Note to self: I need one if these. Sorry for the hijack - you kids have fun with your thread - I'm off to frolic...[cheers]

Hey guys putting together my bailout bag thought I would see who else has put one together and what you have added to yours?

What's going to happen while you're at home that would force you to leave so quickly you couldn't spare a couple of minutes to grab appropriate stuff?

Civil unrest? I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay and protect my home thanks.

Flood? It ain't gonna flood so fast I have no warning. Besides, I have a house on a hill.

Fire? I'm not taking ammo, I'm grabbing my pictures and whatever family heirlooms I can get. The rest is insured.

Exactly what are you planning to "bug out" from? A nuclear attack? You'll be worse off moving than staying put as far as radiation exposure goes.
I keep a back pack in my truck for emergencies that has the following:

Extra pair of wool socks (cold feet suck)
Clean underwear
Spare mag and a box of ammo
First aid kit
Water purification tablets
Leatherman Multi Tool
6 Energy Bars
Folding Shovel
50' paracord
Survival blanket
Night cap
Flashlight and spare batteries

Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red October" to fight boredom

I also have a roadside emergency kit in the truck with flares etc

Oh yeah, and a pair of earplugs in case the wife is stranded with me
All that has been mentioned can be replaced with duct tape, rope, knife, set of poly-pros and edible plants manual. Carting 50-70 extra pounds of crap is gonna get really tedious and slow you down. Can u even get to any of that stuff in a hurry if you need to. Consider simplifying your kit to the bare essentials.
All that has been mentioned can be replaced with duct tape, rope, knife, set of poly-pros and edible plants manual. Carting 50-70 extra pounds of crap is gonna get really tedious and slow you down. Can u even get to any of that stuff in a hurry if you need to. Consider simplifying your kit to the bare essentials.

Maybe so but when you crash your truck in the boonies and get soaked to the bone what are you going to do? Wrap your feet in duct tape? And while the edible plant book is great, if i break down in the boonies of Maine , with no cell service, I'd rather hang in the truck with a Powerbar than start foraging in the woods for Wintergreen.

My backpack weighs about 10 pounds and still has enough room for a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.
I keep a bunch of extra crap in the truck as well. I was focusing on the bag portion. Most of these lists seem very excessive.

Agreed. If I had to I could probably get by for a few days with just my sidearm, a knife, a lighter and some water. I may not be super happy, but I'd live.

I also agree that some of these lists are excessive, but, most of them are less than what is in the average woman's purse. ( sorry ladies)
My Bugout bag is also my hiking bag, so mostly the same stuff youd go camping with. Couple flashlights, plenty of different ways to start a fire, a few knives, multi tool, jetboil stove with a couple freeze dried foods, water, first aid kit, emergency blanket, poncho, paracord(carry it everywhere, made a paracord keyfob using cobra knots so I never leave home without it), map of where you plan on going, handheld gps, compass or 2, and some snacks. Probably missing a few things but you get the general idea. If its an event where theres time to pack, ill grab the tent, sleeping bag, booze and some cigars [smile]
Hook of Johnny W. Red Label and two Fluffernutter sandwiches, in a doubled up paper Stop and Shop bag.

Glad this thread came up, I've been meaning to add a bag of Swedish Fish.
Stop and Shop doesn't have links to many products on their site, here is the identical kit.

Most retail first aid kits are mostly band aids, but it's a goos starting point, plus has many other items that are useful, but here's what in it
Thanks. There are tons of first aid kits out there.

I was curious to see if someone was actually packaging a product with 'bug-out' content.
Thanks. There are tons of first aid kits out there.

I was curious to see if someone was actually packaging a product with 'bug-out' content.

No, there are some bug out ready kits online, but not many locally.

I actually started to get my bug out bag more ready today, or at least the one I'll keep in my truck in case of an emergency.

So far here's what I have:

Fold out knife
Parachute cord
Magnesium fire starting block with flint
Fire starting sticks (They're like large matches, but burn slow as tinder)
Water proof matches in a water proof container with flint
2 solar blankets
LED Flashlight
299 piece first aid kit
Glow sticks
Water purification tabs
3 candles
1/2 liter aluminum water bottle (good for boiling if need be)
and hand/foot warmers

I have it all in a small bag in my truck.

I left plenty of room for ammo in the bag as well as other items I may add down the road.
OK folks the title is BAILOUT bag. Not bug out.

That said.

What do you have ready if you need to leave your house in 5 minutes for any reason?
Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings.
I love that movie. I am gonna watch it tonight because of your post! For those who can't place it: Dr Strangelove.

Slim pickens classic scene in a movie full of classic scenes.

Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings.

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If anyone wants info about BoBs and set ups and equipment...head over to zombie squad website to get some ideas..they have one whole room for bail out bags complete with bob contests.

I hate directing members here to somewhere else...but lets face it some sites are better for some info than others....the ZS crew are diehards with thier BoBs.
Don't forget tampons.

These will be much closer to 'currency' than dollars, silver, gold, etc.

Even in if they don't let you barter for just about anything you want, they should help make sure you have choices in your personal life.
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