Which shotgun did I win in the lottery?

Eons ago, my buddy was so excited for Christmas. "I'm buying my wife a Dirt Devil." Whoa whoa whoa, I said. You can't buy her a Dirt Devil. "That's what she wanted." I told him we should go down to the Jewelers Bldg, see my guy and spend $35 (again, it was 30+ years ago) on a pair of earrings.

Nope. He was insistent he was a genius and ths was perfect.

FF to the week after Christmas. I'm over his house. I ask the wife how she liked Christmas. She didn't say a word. Just scowled and left the room. Friend confided sheepishly that he should have sprung for hte earrings. ROFL!!!!!

Reminds me of a guy who said when he got his wife pregnant, he "loaded the dishwasher".

that was when I was 15 or so, and he's on his third wife.
Sorry, I do not understand the question.


Cat, I can't stress is enough, leaf-guard gutters, regardless of brand or system, are all terrible. It will not reduce how much you have to put into maintaining gutters at all. It just makes it a greater hassle to finally clean them when you do.

I have a friend who does gutter cleanings. His deal is simple. First time you pay him to clean your gutters, it is $2 a foot per level. Every spring and fall he comes and does gutters, it's then only $1 per foot per level. Skip a spring or fall, and the price goes back up. He'll also fix any minor things while he is up there at no cost.

A standard pre-built house out here costs the home owners $80 the first time, and $40 to maintain them thereafter.

If you have leaf-guards, it's $5 a foot per level, because its a royal pain in the ass and people wait till the fine silt has packed up so much there is a problem.
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