Why buy pre-bans?

Why do people buy pre-bans for $2,500 when you can buy a brand new AR-15 for $500 with a fixed stock?

Same reason I bang a guy's wife, leave an upper decker in his john and toss his keys on the roof; even though I have a wife, toilet and car of my own. Variety. People are funny like that.
Why do people buy pre-bans for $2,500 when you can buy a brand new AR-15 for $500 with a fixed stock?
Srsly, because all people don't have the same LOP and this is important in teaching youngsters, and holding your rifle correctly, thus safely. But feelings are more important than safety.
Why do people buy pre-bans for $2,500 when you can buy a brand new AR-15 for $500 with a fixed stock?
Because there are a lot of pantshitters that believe only preban (1994) ARs are legal to own in MA. Then there are people that think Healeys 2016 press release was an assault weapons ban and therefore only pre-2016 ARs are legal to own in MA
Because there are a lot of pantshitters that believe only preban (1994) ARs are legal to own in MA. Then there are people that think Healeys 2016 press release was an assault weapons ban and therefore only pre-2016 ARs are legal to own in MA
Yeah. If they weren't legal, they would have shut down places like the Mill years ago. The law seems pretty clear.
So, is it just like a classic car thing? Are they better in some way? Not judging. Just don't get it.
A preban AR can have all the evil features (flash hider collapsible stock bayonet lug etc). To many gun owners, that is useless as many have decided long ago to stop caring about if they have a flash hider or collapsible stock
So, is it just like a classic car thing? Are they better in some way? Not judging. Just don't get it.
You can have a flashhider and a collapsible stock. If you don’t value those things, then don’t bother. Some of us do and some of us just want them because the powers that be don’t want us to have them.
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