What is everyone doing for a chest rig?

No need for a chest rig, got it all on the back[smile]

All of my web gear/tactical nylon comes from either Tactical Tailor or Diamondback Tactical. I have a 6-mag PALS-front chest rack from Diamondback that I'm happy with.
That's one of those items that serves no practical purpose unless you really need it and then you're going to be really glad you have it. Some of the people above my post actually know what they're talking about (unlike me) so I would listen.
Mag pouches, etc are really personal pref. I run velcro flaps, not a big fan of the bungees,

My plate carrier has velcro pouches on it; my chest rack has the bungees. I prefer the velcro, but I don't mind the bungees...especially since they're a lot quieter than velcro.
how big are you? at 6' and 180lbs, i've yet to try on a plate carrier or chest rig that fit well without me needing to wear a heavy sweathshirt or a lot of clothes.

also what is your purpose for the rig and are you going to be carrying other gear like an IFAK, dump pouch and a battle belt.
how big are you? at 6' and 180lbs, i've yet to try on a plate carrier or chest rig that fit well without me needing to wear a heavy sweathshirt or a lot of clothes.

This is a great point. I am smaller than Colt so when I was picking a rig I made sure that it had as many adjustment points as possible. Running or even walking around in a rig that isn't snug against your body instantly becomes a huge pain in the ass.
how big are you? at 6' and 180lbs, i've yet to try on a plate carrier or chest rig that fit well without me needing to wear a heavy sweathshirt or a lot of clothes.

also what is your purpose for the rig and are you going to be carrying other gear like an IFAK, dump pouch and a battle belt.

This is a great point. I am smaller than Colt so when I was picking a rig I made sure that it had as many adjustment points as possible. Running or even walking around in a rig that isn't snug against your body instantly becomes a huge pain in the ass.

I'm bigger than you both, and I still have some fit issues with my plate carrier. I ran out of adjustment on the waist/cumberbund. My chest rack fits pretty good, though.
I'm bigger than you both, and I still have some fit issues with my plate carrier. I ran out of adjustment on the waist/cumberbund. My chest rack fits pretty good, though.

Biggest problem I have had so far is that my carrier will overhang a bit on my belt rig on the sides. I think we both use the same carrier.
i have a cheap-o one for now...but my buddy just got a shotgun micro rig from originalsoegear.com, i really like the quality of their stuff. i'm looking to get their AK/M4 micro rig, also thought about their m1 garand chest rig for sh*ts and giggles.
Biggest problem I have had so far is that my carrier will overhang a bit on my belt rig on the sides. I think we both use the same carrier.

TTRAC? I don't think I've had belt problems, but I also don't do the whole battle-belt thing. Just a gun and mag holster.

The shape of my torso is mildly incompatible with having the whole back plate against my back, though. I have the cumberbund adjusted all the way in, and it still hangs funny. Maybe I should just put on some more weight. D's TTRAC fits him perfectly [laugh]
I am thinking about doing a MAV with some HSGI Taco pouches for some training I'd like to do this year. I don't have armor or anything like that, just looking for a way to carry more ammo to the line.
Here is a good article to get you started: Evolution of a Chest rig.
I would also recommend this thread: Chest Rig on M4Carbine
Depending on a class you are taking chest rig may not even be necessary. I completed a number of rifle classes with three pouches mounted on my belt.
While a vest/armor carrier sounds cool, loading it up and then wearing it for extended periods of time isn't.
You're such a lightweight [rofl]

4 primary mags, 1 secondary, flashlight and a knife, plus ceramic plates.

As opposed to 6 primary, 4 secondary, 3 flashlights, 2 knives, 6gal of water, an ambulance worth of medical supplies...(and that's just the belt) [wink]
Looking at this link. Thoughts? Recommendations?

I actually bought that exact vest last month from SKDTAC in multicam - It's extremely well made and beautiful in multicam. I looked for a long time and was unable to find anything close in price that delivers that much quality and value. However, as others have said, whether it's right for you or not really depends on it intended purpose.

It's hard to see, but it is a Tactical Talior Mini Mav with three Fast-Mag holders. It's clean lightweight and simple and the Fast-Mag holders will work wiht the 10 round black dog mags for training wiht the .22 AR
I did some research and now have a tactical tailor MAV 2 piece with X harness, being two piece makes taking it on and off much easier, especially with body armor, as you can just un-buckle it in the front. I haven't really had to much time on it yet, but it easily holds 4 double mag pouches, IFAK, dump pouch, and on the should straps I have room for a grenade pouch and knife/light. I plan on putting a couple gear reviews up after some long term use, and I'll update this thread whenever I end up reviewing it (won't be for over a year).

I wish they wouldn't call the things 'active shooter' chest rigs.

Active shooter conjures up a nutbag in the process of offing innocents, to most observers.

I understand the tactical meaning....I just think this kind of naming accelerates the day when I won't be able to buy one.

Personally, I can't make much use of one....I already have too much weight hanging out over my belt.

Any more, and I'd keep falling forward.
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