What's on your gun lust list?

Currently its one of these:

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Alright, I'll add my list..... I'll try and keep it to the actually obtainable.

M1A in military config... Full length, blued and walnut.
1888 Springfield (I've come close a few times, but never got one)
S&W Triple Lock
S&W Model 1917
Colt Python 6"
1898 Trapdoor Krag
Winchester 97 in either trench gun config or riot gun config.
Another WWI Springfield Armory 1911
Norwegian 1911A1
Martini Henry
Lee Metford
Cylinder and Slide M2008 Historical Pocket Model 45 ACP
Browning HiPower with Waffen proofs.
Webley Mark VI in 455

I'll think of others... I'm sure...
Ok I will bite on this one:

WASR or some AK variant (arsenal would be nice)
Another 1911....operator or a colt
Mossberg 500 (home defense setup)
and someday.....HK Mark 23
  • S&W 1911
  • Springfield M1 Garand
  • Glock 36
  • Glock 18 (Not in Mass)
  • Armalite AR-10 or a Rock River LAR-10
  • Browning BAR .308 WIN
  • Armalite AR30 or a Sako TRG 42 .338 Lapua Left Hand Bolt
  • Barrett 82A1 or a McMillan Big Mac/Boomer or a Bushmaster BA50 or even a Saftey Harbor SHF50

Unfortunatley, I have to try to hang on to my house, I couldn't fit all my gun safes into an apartment.

That McMillan Big Mac/Boomer was on gunsamerica.com last month for $3,500.00 and it was a leftie, I just pretended I didn't see it. I have a bunch of bolt rifle's and not one leftie.

dwarven1, my wife bought a Kel-Tec SU-16CA last year. She wanted it for the bugout bag. It's a neat little rifle, although the fold out bi-pod is a little disappointing. Other than the bi-pod it's great, that's a good one for your list. Remind me, and I'll bring it to the next Harvard Appleseed it you like.
Having recently acquired my new-to-me Colt, I'd have to put a Coonan Arms 1911 on the short list.

There's something about a 1911 chambered in .357 Magnum that says ... WOW!
This. Anyone see the G&A Combat Arms issue that featured this rifle? Some may call this crazy, but this rifle bumped the M1A/M14 off the top of my list for battle rifle.

Is there an article online anywhere? I really like my LMT MRP in .223 - a .308 version would be nice
This. Anyone see the G&A Combat Arms issue that featured this rifle? Some may call this crazy, but this rifle bumped the M1A/M14 off the top of my list for battle rifle.

I've seen a bunch of articles on it but could never see myself owning one.

Don't get me wrong, its a hell of a rifle and I'd love to have one but to me these are better suited for guys like Derek that know how to use them.
For rifles:
M1 Garand
Marlin/Winchester lever action in .357
Older bolt action Winchester/Remington/Anshutz in .22 Hornet

For handguns:
Colt 1911 A1
Python 6" bbl .357
Trooper MK III stainless 4" bbl .357
S&W model 25 or Anaconda in 45 LC either in stainless or nickel.
The list is very long, here's the short version...
S&W Model 640 Pro Series
LRB M-14
LMT .308 MWS
a 1911 , I'm thinking the new Remington if the real world reviews are good

a S&W Model 10 .38 spl old time cop gun like my dad used to carry on duty.
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