How many BoB's do you guys have? I was thinking of keeping an A&B bag in each vehicle. There are 3 of us and 2 cars (me, husband, and kid). Usually I have the van - my A bag would be designed around me and my needs for a BoB. The B bag would be extra stuff if 1 or 2 others were with me (husband and son). The same (just in reverse) for my husbands car. B Bag can also be for more of the real SHTF scenarios vs just stuck by the side of the road for a few hours.

What think you?
How many BoB's do you guys have? I was thinking of keeping an A&B bag in each vehicle. There are 3 of us and 2 cars (me, husband, and kid). Usually I have the van - my A bag would be designed around me and my needs for a BoB. The B bag would be extra stuff if 1 or 2 others were with me (husband and son). The same (just in reverse) for my husbands car. B Bag can also be for more of the real SHTF scenarios vs just stuck by the side of the road for a few hours.

What think you?

I try and maintain a few;

In the car, I keep:
1) a to-go bag with food, water, a few spare clothing items, spare mag, flashlight, batteries, and some cash. It's designed to have what's needed if I need to leave my vehicle for some reason and continue on foot, figuring on the highest probability of need being walking to the nearest town/service station.
2) More car/road centric stuff....air pump, jack, spare, road flares, sleeping bags, spare maps. The need this was designed for was having to stop driving, but stay with the vehicle (disabled, snowed in on the road, exhaustion)
3) Hunting gear....you never know when a hunting opportunity will pop up on the road.

In the house:
1) a to-go bag with a change of clothes, spare shoes, cash, small foodstuffs, water, etc. The idea being if I need to GTFO of the house in a hurry, and I happen to be lightly clothed (house catches on fire while I'm sleeping?), I will at least have pants to wear.

2) The war chest.
I call it a ready bag the misses calls it the doomsday bag... I didnt correct her. contains 9mm s&w 908 3 loaded mags and a box of ammo. flint and steel, water proof matches. water bottles and water purification tablets. first aid kit. buck knife and swiss army knife. bunch of batteries. my trusty crank radio, handheld gps, and a pup tent. my thought is all i need to do is grab food and bag i figured constantly rotating expired food would be a pain

Just added this to my Get Home Bag. Picked it up at Home Depot for about $11. [smile]


If anyone need a good first aid kit for the BOB check out Stop and Shop, they have a great 299 piece kit for $20.

I'd avoid any first aid kit that advertises baced on the number of "pieces". Most are 75% bandaids (and how often do you really NEED 200x 3/4" bandaids?), with a bunch of ibuprofen/asprine (once again, how often do you need 50 asperine for first aid?). It would be fine for a classroom where you plan to never restock but need to deal with a log of small scrapes, but that's about it.
I do have a bag in my truck with cloths, a couple ER bars, water filter, batches, multitool, toiletries, etc.. Even had to use it once*, which prompted me to add a small towel to the set.

My "EDC" bag has:
- Cellphone
- Pen
- 2x notecards
- cough drop
- ~3' of paracord
- ~3' of duct tape
- pepper spray
- Asperine
- Ibuprofen
- Antacid
- Spare keys
- 2x Exam gloves
- 2x Antibotic ointment packs
- 2x Adhesive bandage
- Cheapo penlight and spare e2 Lithium batteries.

I need to add a small multitool to it, but it's not a high priority for me at the moment since I always carry a Leatherman Wave. I want to get a Leatherman PS4 added to the kit. Also need to get a better flashlight, probably a Preon 2, Fenix LD05, or Streamlight Stylus. It all fits in a Maxpedition M-2 Waistpack.

*Got a phone call late at night with "Get here quick. Sick family member probably won't live beyond the next couple days.". Didn't need the water filter, fire starters, etc., but a towel, tooth brush, and a change of clothes were handy.
Bottled water, granola bars, duct tape, paracord, rope, winter hat and gloves, regular and Philips screwdrivers, multitool, first aid kit, flash light, batteries, box of ammo for ccw, car charger for cell phone, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and a bag of stale Fritos, lol.
Bottled water, granola bars, duct tape, paracord, rope, winter hat and gloves, regular and Philips screwdrivers, multitool, first aid kit, flash light, batteries, box of ammo for ccw, car charger for cell phone, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and a bag of stale Fritos, lol.

A two'fer, food and a great fire starter(so long as you have a lighter). [laugh]
if were going here again, i'll fess up with my "special" auxiliary bag for creature comforts, in case.

- pint of jim beam
- 2 bags of peanut m&m's
- instant coffee
- 4 16oz bottles of water
- cup
- camp stove
- lighter & fire starter
- tinder

i use the beam and m&m's all the time, need to be replenished often
if were going here again, i'll fess up with my "special" auxiliary bag for creature comforts, in case.

