Where to and not to in Boston...?

Feb 13, 2008
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Hey, early next year I am heading to Boston for a few days, as i have never been there with a firearm i wanted to ask are there any places that i shouldn't carry a pistol other than they typical (government buildings)? Are museums, subways ect okay for carrying? or should i leave it home?

Thanks for any info.
There isn't any place I wouldn't carry in Boston, but if you are doing the tourist thing, most of the good stuff is on Federal Property
If you have a MA LTC-A/ALP (or no restrictions), there is nothing "Boston specific" that limits what/where you can carry a firearm.

- Can't carry on US Constitution (US Navy ship, thus verboten)
- Don't know about places like the Bunker Hill Monument (never been there)
- Boston City Hall has metal detectors, so no go (but who the hell would want to visit that armpit and it's dictator?)
- State House has security so no go
- MBTA is AOK, Museum of Fine Arts, other museums I've been to are all "non-secure" [laugh]
- Fleet Center and other venues will vary depending on what the event is

"Don't ask, don't tell!" should be your motto.

Have fun and stay safe!!!
LenS, on the ticket for Basketball games at the Garden (It will always be the Garden to me) it says firearms are prohibited. I'm pretty sure that it is not against the law, but rather against THEIR policy, and they could only ask you to leave if you have a firearm. Refusing to leave would cause you to be arrested for trespass, not possession of a firearm.

Is that how YOU interpret the rules?
LenS, on the ticket for Basketball games at the Garden (It will always be the Garden to me) it says firearms are prohibited. I'm pretty sure that it is not against the law, but rather against THEIR policy, and they could only ask you to leave if you have a firearm. Refusing to leave would cause you to be arrested for trespass, not possession of a firearm.

Is that how YOU interpret the rules?

Bill, yes that is correct.

I've only been to the Garden 2 times that I recall, following the elephants both times! [Inside joke for NU grads . . . NU's graduations always followed the circus, we just watched where we stepped! [laugh] ]

Been to the new Fleet Center only once for the Macabee Games. Fully expected a real security check but nothing . . . they may have checked purses but nothing else.
Has anyone observed or experienced a situation where a lawful LTC holder was wanded and denied admission, say to a sporting event or a concert? I imagine a lot of the nearby sheeple might freak out, and one might have a rough go of it with the local constabulary.

Just curious.
Has anyone observed or experienced a situation where a lawful LTC holder was wanded and denied admission, say to a sporting event or a concert? I imagine a lot of the nearby sheeple might freak out, and one might have a rough go of it with the local constabulary.

Just curious.

Yes, me. Had to take the T back and drop off my carry gun in the car; missed a few innings. Had a long conversation with the head of security who refused me entry even though firearms were (don't know about currently) listed as prohibited. They gave us a refund and when I made it back, the lowly security who witnessed the bullsh!t let us in without tickets for our trouble. I'll never return to fenway though.
Has anyone observed or experienced a situation where a lawful LTC holder was wanded and denied admission, say to a sporting event or a concert? I imagine a lot of the nearby sheeple might freak out, and one might have a rough go of it with the local constabulary.

Just curious.

When I was at an event in NH and CCWing (I have an NR permit), I got wanded and patted. Somehow, they missed the Model 317.
Visit Salt Lake City, or Butte, or Cheyenne, or any other state not run by moonbat wackos. Spend your money in out of state stores to deny them tax revenues. Go out of your way to avoid this armpit of a state. Maybe when the restaurants on the cape and in Boston starve for a couple of seasons the idiots will stand behind some politicians that care about the residents and not getting their name in the local Pravda called the Globe. All I want from the state Gov't is 3 things I can't do for myself. 1 Fix the F'ing roads. 2 Run a county wide controlled court and police system with elected judges and sheriffs so the bad guys go away for long stretches and good guys are safer. No scams, stings or 'safety' checks. 3 Run a county wide controlled fire/ems service for the protection of life and property. Everything else I can deal with or pay for myself. The legislature should meet twice a year for 1 week to discuss the running of the limited finances the will need. It can all be paid for by a modest sales tax. No property tax, income tax or corporate tax. Privatize everything else. Business will flock to the state, welfare layabouts will layabout somewhere else. Imagine.
How about carrying in places that are university owned but not necessarially university "grounds"? Harvard square/Kendall square, property owned by Northeastern, etc.
I see no reason for you to visit the city in person. Avoid it like the plague. Look at pictures of the city via Google. Save yourself the time, money and aggravation of actually going there.

If you must go there, get in and get out. Do not spend any more time there than absolutely necessary. It is time you will never get back again and for what? To see Boston? Ugh.
Boston gets 18 million tourists a year.

