Where does it stop??

Some folks think the US is a Democracy. WRONG!

It's a Constitutional Federated Republic where the people elect their leaders.

In a true Democracy, if 51% of the people think you should be executed, Tough for you.

The Anti-Gun folks and Liberals in general are the hardest ones to absorb this simple fact. They think that they should prevail, with the incoreect belief that THEY are the majority. They aren't, and it's irrelevant.
mark056 said:
probably to deflect criticism by the nut jobs that think we are secret minions of the New World Order bent on making the world the purview of the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Rockefellers, The Vatican and of course the international Jewish/Communist conspiracy, which would be humorous if people didn't actually believe in that crap.
You forgot the Illuminati. I can kinda see your point, but mine was that it wasn't put on the dollar bill AS a Masonic symbol. We may use something similar, but it wasn't the intent to put a Masonic symbol on the dollar bill.

mark056 said:
For pennance I would listen to Roseanne Barr Arnold's putrified attempt to sing it at a ball game, if I had a video or a recording of said exhibition (performance would be too kind a word).
In the name of the Supreme Architect, don't do THAT!!!

Instead, I sentence you to read Isaac Asimov's excellent essay on our National Anthem.

mark056 said:
I never 'got" the exclusion of athiests from the Scouting Movement per se.

I never even knew it was a requirement! 'Course, my troop broke up shortly after I left it because of blatant favoritism on the part of the troop leader... his son and his son's best friend were the first two to make First Class Scout, waaaayyyy in advance of anyone else. I quit in disgust.
Wor Ross,

Sentence completed...it is a good essay because we focus so much on Francis Scott Key and Fort McHenry, that we forget about the other verses. Who would have figured Asimov for a four verse man ?


mark056 said:
As for your assertion regarding the Star Spangled Banner, you are correct and I can only offer a mea culpa. For pennance I would listen to Roseanne Barr Arnold's putrified attempt to sing it at a ball game, if I had a video or a recording of said exhibition (performance would be too kind a word).

<shiver> Now THAT would be cruel and unusual punishment.
Nickle said:
My Supreme Being happens to be myself. IIRC, that might work.

No, I don't think I'm YOUR God, but I am MY God.

Funny... I always thought Valentine Michael Smith was taller than you, Rog. Thou art G-d? [lol]

I'm willing to bet that you'll understand this reference, too.
mark056 said:
"Yeah, Wiccans fit right in - we belive in multiple Higher Powers"

Can one be a Wiccan if one owns mulitple Browning Hi-Powers :D ?

(a big mea culpa for that too, I couldn't resist)



Well...if you can't, then I'm in trouble. [lol] [lol] [lol]
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