Where to and not to in Boston...?

I guess I'm defining possession as on your person or in your hands because the legal definition of "carry" in MA is so asinine. I do understand the distinction and it is a good one to make clear.
... I was at Fenway twice this week (Fri and today)... No wanding, no pat downs, just bag checks...
I am from the Boston area and I do agree, out of sight out of mind. Cities are always a little sketchy to carry because you
never know where you will end up. Boston police may be a little sensative to carrying in the city but there is no local ordinace that
says you can't.

Just a quick update.. A few weeks ago I went to the MFA. At the entrance to the museum (not the main entrance but the entrance to the galleries) they had what appeared to be metal detectors. The guard on duty had what appeared to be a wand on his desk.
I was told by local police(Fitchburg),that Boston police do not look kindly on carrying in Boston and that they will arrest you, and after being arrested it would be difficult to renew your LTC regardless of how the case worked out. Any truth to this or just nonsense?
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I was told by local police(Fitchburg),that Boston police do not look kindly on carrying in Boston and that they will arrest you, and after being arrested it would be difficult to renew due to chief's discretion regardless of how the case worked out. Any truth to this or just nonsense.

Sorry, but this is crap... at least in part...

What can they arrest you for? Lawfully carrying on a license that is valid anywhere in the state?

If you are getting interrogated for carrying in Boston, either one of two things has happened:

-You're doing it wrong... as in, really really wrong. Concealed is concealed. Never advertise.

-Something bad has happened where you have had to use your firearm to defend yourself.

And if it's #2, you're not really going to be worrying too much about suitability.... you will have far
bigger problems to deal with.

Yes, the new Fitchburg chief is "problematic"... but there is NO sense in getting worked up over an
unlikely hypothetical. This "suitability threat" isn't a Boston thing either, it could be anywhere in
the state. It can also happen with other issuing authorities that some believe to be green.

That's what I figured. I wasn't too worried about it(certainly not worked up about it), I was just wondering if they had some odd rule in Boston that would allow them to arrest for carry, or maybe they were instructed to bend the rules a bit(claiming that you were unruly or that they saw your weapon etc.). It's hard not to at least be a bit suspicious in this state. PS, I was thinking along the lines of a routine traffic stop..."do you have any weapons in the vehicle?".
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I was told by local police(Fitchburg),that Boston police do not look kindly on carrying in Boston and that they will arrest you, and after being arrested it would be difficult to renew your LTC regardless of how the case worked out. Any truth to this or just nonsense?

They may or may not have seen your shirt blow up and your piece exposed.
They may or may not find something else to arrest you for.

They probably don't like citizens carrying, but if you're not advertising or being an ass, how would they find out?
If anyone is really worried about getting arrested merely because they are CCW'g in Boston with a LTC-A Unrestricted license, they should forget about CCW'g anywhere and stick to transporting in a locked case, in a locked trunk with ammo locked separately!! [rolleyes]

I don't aim this at anyone in particular, but really . . . what's the point of worrying about an illegal arrest merely for doing what the law specifically allows?

When I got my first LTC (a long time ago), the ONLY places I CCW'd were Boston and Brockton . . . the rest of the time, the gun was locked up at home or being used at the range.

Believe me, if a PO could get away with an arrest for the <non-existent> charge of "contempt of cop", I would have loved to be able to do that in a couple of circumstances years ago when I worked for the PD. [This was the response of Bumper Morgan (I worked with his twin) when he arrested jerks in the Joseph Wambaugh books (he was NYPD prior to becoming an author). I loved his books.] Even cops that don't understand MA gun laws (and that is most of them) won't risk their career and finances making a totally bogus arrest. The worst that I've heard about Boston was someone "threatened with arrest" because the cop told him that ONLY a Boston-issued LTC was valid in Boston . . . but the cop didn't make the arrest either because he knew he was blowing smoke up the guy's ass or he was told that it was BS by a superior.
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