do have to get back to my diet, my goal is 200lbs.

Great setup on the get home bags!! Also good work on the fitness routine!! I started a minimalist exercise routine using kettle bell and an adjustable pull up bar .I'm 5' 10" 248lbs. Seems to be working well I got to fit into some old pants.

This week I hit up the local Army navy store and got some more items to add to my newest BOB ..
Making up 2 identical "Get Home Bags" for my niece and her boyfriend for Christmas - I'm going with the USEFUL gifts this year.

Backpack (~$9 from Walmart) - not fancy but it will live in the trunk until needed, so it's fine.
Stainless Steel 'pot' with handle and lid (includes 2 cups inside) made by Stanley
Water Purification Tabs
LED Flashlight
Fishing Kit (went through my stuff and made up a kit with line remnants/bobbers/lead weights (can't use in VT anymore))
MRE from APACK w/heater
First Aid Kit
Hand Warmers
30' Para Cord
6 Zip Ties
Chemical Light Stick
Pen & Notepad
Wool Blanket
Space Blanket
Emergency Poncho
Filter Straw
2 Bottles of Water
Large Trashbag (44gal)

Also, everything is Ziplock bagged.

Pic as promised, wool blanket not in the pic it's 60x80 surplus.

View attachment 88324

I'm also thinking about 90% silver quarters, but they are teens; not sure they would leave them alone until needed.

On a personal note: Still down 40lbs to about 230lb @ 6'3", did 1.25 miles on the treadmill and some weights this afternoon. Next week I start my rotation 1 mile on the treadmill, 1 mile on the elliptical and some weights after. I do have to get back to my diet, my goal is 200lbs.

Nice. It could double as a car stranded bag, maybe add some cheap gloves and hat, along with a couple energy bars or some other non-perishable food.

I've bought some prepping type gear for relatives myself, specifically flashlight batteries as a stocking stuffer to replenish last years mag lite led gift. Got the same for my self :)

good job on the weight loss. I lost a bunch of weight last year, then gained half back--ugh! Now I'm back on the decline again--in a good way!
Nothing better to do today than roast an extra turky, strip the carcass and can it. (Well most of it.) Got 9 pints of turkey topped off with jiblet gravy (no flour). Have enough left for sammiches tomorrow too. [smile]
got a another 275 gallon oil tank to store diesel 550 gallon total plus the 42 gallons in the truck. will fill it with cheaper out of state diesel and stabilize it.
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