
I would like the post to go where I was looking for it to go. Which would be getting some good input on what other guys stock their kit with. But all I have been dealing with is guys posting silly comments. So much for sticking to the topic I started this as: WHATS IN YOUR BAILOUT BAG??????

Post may have been better off in the survival section.
I don't have a bag but for instance I have:

in the truck:
1 spare pistol mag (in addition to the 1 in gun and other on me 45rds total)
winter boots
insulated bib overalls
extra jacket
3 days of med. I am on
pipe and tobacco
3d cell maglight

in work bag:
Multi tool and basic work tools (dykes, wrenches, screwdrivers all x2)
several granola bars/candy
2 pair of work gloves
full water bottle
AA mini mag
4-8 AA batteries
pair of socks
electrical tape
1 day of med. I am on

I need:
sugary stuff
contractor bags
MichaelJR might have some competition...

I was referring to MichaelJR's remarks above, not declaring it myself. I re-read it and realize I was a little vague.

also, my apologies to henchmen77, I have also enjoyed reading the legit answers here and in other threads about this topic. After I have some play $ handy Id like to put together a bag of some sort as well.
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I think the Bug Out Bag name itself has a stigmata to it. It's why I call my bag my get home bag. I keep it stocked with things to get me home to my loved ones in case I find myself stranded somewhere. A good source of information is equip2endure on youtube. Adam does a great job on reviews and has given me lots to think about. I also like the edcforums.com, those guys are great and and share alot of wisdom.

countycomm.com has some great deals if you haven't been by their site.

What would you call if it the system fails and people have fallen to their lowest levels and would do anything to live? Don't know about you but I would call that combat survival. Just looking to build a kit that can handle most anything, that my mean setting up different bags for different events my be something to look at?

You're gonna need a dedicated 4x4 vehicle with locked differentials and a winch to carry all that for any reasonable distance.

And a team of guys to help you out.
You're gonna need a dedicated 4x4 vehicle with locked differentials and a winch to carry all that for any reasonable distance.

And a team of guys to help you out.

Then you'll have to peruse the 4x4 sites to find out what you should have to keep that vehicle going in the off road situations...(basically spare everything and the tools to replace/repair them).[wink]
Well being a Grunt in the Corp ochmude I can tell you first hand that the saying is true. Locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver, and to repel the enemy's assault by fire and close-combat is that statement also not true ochmude?
What are you bugging out of? It sounds like you're not buggin' out, but rather starting an underground rebel movement.
I don't have a bug out bag
I'm with this guy. I have a survival kit I keep in my car, with a space blanket, some water purifying tablets, freeze dried food, and a couple other essentials.
What are you bugging out of? It sounds like you're not buggin' out, but rather starting an underground rebel movement.

It has nothing to do with rebellion. In USMC bootcamp, one of the things you memorize is the Purpose of Marine Corps Infantry.
"Sir, the purpose of Marine Corps Infantry is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver, and to repel the enemy's assault by fire and close combat, Sir!"

That's what Henchmen77 was referring to.
It has nothing to do with rebellion. In USMC bootcamp, one of the things you memorize is the Purpose of Marine Corps Infantry.
That's what Henchmen77 was referring to.
I got that part. But that's the purpose of the Marine Corps. NOT the purpose of a bugout bag / survival kit.
I got that part. But that's the purpose of the Marine Corps. NOT the purpose of a bugout bag / survival kit.

I see what you're saying. No, I agree completely. It helps to define specifically what each person means when they say "bugout bag".
I posted this before but have updated some items.

$100 in ones

Fire Kit:
Bic Lighter
Tinder (Cotton balls rubbed with Vasoline makes great fire starting material)

2 Flashlights G2 LED (Surefire Carrier with extra batteries and extra lamp)
4 Glow sticks
3 Mini LED Keychain lights from County Comm attached to the Molle webbing on bag

Kershaw ZT 0300
Mechanics Screwdriver

Small sewing Kit
3 feet of folded Duct Tape

Couple granola bars
2 Pouches Mountain House Chili Mac
6 Sugar packets (Only for my wife or I)
Empty Nalgene Bottle (to save room you can fit the sugar, granola bars into the bottle)
P51 Can opener

Small First Aid Kit
CPR Mask
Asprin, (Not for others just for myself/wife)

Ball Cap
Watch Cap

Then I switch out a extra T shirt or fleece depending on season and a map of Mass. My Get Home bag will be diffrent than what you may wish to carry. It is ever changing. I do have a fishing pole and tackle box in my cars trunk. But thats so I can go fishing after work and not worry about driving all the way home to make a spontaneous fishing stop.
you bugging out to Tens?
Let me see......

Condoms, twinkies, a couple of cans of beer, beef jerky, socks, ski mask, some rope, entrenching tool, dirty sweatshirt, and a Pez dispenser.

Good to go.
Is there a link and/or a little more detail, or should we just roam the aisles at our local store?

Stop and Shop doesn't have links to many products on their site, here is the identical kit.


Is it a legit FAK or are half of those items bandaids and cotton swabs?

Most retail first aid kits are mostly band aids, but it's a goos starting point, plus has many other items that are useful, but here's what in it


1 - Large Vinyl bag

1 - AMA First Aid Guide

10 - Cotton tipped applicators

2 - Exam quality vinyl gloves

1 - Plastic Tweezers

1 - Thermometers, one time use

1 - Scissors


15 - Antiseptic cleansing wipes (sting free)

14 - Alcohol cleansing pads

6 - Antibiotic ointment packs

3 - Insect sting relief pads

2 - First aid/burn cream packs

1 - Burn relief gel pack

Medicine :

1 - Extra-strength non-aspirin (tablets)

1 - Ibuprofen (tablets)

1 - Aspirin (tablets)


75 - Adhesive plastic bandages 3/4" x 3"

20 - Fabric bandages 3/4" x 3"

50 - Junior adhesive plastic bandages 3/8" x 1-1/2"

30 - Adhesive plastic bandages 1" x 3"

10 -Fabric bandages 3/4" x 3"

4 - Fingertip fabric bandages

4 - Knuckle fabric bandages

2 - Elbow & knee plastic bandages 2" x 4"

1 - Patch bandage 1-1/2"


3 - Moleskin squares 2" x 2"

3 - Medium Butterfly wound closures

2 - Finger splint 6" x 3/4"

2 - First aid tape roll 1/2" x 5 yd.

1 - Emergency blanket 38 X 60

1 - Instant cold compress

Dressings :

6 - Gauze dressing pads 2" x 2"

4 - Gauze dressing pads 3" x 3"

2 - Gauze dressing pads 4" x 4"

1 - Trauma pads 5" x 9"

1 - 2" Conforming gauze roll bandage

1 - Sterile eye pads
1 - First Aid Guide
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I'm sitting here up to my fenders in snow - 1/2 mile from the road, waiting fir my buddy to arrive with his snow cat to pull me the rest of the way in, eating a pork sausage MRE, (the-best), sipping on blackberry brandy, surfing the web and listening to Howard Stern. My first thought is: "Technology is truly amazing". My second thought is: "A hot Russian stripper would be just the ticket right now". My third thought is: "This MRE is really good." My fourth thought is: "This thread is chock full of win." Carry on gents.....[cheers]
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It's good to have friends....

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