So, we don't miss you. But I applaud the sentiment: if we got rid of students and tourists it would be a nicer place to live! But I'd keep the college girls because that's what makes Spring in Boston so wonderful![smile]
Yes, me. Had to take the T back and drop off my carry gun in the car; missed a few innings. Had a long conversation with the head of security who refused me entry even though firearms were (don't know about currently) listed as prohibited. They gave us a refund and when I made it back, the lowly security who witnessed the bullsh!t let us in without tickets for our trouble. I'll never return to fenway though.

When at the metal detector, try saying:

"Dude, I have a Prince Albert piercing, and no I won't take it out to get through your metal detector."

"It's part of my insulin pump/colostomy bag you heartless jerk."

"My wife makes me wear a chastity belt when I leave the house."

"I broke my pelvis in a car accident in 1986 and still have a steel plate in me."

"Balls of steel man. Sets it off every time."
Thanks for all the replies! So it looks like ill be hassle free as i plan on going to the museums. I could care less about the state and federal buildings. Thanks again.
When at the metal detector, try saying:

"Dude, I have a Prince Albert piercing, and no I won't take it out to get through your metal detector."

"It's part of my insulin pump/colostomy bag you heartless jerk."

"My wife makes me wear a chastity belt when I leave the house."

"I broke my pelvis in a car accident in 1986 and still have a steel plate in me."

"Balls of steel man. Sets it off every time."

ROFL [rofl]
When I was at an event in NH and CCWing (I have an NR permit), I got wanded and patted. Somehow, they missed the Model 317.

Went to a Bruins game a few years back, had my P220 on my hip. Had no idea we were gonna be wanded. So here I am waiting in line for the wand, ready to get turned back, the wand went over me, nothing happened, and I was told to move along.

I went to an other game a couple weeks ago, did not carry figuring I was obviously lucky last time, and was not searched, wanded, etc. I had premium seats, don't know if that had anything to do with it.
Just 2 cens... SLC is a terrible city. It was once nice but i was up there to get married in Park City, and SLC is a crime ridden dump. From what i've heard (i asked arund, i'm not shy) a lot of people from SoCal (i hate to sound racist, as i am not, but it was primarially hispanics and blacks) moved their KIDS to SLC trying to get them away from the city to a religious mecca [wrongly] thinking it would save them from the gang life. Unfortunately, they banded into small comminuties all hell bent on "proving" how tough they were. City just isnt safe.

I'll take Boston over that city any day. For all its problems Boston is a nice city. Its no Reno, NV (I loved living there) or NH, but its a decent place.

I'll never.. NEVER NEVER NEVER... return to NYC. We have it so much better here...
I see no reason for you to visit the city in person. Avoid it like the plague. Look at pictures of the city via Google. Save yourself the time, money and aggravation of actually going there.

If you must go there, get in and get out. Do not spend any more time there than absolutely necessary. It is time you will never get back again and for what? To see Boston? Ugh.
18 million tourists visit Boston every year. I wish they all had your attitude, though: NH commuters clog up traffic every bit as much as MA ones do.

I maintain that if it wasn't for tourists, students, and commuters, Boston would be a great place to live. Boston Harbor is a great place to sail, that's for sure.

Well said! But you are in the wrong state. Get your ass up here to New Hampshire. You're just what we're looking for! [grin]
Running from the sound of the guns never won a battle. We need more gun owners to move to MA, not the other way around. But the way the politics of NH are changing, you're going to need them there, too.
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Awww... I lived in Boston my entire life up until 11 years ago.. I miss the city.. It is not safe though by any means.. I would ccw wherever possible.. [wink]
Isn't the GFSZ part of MA law as well? It's my understanding that schools in MA are a no-go either way.


MA prohibits possession on school grounds without written permission.

Federal GFSZ prohibits possession within x-number of feet of primary and secondary schools unless exempted by several conditions.

MA prohibits possession on school grounds without written permission.

Federal GFSZ prohibits possession within x-number of feet of primary and secondary schools unless exempted by several conditions.

It may as well be illegal, since the chances of getting written permission from any school in MA is about 0% or less. [laugh]

MA prohibits possession on school grounds without written permission.

Federal GFSZ prohibits possession within x-number of feet of primary and secondary schools unless exempted by several conditions.

While it's not an important distinction in most cases, it is in others. Massachusetts doesn't prohibit possession on school grounds; it prohibits carry. Transportation and storage may still prove to be useful under certain circumstances. I always carry, but unload and secure my gun in my car before making business stops on campuses, then reloading and holstering when I leave.

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