Which Shopping 'Bots' for Reloading Components?


NES Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Hey folks- I know some have used shopping 'bots' for primers but I don't recall which ones were GTG. I also need to keep watch for some Berger match bullets, which are still unobtanium. Which inventory search / shopping bots / apps are GTG for such items? Muchas Gracias!
Hey folks- I know some have used shopping 'bots' for primers but I don't recall which ones were GTG. I also need to keep watch for some Berger match bullets, which are still unobtanium. Which inventory search / shopping bots / apps are GTG for such items? Muchas Gracias!

There was also a reloading Discord server that was pretty good but they went wonky for iPhone app users since it had to do some 18+ stuff

Edit: Another person posted this at the same time.

Ammoseek doesn’t have all vendors which can be kind of annoying
was also a reloading Discord server
andrew says it was always giving him best leads - i tried it and by the time it had any word on it everything would be already sold out.
it is less intense now, but best stuff still flies away in seconds - like 105gr berger hybrids and most popular competition grade powders.
Hey folks- I know some have used shopping 'bots' for primers but I don't recall which ones were GTG. I also need to keep watch for some Berger match bullets, which are still unobtanium. Which inventory search / shopping bots / apps are GTG for such items? Muchas Gracias!
I think the best bot so far is @DW357
A BIG thank you to the folks contributing to this thread. I grabbed a couple hundred each Berger 6mm 105's and 108's plus a $50 promo code at (here's your clue):


I set notification for the 109's whenever they come in at my usual favorite suppliers.
Ya shootingbot works well. You can search in stock bullets then choose 6mm then filter by Berger.
Yep, and that's how I found the 105's and 108's plus that $50 off coupon. That's a nice service, hope it does well enough w/ advertisers etc. to stick around a while.

A caution for Gen-Xers and older: take your blood pressure meds before you see the Midway $95 CCI primers and $142 BR primers. F-U Larry! Federals are cheaper, but I still have 500 of those left over and still am out of storage space...

Yep, and that's how I found the 105's and 108's plus that $50 off coupon. That's a nice service, hope it does well enough w/ advertisers etc. to stick around a while.

A caution for Gen-Xers and older: take your blood pressure meds before you see the Midway $95 CCI primers and $142 BR primers. F-U Larry! Federals are cheaper, but I still have 500 of those left over and still am out of storage space...

I agree and it made me think they should add a price limit for notifications. I don’t need alerts about overpriced primers
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