- pint of jim beam
- 2 bags of peanut m&m's
- instant coffee
- 4 16oz bottles of water
- cup
- camp stove
- lighter & fire starter
- tinder

i use the beam and m&m's all the time, need to be replenished often

Dating is important in all Apocalypse scenarios.
This is my camping / bug out bin -- something I would throw in the truck.

- Protein powder
- Water filters / purification tablets
- Nalgene bottles
- Fire starting materials (mag/ferro combo, ferro rod, vaseline cotton balls, pencil sharpener, BIC lighters, w.p. matches)
- Cooking supplies (sporks, isobutane canisters with burner, SS mug/pot and small pan)
- Fishing line
- 2 mil painters drop cloth (9x12 - 2 of them)
- Med supplies (antibiotics, NSAIDS, Excedrin, beta blockers, aspirin, quick clot, gauze, tourniquet, suture kit, scalpel and extra blades, tweezers, etc.)
- Fishing line, hooks
- Multitool, crowbar, lug wrench, and other practical tools
- compass
- Crank radio
- stainless steel snare wire
- zip ties, thick and thin
- extra sets of clothes
- small bottle of kerosene
- 12' tubing for siphoning
- 2 gal water
- collapsible water tank
- 2 lightweight hammocks
- Paracord (100ft)
- Biners and dry rope
- comealong
- Hatchet
- Wool blanket, wool hats, wool socks
- flashlight and headlamp with extra batteries

I'm forgetting some stuff...

I don't have a BoB, but will be making one as soon as I find a suitable pack.
A bottle of Johnie Walker Green, 10 LA Gloria Cubanas, Glock 20, 1 Kabar, 1 hatchet, 1 Coast flashlight, 2 lighters, a bag of dryer lint, 2 ponchos, 10 meal bars, 1 expandable aluminum cup, water pure tabs, paracord, headlamp and batteries, fishing tackle, compass, ...........

I'm lying. Just the scotch and cigars.
How does locating, closing with, and destroying the enemy by fire and maneuver help you in a case where you would have to leave your home in a rush and protect yourself and your loved ones? Is your whole family trained in every role of the ready-team-fire-assist model? Who's the A-gunner? Do they understand how to assault a fixed position? Do they know what to do when you yell out an ADDRAC? If not, then you need to reconsider your priorities when putting your bag together. Just my opinion, though. I'm just some random dude on the internet, and I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I picked that statement to see if you would also say a statement like that was wrong. And funny you bring up training, if I wanted to yes I could teach the whole family I was a infantry instructor at SOI as I say everyone's background is different.[/QUOTE]

I understand this is years old, but since it was resurrected I'll comment. To the OP I have to call wonder, you state that you were an Infantry Instructor and can train your family etc, yet your Go bag is a small tool/range bag? Where is your ruck? Your food, water, first aid and simple shelter makings for your family? Why white cheap hardware store cordage instead of a shitload of 550 cord? Why not field strip those ammo boxes of the cardboard that soaks up water and the plastic casing to save weight and quiet noise?

I would think that your last move would be to involve your family in a full assault, or an armed action of any type, as opposed to making sure they are safe, fed, dry and healthy somewhere while you take your skills out and forage, avoiding contact by any means for the safety of said family.

Assuming in the Corps as an instructor you'd likely be a SSG or above with years of experience, hard to believe a Marine Infantry Instructor would post a pic of a range bag as his "go" bag. You would, assuming your background is accurate, already have your shit in place and not give a good goddamn what a bunch of strangers thought about it because you'd already know you were GTG.
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Pardon a dumb question - how do you get antibiotics for a bailout bag? I thought you need a prescription for antibiotics.
Pardon a dumb question - how do you get antibiotics for a bailout bag? I thought you need a prescription for antibiotics.

Google fish antibiotics. I've been told a lot of them are made in the same factories as human antibiotics, but I don't know this for sure.

Would be a good idea to stock up on a variety of different types and make an accompanying list of typical dosages/effective applications.
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A few years ago I was in Costco and they had these survival backpacks that were about $50 each. So I bought backpacks and tossed them into the trunks of each of my cars that I would use in a bug out situation (as much as I love the viper if the SHTF, I'll go with the Jeep). Each pack can unfold and has flaps. Inside it has a first aid kit, 3 days of emergency rations, flashlights, a flashing emergency light, plenty of pockets for water bottles, mylar blankets, a multitool. There's also plenty of space to add more food if needed. I figure the worst situation might be trapped in the woods or getting lost while hiking and the food might just be the thing that keeps me alive. As much as I count on the protection of a firearm, the key thing for me is food, water, light, and a way to stay warm.
Google fish antibiotics. I've been told a lot of them are made in the same factories as human antibiotics, but I don't know this for sure.

