Where to get muzzle brake pinned in Metrowest?

I got the brake and barrel back from GFA Armstec in Natick. The brake I bought wasn't pre drilled. They tried to drill but the brake was to hard. They ended up silver soldering it. It came out great.
IMG_1100.jpg IMG_1109.jpg
Silver solder satisfies the states requirements for permanently attached brake? How much did it cost to have it soldered? Thanks for the photos man....
Yes, silver solder complies with the state regs. The brake isn't coming off unless you are torching it to remove it
GFA did it for $35
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AFAIK the laws do not specify solder, welding or any such....its simply assumed that welding, pinning, soldering (whatever) constitutes a permanent mod.
In Natick, Sergey Lyalko at Rustblue Gunsmithing, www.rustbluing.com, 508.545.2450.

FAIL on Rustblue in Natick -- this guy is a total hack. B&K sent my AR upper over there for a MA conversion and I got totally porked by Sergey. I was shocked at how bad his work was on removing a bayonet lug and welding a compensator. I hired a "professional" but I could have done a better job myself -- drunk.
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FAIL on Rustblue in Natick -- this guy is a total hack. B&K sent my AR upper over there for a MA conversion and I got totally porked by Sergey. I was shocked at how bad his work was on removing a bayonet lug and welding a compensator. I hired a "professional" but I could have done a better job myself -- drunk. PM me if you need picture proof. I was even more shocked when Brian (over at B&K) looked me straight in the face and said..."well, that will be a $180..." $180!!! Needless to say...i'm done with both of them...

Did you buy a non compliant gun from bk. then they sent it to that shop ?
Or did you buy / build a upper go to bk and they told you they where sending it to them ?
Dropped by GFA in Natick today, per this threads recommendation, and was more than impressed. I like honest businesses, and first impression, is that this is one. Looking forward to re-acquiring my upper in a day or two, newly Massified... A handshake to finish the transaction is a lost art, but GFA provided that as well.
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