Who does stock work - cheek riser, adjustable LOP on H&S for Rem 700

Apr 4, 2013
Holler Region of Eastern Kentucky
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just purchased a remington 700 with an H&S stock on it...I really like the stock, but could use a little adjustment in the LOP and cheek meet department. I don't want to buy bolt on crap for this rifle project...I really want it done right.

here is what the stock looks like currently

and this is more along the lines of what i'm looking for in regards to LOP adjustment


and this is more the style of cheek riser i would prefer (yes, i realize it's a totally different style stock)


is this something that can be done with my current stock (i hate having good parts just sitting around and like to make use of what i have)?

i would prefer to have the work done locally to support a shop or gunsmith.

anyone know of anyplace or know if this is something I could do myself...resources?


edit...i'm not at all concerned with any of this being adjustable as they are in the pictures...I more so want it permanently adjusted to ME and that's it. anyone else that wants to shoot my rifle can be uncomfortable...lol.
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Check http://bumpbuster.blogspot.com/?m=1 Ken does outstanding stock work.

I can't tell you if your stock can be made into what you want. You can always cutting the comb and installing a adjustable kit yourself.

You might just be better of selling your current HS stock and buy a HS tactical stock if that's the direction your going in...

Problem with the composite stocks is getting good bonds with epoxy when trying to install some sort of adjustable hardware. I have done the universal comb kits on 22s , shotguns and pellet guns.

This is one I did while back. I scoped this gun and needed high comb. Just to give you a idea. I'm sure there is better hardware these days just at what cost.
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For the synthetic stocks you would need to talk with who ever does the work. I know few folks that have Kens deluxe unit and adjustable comb on their shotguns and they are installed very well and look like factory vs something that was "added" like mine do. I'm just a hobby Smith and learning as I go.
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Sniper's Hide used to have some great stock tutorials. Maybe they still do--I haven't been back since the new owners changed everything up.

The HS stocks might not yield great results for your purpose, though. They are made of an amarid fiber. Once you start cutting, I'd be worried about interrupting the integrity of the stock.

Here is the stock in your picture:


I wouldn't consider it "bolt-on crap"--and it will absolutely maintain the resale value of the rifle.

You could sell that take-off stock in a heartbeat for $250-$275, and use that to put toward the stock you want.

All the best.
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