What have you seen lately?

This is the first year in 24 years at my place without any bears in the yard. No mangled trash barrels, no destroyed bird feeders, nada.
I'm not complaining, just curious. Where are the bears?
These two were in the back yard this weekend - mother great horned owl (I believe) and fledgling

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Mother still about the yard, looks to be nesting in the woods behind the house - picking bugs out of the lawn, guessing to feed the fledglings who are likely noit hunting for themselves yet

Mother still about the yard, looks to be nesting in the woods behind the house - picking bugs out of the lawn, guessing to feed the fledglings who are likely noit hunting for themselves yet

View attachment 890548
What I would give to have that beauty working my back yard. She would clear out my nest of voles in nothing flat, plus solve my chipmunk problem and hopefully take a toll on an out of control rabbit population. That's an awesome picture of a fantastic bird.
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