Last Tuesday I stopped on the way to work to gas up my truck, and I bought a $10 scratch ticket that proved to be a $20 winner.
On the way home Tuesday evening I stopped with the intention of cashing that ticket and getting a $20 ticket in exchange. But at the last minute I instead decided to throw in the extra dough and splurge to buy a $50 ticket.
I tossed that $50 ticket in my laptop case and did not think of it again until sitting down to breakfast with my wife very early Wednesday morning.
I began scratching and revealed a $1000 spot and told my wife, then another $1000 and told my wife, then another $1000 at which point my wife said to stop telling her or I would jinx it.
In the end it was a $20,000 winning ticket.
![Banana [banana] [banana]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/029.GIF)
(in case you are wondering, the state took $1k and the feds $4.8k)
So it has been agreed, we (she) gets new leaf-guard style gutters on the house, and I get a tactical style semi-auto shotgun.
Doing my research it seems that a Beretta 1301 would be the choice of many people. In reviews it is highly praised even over the admittedly more rugged, but heavier and slower cycling, Benelli M4. Also the M4 is $2K now.
However the Beretta 1301 does go for $1700, so should I be considering the Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol which by all accounts is a great gun for the price of about $950.
Yes, I know I am at risk of having
@drgrant call me a lottery winning skinflint, but hear me out...
I have never owned a semi-auto shotgun.
The 870 pump shotgun I own seldom gets fired.
I know I would shoot the semi-auto more often because it looks like fun and that's why I want it, but I'm not into 3-gun competition shooting or similar, so it would still just be a range toy and home defense purchase. Although I might expand my horizons with some classes or such.
Keeping in mind I will still need to put an optic on whichever one I buy, and the $700 difference between the A300UP and 1301T would buy a legit rugged optic like a Trijicon or Aimpoint, plus some accessories like shell carriers.
So would a novice like me even appreciate the difference between the two Beretta? Should I get the A300UP and some swag, or should I just go for it and buy the better gun, the 1301T, while I have the scratch???
Remember the wife is expecting them gutters.