What you want GOAL to do for you this year.

What would you most like GOAL to do for you this year?

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NES Member
Nov 8, 2005
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Just saw the thing about target guns. That's fine. Same with the corrections last year for the black powder (or is it muzzle loader) guns.

I am wondering what people would most like to see GOAL focus on this year, just out of curiosity.
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I'd like it if all towns/cities have the same criteria for letting people get their LTC's.

Severe criminal history - No guns
Basic criminal history - Restricted license
No criminal history or psychological faults - ALP LTC

Hey; one can dream, can't he?
>10 rd only because if not someone is bound to get jammed up legally with a mag they thought was pre-ban (or was sold as pre-ban) but isn't!
Moderator said:
I'd like it if all towns/cities have the same criteria for letting people get their LTC's.

Severe criminal history - No guns
Basic criminal history - Restricted license
No criminal history or psychological faults - ALP LTC

Hey; one can dream, can't he?

What everyone said.

Plus,I want to be able to use a sound suppressor. Just my personal beef...
derek said:
If you're not a criminal and you have a clean record ALP should be issued.

Totally my wish!

I'd kinda like an ALP without having to move to a differnt town.

Plus all the odd variants from town-to-town here is just stupid.

-Weer'd Beard
>10 rd only because if not someone is bound to get jammed up legally with a mag they thought was pre-ban (or was sold as pre-ban) but isn't!

Seems like this one would have the only real chance of ever really happening, but I'm not holding my breath waiting. [roll]
Realize that NOBODY has any power over the AG!

He's never going to issue an approved List.

The mail-order ammo is the AG's "opinion" - NOT appealable and only a pro-gun AG can overrule it.

GOAL can't touch the AG. The AG refuses to work with the GCAB/EOPS and nobody can force him.

So you have to concentrate on the "doable", which really is strictly legislative in nature.
I am afraid that Len has hit it squarely on the head. The best thing we and GOAL can do is concentrate on little bits and pieces of legislation until an opportunity for a bigger victory comes along.

I voted for the magazine limit. Try to show how inconsequential it has been and reverse it. Then go on to another issue.
LenS said:
Realize that NOBODY has any power over the AG!

He's never going to issue an approved List.

The mail-order ammo is the AG's "opinion" - NOT appealable and only a pro-gun AG can overrule it.

GOAL can't touch the AG. The AG refuses to work with the GCAB/EOPS and nobody can force him.

So you have to concentrate on the "doable", which really is strictly legislative in nature.
I thought the AG was hanging his hat and filing suit on out of state ammo dealers on MGL's. They need to have a permit and there is no mechanism in place for them to obtain that permit. One sentence added to 140s122b should do it, no?

NOTHING in MGLs states that Interstate Commerce needs MA permits and that "all transactions take place in MA". That is the AG's mis-interpretation of the MGLs.

According to the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code, the legal bible for interstate commerce) as I recall it, interstate transactions take place at the place of sale (usually where it is shipped from) not the place that the buyer is sitting in front of their phone/computer or buyer's residence.

Taking the AG's "ruling" further it would require every out-of-state vendor to get a MA Sales Tax Certificate (even if vendor has no nexus in MA) and collect/pay MA Sales Tax on every transaction here. It was determined a long, long time ago that if a business did not have a nexus in MA, they did not have to collect sales tax here. It then was the responsibility of the buyer to pay the "use tax" themselves.

I do agree with you that a small change in the MGLs could solve the problem, however the legislature has shown no desire in reigning in the "misuse of powers" (with no oversight) of the AG! I was pointing out that nobody can force the AG to re-write his "rulings" and "opinions" as he is answerable to nobody once he is elected.

It's also interesting that yesterday I was told that (allegedly) the AG basically told Glock that they could NOT honor their warranty and replace defective guns!! Anyone tried to do this on another product would be facing the wrath of the AG under Ch. 93A (deceptive practices), but not on guns . . . but he's doing it for our own good!! [roll]
I voted for simplifying MA laws. Since most of the idiots on the hill voted for Chapt 180, the majority of them have seen the error of their ways and that they're really stupid. I think we'd get more going down that avenue and corrrecting mistakes and simplifying the laws for now. Go after more stuff later.
Nickle said:
Since I don't live in Mass, reciprocity.

The AG has the statutory power to do that any day he wishes! The law actually states that the AG will release a list of reciprocal states annually, IIRC. I got my copy . . . it has the same info on it that a ream of paper bought at Staples has on each sheet! [cry]

Don't hold your breath waiting for that one!
I KNOW better than to wait for that. But that's about the only thing GOAL could do for me, coerce the AG into doing the right thing.

I don't figure Nationally mandated reciprocity will pass, either.

But, we've got to TRY.
Any of these would do. Baby steps. Say we get 10+ mags, after a few years the crime rate stays roughly the same, we can push for something else.
Kalahari said:
Any of these would do. Baby steps. Say we get 10+ mags, after a few years the crime rate stays roughly the same, we can push for something else.

I'll probably get some folks P'd with this statement, however, I'd rather see some of the other confusing and out right assinine laws appended rather than the mag question. If a dealer isn't aware of the mag, than how the hell are we supposed to be educated on it?? If in doubt, it's easily fixed - buy another mag that's pre-ban. Some of these other laws are keeping folks from getting a gun in the first place....like Police Chief DISCRETION. [roll]
Kalahari said:
Any of these would do. Baby steps. Say we get 10+ mags, after a few years the crime rate stays roughly the same, we can push for something else.

Yeah that would imply that anti-gun lawmakers give a rat's ass about crime-rate or the actual effects of thier laws.

If they DID Boston would be shedding gun-laws like a Frog on a Cheese Grater with muders that seem to be bought in economy packs now.

Seems that they're cheaper by the Dozen....saves Boston Globe ink, since they can stack 3-4 deaths in one article....IF they report them.


-Weer'd Beard
eliminate the ridiculous language in the law which defines ammunition as including empty cartridge cases, projectiles, wads, primers, shothulls, shot, etc.
sieveboy said:
eliminate the ridiculous language in the law which defines ammunition as including empty cartridge cases, projectiles, wads, primers, shothulls, shot, etc.

This one is actually an active bill with a chance to pass right now! Check the GOAL website for more info and what we can do to get this one passed.
LenS said:
sieveboy said:
eliminate the ridiculous language in the law which defines ammunition as including empty cartridge cases, projectiles, wads, primers, shothulls, shot, etc.

This one is actually an active bill with a chance to pass right now! Check the GOAL website for more info and what we can do to get this one passed.

+4 to that one!!!

I was doing a load of laundry and noticed a .22 Brass in the bottom. Dunno how it snuck home from me, but it could have happend to one on my Non-licenced friends. I know Bruce posted about some thug doing 11 days in the can for illigal possesion of a firearm....but somthing tells me a judge might be LESS lenient to an up-standing white-collar citizen.

My basis for this is IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENCE, and that appears to be the law in Mass.

"Massachusetts: Why would it have to make sence???"

-Weer'd Beard
Ask not what GOAL can do for you, ask what you can do for GOAL.

And what one tiny little thing could you do to make HUGE difference?

If everyone here signed up just 3-5 new members, we'd be a long way to getting reform.

Probably the biggest argument GOAL hears is that "you do not represent the majority of gun owners"

Well, only membership can change that.

To use another quote: Charity starts at home. Join GOAL.
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