Which shotgun did I win in the lottery?

I've had my 1301 mod2 for maybe 3 weeks and have put over 1000 rounds through it since then.
Absolutely my current favorite gun.
Recoil is negligible with proper technique and it eats everything from target to defensive loads equally well.
The Ultima Patrols are really nice too, I'm going to get one to keep in the truck safe full time.

A thousand rounds through 1 gun in 3 weeks?? Damn. That’s awesome.
grats on your win.

use the funds to start financing your move out of mass. Then you don't have to waste money on the house or the limited selection of MA.

Also, leaf-guard gutters suck and still require regular cleaning. They also are terrible in winter.
leaf-guard gutters suck and still require regular cleaning. They also are terrible in winter.

STAY AWAY from these
Good for you, man. Treat yourself! I’m not a shotty person, so my advice wouldn’t even be worth 2 cents. Just came here to congratulate.
Not being familiar with either platform I would lean towards the platform Most readily adaptable for other shooting sports.
Interchangeable barells etc. Shorter barrel and sight for tactical stuff, classes etc. Throw on the 28" barrel and a choke and take it to shoot clays. I'm guessing the Berettas are capable of that, not sure about the Benelli (m4).
Not being familiar with either platform I would lean towards the platform Most readily adaptable for other shooting sports.
Interchangeable barells etc. Shorter barrel and sight for tactical stuff, classes etc. Throw on the 28" barrel and a choke and take it to shoot clays. I'm guessing the Berettas are capable of that, not sure about the Benelli (m4).

I don't think the 1301 tactical can do that, the receiver is different than the 1301 comps that have ribbed 21 or 24 barrels.
You can screw a briley 6" extension onto the tactical to meet min length but you've still got the front sight post, which is suboptimal.
Ultima Patrol might be able to do barrel swaps though.
I don't think the 1301 tactical can do that, the receiver is different than the 1301 comps that have ribbed 21 or 24 barrels.
You can screw a briley 6" extension onto the tactical to meet min length but you've still got the front sight post, which is suboptimal.
Ultima Patrol might be able to do barrel swaps though.

Can’t swap barrels between a ultima and ultima patrols

Different barrel attachment style
Eons ago, my buddy was so excited for Christmas. "I'm buying my wife a Dirt Devil." Whoa whoa whoa, I said. You can't buy her a Dirt Devil. "That's what she wanted." I told him we should go down to the Jewelers Bldg, see my guy and spend $35 (again, it was 30+ years ago) on a pair of earrings.

Nope. He was insistent he was a genius and ths was perfect.

FF to the week after Christmas. I'm over his house. I ask the wife how she liked Christmas. She didn't say a word. Just scowled and left the room. Friend confided sheepishly that he should have sprung for hte earrings. ROFL!!!!!
Tactical style shotgun?

Find an 8/1 AR308 lower, slap on a brace, and get a Genesis Gen-12 10.5” upper:
View attachment 970445

If not Beretta or Benelli, I'll second this one.
Add a curveball of the fostech origin.

Not to be disrespectful, but what does it seem that your getting the shaft on the purchases from said winnings?
At the end of last year I went out to buy a 1301. When I got to the mill I spotted an M4 and remembered I almost picked one up a few years before.

After I checked both of the shotguns, I decided I liked the M4 better.
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