Would be a good idea to stock up on a variety of different types and make an accompanying list of typical dosages/effective applications.

I knew of a guy that treated a MRSA infection on two separate occasions with the fish version of Septra DS, and it supposedly worked like a charm both times. Way easier than taking time off work to go to the doctor just to get a script.
Pardon a dumb question - how do you get antibiotics for a bailout bag? I thought you need a prescription for antibiotics.

fish antibiotics for one. Also, many times antibiotics are prescribed for no good reason. I recently sliced the tip of my finger off and was prescribed antibiotics after they took the stitches out. I filled the prescription and did not need them. It was a precautionary thing by the doc to prescribe them.
We used to field strip MRE's before packing them in our rucks. Open the package, take out the junk that's not really needed, fold the package over and tape it shut with 100mph tape. Saves weight and packing space allowing room for a couple more MRE's with the smaller lighter package. Use the empty pouches to gather forest food or collect water.

Also a good idea to pack several pairs of wool socks in ziplock bags to keep them dry, and a bottle of foot powder. Have to protect your feet so you can keep moving.

Try to avoid wearing/packing all cotton socks, once they get wet they will shred your feet on long marches. If wool socks make you itch like a MF, like it used to for me, just turn them inside out, works like a charm and wool maintains its warming properties even when wet.

If you're getting desperate for food and water, pay attention to animal tracks or birds. They need food and water too and following where they're most active could be beneficial.
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I understand this is years old, but since it was resurrected I'll comment. To the OP I have to call wonder, you state that you were an Infantry Instructor and can train your family etc, yet your Go bag is a small tool/range bag? Where is your ruck? Your food, water, first aid and simple shelter makings for your family? Why white cheap hardware store cordage instead of a shitload of 550 cord? Why not field strip those ammo boxes of the cardboard that soaks up water and the plastic casing to save weight and quiet noise?

In OPs defense , OP was asking about bailout bags, not a BOB. A bailout bag is not a BOB, and isn't meant to be. A bailout bag is simply a quantity of items that you grab to take the fight to an active shooter or other aggressor.
That being said, a bailout bag should probably not be a range bag, but then maybe OP was in a situation when he started this thread that he had to be somewhat low profile in having any sort of bailout preps.
In OPs defense , OP was asking about bailout bags, not a BOB. A bailout bag is not a BOB, and isn't meant to be. A bailout bag is simply a quantity of items that you grab to take the fight to an active shooter or other aggressor.
That being said, a bailout bag should probably not be a range bag, but then maybe OP was in a situation when he started this thread that he had to be somewhat low profile in having any sort of bailout preps.

I understand what you're saying and call it whatever acronym you want, it's basically the same concept, but in the OP it was clearly stated that it's being set up as a general SHTF/Time to Go bag and not just a trunk monkey pouch. Either or. Same same.

Get home bag, Bail out, Bug out, whatever. It all comes down to we have to leave right now from wherever you are, grab your kit and let's go. I'm probably just stirring the pot with attempting a lengthy explanation as to why I find it hard to believe the OP is a Marine Corps Infantry Instructor. Maybe some people don't give those kinds of statements a second thought these days with all the BS claims made daily on the interwebs, myself, I tend to call it when I hear it if it doesn't pass the smell test.

As for being "low profile"? A bag with 30rd mags sticking out of unsecured and loose fitting side pockets does not fit the description of being the greyman, and they would probably be lost or fall out the first time you had to run to cover during the family full frontal assault plan. Unsecured equipment is not an infantry trait. Not to mention trying to carry that thing with one hand while using the AR those mags go to with your one remaining hand. Lot of things that stick out in the original posts and photos as being highly inexperienced as opposed to the SME (Marine Corps Instructor) as claimed. Just raised a lot of questions as to the veracity of it.
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I knew of a guy that treated a MRSA infection on two separate occasions with the fish version of Septra DS, and it supposedly worked like a charm both times. Way easier than taking time off work to go to the doctor just to get a script.

I just fought off a nasty chest cold that was infected ( green phlegm ) with fish anti's just to test them. To me they worked just as good and no doctor involved.
I'm ordering another couple of bottles, keep them sealed, keep them dry and they will last for when you really need them.

International drug mart- IDMRx.com Anything and everything you might want or need. pretty cheap. Their generic Viagra comes out to about 3.00 a pill. Haven't tried it, but he antibiotic I ordered last year seemed to do as well as the name brand. The expiration date was not real long, but stored properly, it should last a while
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