Whats your reason for carry

Dec 3, 2007
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People that dont understand about guns or even if they do have asked me this question.Some dont like them and some target shoot and thats it,wont carry.They ask" where do you live"and say" thats not a risky neigborhood "etc.I also said that in doing so is a very big responsibility and I dont take it lightly.So I was wondering what other people do or say when asked this question. "Whats your reason for carry"
People that dont understand about guns or even if they do have asked me this question.Some dont like them and some target shoot and thats it,wont carry.They ask" where do you live"and say" thats not a risky neigborhood "etc.I also said that in doing so is a very big responsibility and I dont take it lightly.So I was wondering what other people do or say when asked this question. "Whats your reason for carry"

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
"Because you wont."
"Dont worry its not for you."
"Because I lost my Swiss Army knife."
"Who else is going to save the girl, the cat, the old lady and the kitten?"
"I'm breathing fine but I also have an asthma pump."
"I take it you were never a Boy scout?"
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That's not a "reason". If you carry just "because" then that's another thing.
You shouldn't have to be answering questions about why you carry. That's why it's a concealed pistol permit. I've been carrying for over 30 years and no one knows that I carry.

The less people know the better off you are.
People that dont understand about guns or even if they do have asked me this question.Some dont like them and some target shoot and thats it,wont carry.They ask" where do you live"and say" thats not a risky neigborhood "etc.I also said that in doing so is a very big responsibility and I dont take it lightly.So I was wondering what other people do or say when asked this question. "Whats your reason for carry"

No one asks me because few people know.
You shouldn't have to be answering questions about why you carry. That's why it's a concealed pistol permit. I've been carrying for over 30 years and no one knows that I carry.

The less people know the better off you are.
My response varies depending on the company. Usually it’s along the lines of “Because I refuse to be a victim.” After that if they look confused I start referencing recent local and national violent crime events and they tend to get it.

Although recently I have been tempted to give the “Because a cop is too heavy” response. [smile]

One has to remember who is making this inquiry. I try to avoid gun related conversations with uber left anti gunners. Most of these people have no idea that I own or carry and I’m not going to volunteer the information. These kind of folks could get the point beaten into them with a brick and still wouldn’t grasp the reasoning behind CCW. If a an anti wants to press the issue then I consider myself well armed with good facts and statistics and once those come out then they usually start yelling and calling people names because they have none. Usually they leave disgusted…. Though I have converted a few fence sitters in my time. [grin]
How did you pull this off? I asked this very question once and I still have the scars to
prove it.

I like to hear from others on this subject too.
Interesting enough I have yet to have anyone ask me this question although it has been asked on boards I visit atleast a dozen or more times.
I just tell them "I would rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"....
That's not a "reason". If you carry just "because" then that's another thing.

OK, because I choose to excercise my rights, specifically this one:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
People that dont understand about guns or even if they do have asked me this question.Some dont like them and some target shoot and thats it,wont carry.They ask" where do you live"and say" thats not a risky neigborhood "etc.I also said that in doing so is a very big responsibility and I dont take it lightly.So I was wondering what other people do or say when asked this question. "Whats your reason for carry"
For the same reason you wear your seat belt and buy life insurance and have a rainy day fund and keep a flash light next to your bed and sign a prenuptial agreement. You do your best to not need these things, but shit happens, and you want to be prepared. It's a failsafe measure.

You shouldn't have to be answering questions about why you carry. That's why it's a concealed pistol permit. I've been carrying for over 30 years and no one knows that I carry.

The less people know the better off you are.

First I have to say... I don't go around showing off that I am carrying.. on another note.. I wouldn't hide the fact if someone asked me.. (That I knew)..

I'm amazed by the the HUGE difference in attitude towards this in Mass.. I grew up in Oklahoma.. and the whole gun thing is a lot more relax back home... Heck you still see people driving around with guns in the truck window... I know its legal to do here in Mass... but I also know that if I did that on the mass pike.. I would have the SWAT team moving in on me with the news helo above me rolling... Its that fear that just makes me sick.. and everyone a little cautious I guess..

In the end.. I guess you have to take what is dealt.. Everyday I give thanks to the good lord above for the up bringing he gave me... Sorry Lou.. I'm the luckiest man alive! [grin]

Oh.. and to answer the op question... I carry cause I can and once you start.. its like having your phone... you can not leave home without it!
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My wife gave me a sign that says "God must love stupid people, because he made so many of them"
Because if I knew when or where I would need a gun, I would simply avoid the going there.
No matter what the reason for carry, most liberals will never understand the concept of why we do....
I always tell people, if there was no bad guys, there would be no need for carrying.... other than animal reasons....
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I've used most of the ones people have always mentioned.
Depending on the person asking though, sometimes I like to shock the hell out of them and say "Because one day I might have to shoot some dumb mother f*#^ker!"
First I have to say... I don't go around showing off that I am carrying.. on another note.. I wouldn't hide the fact if someone asked me.. (That I knew)..

Generally speaking, unless I have an obligation to disclose, then I give a "neither confirm nor deny" type response even to people I know.

"Would there be a problem if I was?"

If it's someone I know, I keep it light.

"Do you also ask women their weight?"
"Would you also like to know if I'm wearing underwear?"

To be honest though, I am rarely asked because few people even know that I have guns or a permit, and so far those who have asked have always understood my answer and taken it the right way.
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